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kbak edited this page Feb 28, 2012 · 55 revisions

All children inherit genes from their biological parents. It is not yet understood exactly which genes are inherited from which parent but we know for sure that all genes of a child come from their parents. Similarly, in conceptual modeling concepts can inherit elements from other concepts. When clafer A inherits elements of clafer B we say that:

  • clafer A extends clafer B,
  • A is a subclafer of B,
  • B is a superclafer of A.

In contrast with the biological inheritance, concepts always inherit everything from given superclafers. When a clafer has only one superclafer, we call that single inheritance. If there are more superclafers, we call that multiple inheritance. If a clafer has no superclafers, then it does not inherit anything. Inheritance in Clafer serves for several purposes.

Reuse of Abstract Clafers

Abstract clafers generalize some concepts in a given domain. We agreed previously that, abstractly speaking, car is a thing with engine:

abstract car

Such a definition of car is very generic and applies to any car. It does not, however, describe any car in particular. Abstraction helps to categorize similar things and to extract commonalities. Abstract concepts are used in definition of more specialized concepts. Inheritance is a way of reusing abstract clafers.

There are many automotive companies out there. Let us name two manufacturers: Trabant and Hummer. The former produces cars with optional radios:

abstract trabant : car
  or radio ?

The model communicates that trabant is a car. Syntactically inheritance is clafer’s name (trabant) followed by colon and then by name of an abstract clafer (car). Read colon as extends or is a. We define trabant as an abstract clafer, because we are not talking about any particular model of Trabant. The model says that Trabant is a car, has an engine (inherited from the abstract car), and has an optional radio.

The second manufacturer, Hummer, offers slightly different cars.

abstract hummer : car
  mediaCenter ?

Similarly to Trabant, it inherited engine, but added mediaCenter instead of radio. Hummer is abstract because it does not define any particular model. It serves as a general template for Hummer cars.

Instantiation of Abstract Clafers

An abstract clafer has no instances unless it is extended by a concrete clafer. If we ask the reasoner about configurations of an abstract clafer, it says that there are no configurations. To enumerate configurations of an abstract clafer we extend it by a concrete one.

In the previous section, abstract clafers (trabant and hummer) reused another abstract clafer (car) by extending it and adding new children. Instantiation of abstract clafers is very similar; the only difference is that abstract clafers are extended by concrete ones. Let us encode specific car models of Trabant:

  1. DeLuxe version
    deLuxe : trabant

    Trabant DeLuxe extends trabant, but does not add any new children. The deLuxe clafer is concrete and we can enumerate its configurations. That way, inheritance allows to instantiate abstract clafers and to obtain their configurations. Trabant DeLuxe represents 4 configurations as the inherited clafers contain variability (due to cardinalities and group cardinalities).
  2. Rally version
    rally : trabant

    Trabant Rally ia a concrete clafer that extends trabant, but adds a new child: turboCharged. It also represents 4 configurations. Each configuration additionally contains the turboCharged clafer. Inheritance allows to extend abstract clafers with new children and to instantiate them.

Specialization of Concrete Clafers

Let’s us revisit the initial car example and add cardinality to the car clafer.

car 200
  or radio ?

The model represents a pool of 200 cars. It reflects various car models owned by a car rental company. The company has the freedom to configure car radios according to their preferences. At times we need to talk about particular car instances. How to distinguish one car from other 199 cars owned by the company? We use inheritance among two concrete clafers:

ourFirstCar : car

The ourFirstCar allows us to configure the first of the 200 cars. Right now ourFirstCar still represents a car with variability. Later we will use constraints to show how to configure a particular car. We can name also other instances of cars. Let us add another car to the previous model:
ourFirstCar : car

superCar : car

In the above model we may refer to ourFirstCar and superCar. Clafer guarantees that both clafers are disjoint, i.e. ourFirstCar and superCar are two distinguishable instances. Even though they are distinguishable, they may have the same configurations (e.g. both of them have radios).

The above model talks about 2 cars. What if we wanted to refer to the other 198 cars? It is done in a similar way:

ourFirstCar : car

superCar : car

allOtherCars : car *

The three declarations are guaranteed to be disjoint. The last one covers all cars that are neither ourFirstCar nor superCar. Instead of using the any cardinality, the model could have used 198 as cardinality.

Multiple Inheritance

TODO: describe, mention issues


Is inheritance in Clafer overlapping or non-overlapping?

Inheritance in Clafer is non-overlapping (unless it is multiple inheritance. It means that subclafers are disjoint (have different identities) by default. In the example:

abstract car

trabant : car

hummer : car 2

there is one trabant and two hummers. There is no element that is a trabant and a hummer at the same time.

What a subclafer inherits?

TODO: group cardinalities, are clafers optional?

Is it possible to add children to inherited children?

No, currently it is impossible. One can only add new children that are on the same level of nesting as children of the extended clafer. For the example:

abstract car

One may extend car by adding radio:
myCar : car

Effectively myCar has two children:

It is disallowed, however, to add children to engine, such as turboCharged:
myCar : car

We might allow such a construction in the future if there are models that need it. If you need such a language feature now, please contact us. Alternatively, use abstract classes and extend them at a deeper level of nesting.

How is inheritance related to types in Clafer?

Each clafer definition introduces a new type. Inheritance hierarchy is also a hierarchy of subtypes. When a clafer A extends B, then A is a subtype of B.

What is the semantics of inheritance?

It is similar to inheritance in UML and object-oriented programming languages. Theoretically inheritance and subtyping are two separate things (read more on Wikipedia or those lecture notes). Inheritance itself can be thought as a macro for explicitly rewriting inherited clafers. Subtyping allows for a given type to be substituted for another type (is-a relationship). In practice it makes sense to couple inheritance with subtyping. This is what we did in Clafer.

Is it possible to use inheritance at any level of clafer nesting?

Yes, clafers that are deeply nested may extend abstract clafers. This is a perfect Clafer model

    myCar : car

One of the vehicles is myCar and it extends the abstract car.

When does inheritance create new instances? What is the meaning of myCar : car?

Inheritance on its own does not create instances. Depending on types of myCar and car, we have the following cases:

  1. myCar is abstract, car is abstract:
    abstract car
    abstract myCar : car

    Such a model has no instances of clafers.
  2. myCar is concrete, car is abstract:
    abstract car
    myCar : car

    Such a model has one instance (myCar).
  3. myCar is abstract, car is concrete. It is an incorrect clafer model. Abstract clafers cannot extend concrete clafers.
  4. myCar is concrete, car is concrete:
    myCar : car

    Such a model has one instance that can be refered to as car and myCar.

So what is the difference between 2) and 4)? The difference occurs if there are more clafers extending car, such as:

abstract car
myCar : car
anotherCar : car

myCar : car
anotherCar : car

In the first case, there are two instances of car (myCar and anotherCar). In the second case, there is only one instance that can be referred to as car, myCar, and anotherCar.

When to use cardinalities and when to use inheritance?

TODO: talk about quotation – syntactic sugar