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Gryphon Shafer edited this page Jun 27, 2015 · 3 revisions

The following describes at a high level the process by which this project translates content. The work of translation is split up into a set of phases that must happen serially per each chapter translated.

  1. Linguistic Shepherding
  2. Verse Numbering
  3. Verse Rephrasing
  4. Filtering Crossreferences
  5. Improving Footnotes
  6. Grammar and Formatting
  7. Review and Deliberation

Linguistic Shepherding

The bulk of the raw translation work is conducted by a rather complex series of algorithms that compare multiple content sources and word/phrase clusters. This results in a series of possible options for word and phrase translation along with probabilities for each. The "linguistic shepherd" must follow the output and look for errors in the processing.

Verse Numbering

At this point, the output from the previous step is a chapter's worth of content with absolutely no formatting, extremely minimal punctuation (probably sentences marked with periods only), and no verse numbering. This work step involves reading the content and adding verse numbering.

Verse Rephrasing

With verses marked, the content is still fairly convoluted. While it may be fairly accurately translated, it is typically very difficult to read. This work phase reorders words (but attempts to keep phrases in the same order) and adds minimal helper words.

Filtering Crossreferences

While the source content is nearly complete by this point, there is still a lot of important work required. This work phase is where crossreferences get added. Software will analyze each verse and generate a set of likely crossreferences for the verse. This list will not necessarily be exhaustive and will have crossreferences that should be omitted.

Improving Footnotes

During this work phase, any additional footnoting is written. Existing footnotes are researched, verified, and edited as appropriate.

Grammar and Formatting

At this stage, final Scripture content is reviewed for grammar. Punctuation is added where appropriate. Block formatting is applied. For example, this is where poetry is put into stanzas and quotes are either quoted with quotation marks or changed to blockquote format.

Review and Deliberation

Finally, the chapter is ready for publication. However, this final phase is where the team of workers get to review and deliberate the chapter prior to publication.