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gtesei committed Mar 23, 2016
1 parent 97963a7 commit 1e19e33
Showing 1 changed file with 362 additions and 0 deletions.
362 changes: 362 additions & 0 deletions doc_ref/Deep_Neural_Networks_WithR.Rmd
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title: "Deep_Neural_Networks_With_R"
author: "Gino Tesei"
date: "February 25, 2016"
highlight: tango
number_sections: yes
theme: readable
toc: yes
highlight: tango
number_sections: yes
toc: yes

# How to Immediately Approximate Any Function

__Hornik et al. theorem__
Let F be a continuous function on a bounded subset of n-dimensional space. Then there exists a two-layer neural network F with a finite number of hidden units that approximate F arbitrarily well. Namely, for all x in the domain of F, $\begin{equation}|F(x)−\hat{F}(x)|<\epsilon.\end{equation}.$

Rsquared <- function(obs,preds) {
mobs = mean(obs)
library ("neuralnet")
require (Metrics)
set.seed (2016)
attribute <- sample(seq (-2 ,2, length =50), 50, replace = FALSE) , ncol =1)
response <-attribute ^2
data <- cbind( attribute, response)
colnames (data) <- c( "attribute","response")
head (data ,10)
fit <-neuralnet (response ~ attribute, data=data, hidden =c(3,3), threshold = 0.01)
testdata <- as.matrix( sample(seq( -2 ,2, length =10) , 10, replace = FALSE) , ncol =1)
pred <- compute (fit, testdata)
result <- cbind( testdata, pred$net.result , testdata^2)
colnames(result) <- c( " Attribute " ," Prediction ", " Actual ")
rmse(actual = testdata^2 , predicted = pred$net.result)
plot(x=testdata,y=testdata^2,col="red",xlab="testdata",ylab="pred vs. actual")
points(x=testdata, y=pred$net.result,col="blue")

# The Boston dataset

data( "Boston" ,package = "MASS")
data <-Boston
apply(X = data,MARGIN = 2,FUN = function(x) sum(
caret::featurePlot(x = data[,-grep(pattern = "medv",x = colnames(data))], y = data$medv,
between = list(x = 1, y = 1),
type = c("g", "p", "smooth"))
f<-medv~ crim + indus + nox + rm + age + dis + tax + ptratio + lstat
n =nrow(data)
train <- sample (1:n, 400, FALSE)
## neuralnet
# fit <- neuralnet (f, data = data[ train,], hidden =c(10 ,12 ,20),
# algorithm = "rprop+" ,
# err.fct = "sse" ,
# act.fct = "logistic" ,
# threshold = 0.1,
# linear.output = TRUE)
# pred <- compute(fit, data[ -train , 1:9])
# ##
# round(cor( pred$net.result, data[ - train ,10]) ^2 ,6)
# mse(data [-train ,10], pred$net.result)
# rmse(data [-train ,10], pred$net.result)
# require(deepnet)
# set.seed (2016)
# X = data[ train ,1:9]
# Y = data[ train ,10]
# fitB <-nn.train (x = as.matrix(X), y =Y,
# initW = NULL,
# initB = NULL,
# hidden = c(10 ,12 ,20),
# learningrate = 0.58,
# momentum = 0.74,
# learningrate_scale = 1,
# activationfun = "sigm" ,
# output = "linear" ,
# numepochs = 970,
# batchsize = 60,
# hidden_dropout = 0,
# visible_dropout = 0)
# Xtest <- data[ -train ,1:9]
# predB <- nn.predict (fitB, Xtest)
# round(cor( predB ,data[ -train ,10]) ^2 ,6)
# mse (data [-train ,10], predB)
# rmse (data [-train ,10], predB)

