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Awesome Multi Step Form

👋 This project implements a set of useful tools to build a high-quality and ready-for-production frontend project that showcases a multi-step form. The form allows users to fill in and submit information in an intuitive and user-friendly way, adapting to different device sizes.

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  • 🌐 Built with React on TypeScript using Vite
  • 🧪 Jest + React Testing Library for unit tests
  • 🚨 ESLint and Prettier for code quality
  • 🌲 Cypress for end-to-end testing
  • 📚 Storybook for component documentation and development

Important Tools

1. React + TypeScript + Vite

This project is built with React and TypeScript, using Vite for a fast and modern development experience.

2. Jest + React Testing Library

Jest and React Testing Library are used for unit testing to ensure that each component works as expected.

3. ESLint + Prettier

ESLint and Prettier are used to enforce code quality and consistency throughout the project.

4. Cypress

Cypress is included for end-to-end testing, ensuring that the application works as expected from the user's perspective.

5. Storybook

Storybook is used to develop and document components in an isolated environment, making it easy to visualize and test each component's functionality.

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6. Huksy

Before each commit intent a hook that runs the linters and tests will be called

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🚀 Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory

    cd multi-step-form
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install
  4. Start the development server

    npm run dev
  5. Open your browser

    Navigate to http://localhost:5173/ to see the project in action.

📚 Running Tests and Linting

  1. Run unit tests with Jest and React Testing Library

    npm test
  2. Run end-to-end tests with Cypress

    npm run e2e

    This will open the Cypress Test Runner, where you can select and run the test suites.

  3. Run Storybook

    npm run storybook

    This will start the Storybook server at http://localhost:6006. You can view and interact with the components in isolation.

  4. Run ESLint

    npm run lint

    This command will check your code for issues and display the results in the console.

  5. Run Prettier

    npm run prettier:fix

    This command will automatically fix any code formatting issues found in your project files.


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