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Asset Portfolio Management System.


Installation is done using the script located in the install directory.

Squirrel typically runs its own virtuelenv, to avoid conflict with installed Python libraries.


Have python 2.7, pip and virtualenv installed on your system:

$ python   # Python 2.7.9
$ pip  # pip 6.0.8
$ pip install virtualenv

To build the frontend UI (HTML), you'll need node, and bower. The build system uses gulp which will be automatically installed by the Squirel Installer.

$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install -g bower

Additional Services

Squirrel requires the following external services to be available on your machine even for development:

  • MongoDB: to store ticks and other statistical information
  • PostgreSQL: to store user information, portfolio and transactions
  • to make workers and UI processes communicate (installed automatically)

Indeed this may look a bit overbloated, but widely recognized methodologies such as TwelveFactor advise to use the same external services in prod and in dev. Indeed, you have to install PostgreSQL on your development machine.

Python 2.7

Squirrel is not Python 3 compatible, the following dependencies needs to be ported first:

  • Twisted

That why Squirrel is validated only against Python 2.7.


Squirrel installation allows to select several type of installation targets:

install:dev or serve:dev

Your prefered mode for hacking Squirrel. It will setup a virtualenv if workdir directory. isntall:dev only installs and do not start. serve:dev install and automatically start web server.

It lauches the Python backend with autorestart (ie, as soon as you modify a python file, the backend is restarted), and starts the Angular frontend using gulp serve (ie, as soon as you modify an HTML or Javascript file, the frontend is restarted). Both are connected. The backend runs transparently on port 8080, while the frontend will be automatically displayed in your web browser on port 3000.

The trick here is that gulp serve will automatically route api requests to the backend server, (ie, all requests to localhost:3000/api are proxied to localhost:8080/api), so there is no cross origin problem (CORS).

The backend also serves the production files on port 8080, but you need to have built the production frontend first (using install:prod target). Use this to work on backend routing. But in your every day developer life, you probably don't want to use it.

install:prod or serve:prod

This target will compile the frontend in production mode. serve:prod will start the Python backend in prod mode, ie, it will serve the Angular web site itself.

Use it for a standalone installation, or to test the production mode on your machine.

- install:novirtualenv

This target is used when installing Squirrel on a cloud platform that is already a dedicated virtual environment (typically, your cloud service actually starts a docker for you).

For heroku, there are two dedicated targets:

  • heroku:build, used during buildpack creation
  • heroku:start, used to start the production server

Use --help for full command line help:

python install/ --help

Installation under Mac OS X and Linux


On Mac OS X, this project has been developped and validated with Homebrew.

In the squirrel directory, just execute the following command:

python install/

Installation under Windows

python.exe and virtualenv.exe should be accessible in your path.


Please ensure you have pywin32 installed:

Choose in the Pywin32 website the version matching your version of python (2.7, 3.4, ...) and 32 or 64 bits.

Windows virtualenv uses --system-site-packages to access to the win32api module.


python.exe -u install\\ install

Launching unit tests (from outside of virtualenv):

install\\unittest.bat squirrel

Building documentation:

cd doc
make.bat html


Please ensure you have the following tools installed:

  • npm
  • yeoman (only used to generate the gulp file) (npm instal -g yo)
  • bower (npm install -g bower)
  • gulp (npm install -g gulp)
  • Gulp Angular Generator for Yeoman (npm install -g generator-gulp-angular)



python install/ install

Switch to environment (activate virtualenv):

source tosource

Leave virtualenv with:


Clean Virtualenv:

python install/


Basically, you just need to run install/ and let all the magic happen. Everything will be automatically regenerated in development mode:

  • frontend (Web UI using Angular)
  • backend (Python based)
  • online documentation (using sphinx)

Use the following command to build and start the development server:

python install/install serve:dev

Your web browser will automatically opens to localhost:3000, with the HTML (frontend) served by gulp serve and the backend running with squirrel-devbackend, with /api automatically routed so you don't have any CORS issue.

It is advised to have the BrowserSync plugin installed in your browser. With it, any modification done in the frontend will be instantaneously applied into your web browser.

It also works for the backend, with the auto_relauncher program deliberately inspired by the watchmedo demo script from the watchdog Python module. As soon as a python file, located in frontend directory, is modified, the backend server is restarted. Just hack and test!


Use :

install/ serve:dev

Gulp file (re)generation:

cd frontend
yo gulp-angular squirrel

See generator-gulp-angular

Gulp Target development (in /frontend directory:

  • gulp or gulp build to build an optimized version of your application in /dist
  • gulp serve to launch a browser sync server on your source files
  • gulp serve:dist to launch a server on your optimized application
  • gulp test to launch your unit tests with Karma
  • gulp test:auto to launch your unit tests with Karma in watch mode
  • gulp protractor to launch your e2e tests with Protractor
  • gulp protractor:dist to launch your e2e tests with Protractor on the dist files

I usually prefer using install/ start:dev target.

Editor configuration

I use SublimeText 3 as my main development environment. Here are the custom build command I have used in this project.


        "name": "Squirrel - Install and launch (dev)",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - Install and launch (prod)",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - Start Prod server (prod). No build!",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - Uninstall",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - Unit tests",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - Integration tests",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - Build documentation",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel\\doc"
        "name": "Squirrel - Build Frontend",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel\\frontend"
        "name": "Squirrel - Serve Frontend (dev)",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel\\frontend"
        "name": "Squirrel - Serve backend (dev)",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - Update all",
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "X:\\Path\\to\\Squirrel"

Linux/Mac OS:

        "name": "Squirrel - Install and launch",
        "cmd": ["python -u install/ install"],
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "/Full/Path/Where/Is/Installed/Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - All Unit and Regression Tests",
        "cmd": ["python -u install/ test"],
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "/Full/Path/Where/Is/Installed/Squirrel"
        "name": "Squirrel - Build documentation",
        "cmd": ["make html"],
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "/Full/Path/Where/Is/Installed/Squirrel/doc"
        "name": "Squirrel - Build Frontend",
        "cmd": ["python -u install/ install:frontend"],
        "shell": true,
        "working_dir": "/Full/Path/Where/Is/Installed/Squirrel/frontend"