# Binary Classification problems

data( "PimaIndiansDiabetes2" ,package = "mlbench")
# NAs
apply(X = PimaIndiansDiabetes2,MARGIN = 2,FUN = function(x) sum(
temp <-(PimaIndiansDiabetes2)
temp $insulin <- NULL
temp $triceps <- NULL
temp <-na.omit( temp)
nrow( temp)
y<-( temp $diabetes)
temp $diabetes <-NULL
temp <- scale( temp)
temp <- cbind(as.factor(y), temp)
set.seed (2016)
n =nrow( temp)
n_train <- 600
n_test <-n - n_train
train <- sample (1: n, n_train, FALSE)
require (RSNNS)
set.seed (2016)
X<-temp [train ,1:6]
Y<-temp [train ,7]
fitMLP <- mlp (x =X, y =Y, size = c(12 ,8), maxit = 1000,
initFunc = "Randomize_Weights" , initFuncParams = c( -0.3, 0.3),
learnFunc = "Std_Backpropagation" ,
learnFuncParams = c(0.2, 0),
updateFunc = "Topological_Order " ,
updateFuncParams = c(0),
hiddenActFunc = "Act_Logistic" ,
shufflePatterns = TRUE, linOut = TRUE)
predMLP <- sign( predict (fitMLP, temp [- train ,1:6]))
table( predMLP ,sign( temp [-train ,7]),
dnn =c( "Predicted", "Observed"))
error_rate = (1 - sum( predMLP == sign( temp [-train ,7]))/ 124)
round( error_rate ,3)
detach( "package:RSNNS", unload = TRUE)
library (AMORE)
net <- newff (n.neurons =c(6 ,12 ,8 ,1), =0.01, =0.5,
error.criterium = "LMLS" ,
Stao = NA,
hidden.layer = "sigmoid" ,
output.layer = "purelin" ,
method = "ADAPTgdwm")
X<-temp [train,-7]
Y<-temp [train ,7]
fit <- train (net, P =X , T =Y ,
error.criterium = "LMLS" ,
report= TRUE, show.step =100, n.shows =5)
pred <- sign( sim (fit$net, temp [-train,]))
table( pred ,sign( temp [- train ,7]), dnn =c( "Predicted" , "Observed"))
error_rate = (1 - sum( pred == sign( temp [-train ,7]))/ 124)
round( error_rate ,3)

# Multiple Response Classification problems

data( "bodyfat" ,package = "")
set.seed (2016)
train <- sample (1:71 ,50, FALSE)
scale_bodyfat <
f<- waistcirc + hipcirc ~ DEXfat + age + elbowbreadth + kneebreadth + anthro3a + anthro3b + anthro3c + anthro4
# it <- neuralnet (f, data = scale_bodyfat [train,],
# hidden =c(8 ,4), threshold =0.1,
# err.fct = "sse" ,
# algorithm = "rprop+" ,
# act.fct = "logistic" ,
# linear.output = FALSE )
# without_fat <- scale_bodyfat
# without_fat$waistcirc <-NULL
# without_fat$hipcirc <-NULL
# pred <- compute (fit, without_fat [-train,] )
# pred $net.result
### installed packages
# pack <- (installed.packages () [,c(1 ,3:4)])
# rownames (pack) <- NULL
# pack <- pack [ pack$Priority), 1:2, drop= FALSE]
# print( pack, row.names= FALSE)

# The Elman Neural Networks
require (RSNNS)
require (quantmod)
data( "UKLungDeaths" ,package = "datasets")
par( mfrow =c(3 ,1))
plot( ldeaths, xlab = "Year" , ylab = "Both sexes" , main = "Total")
plot( mdeaths, xlab = "Year" , ylab = "Males" , main = "Males")
plot( fdeaths, xlab = "Year" , ylab = "Females" , main = "Females")
sum( ldeaths))
class( ldeaths)
par( mfrow = c(3, 1))
plot( ldeaths)
x<- density (ldeaths)
plot(x, main = "UK total deaths from lung diseases")
polygon (x, col= "green", border = "black")
boxplot (ldeaths ,col= "cyan", ylab = "Number of deaths per month")
y<-as.ts( ldeaths)
y<- log( y)
y<- as.ts(scale( y)) ### ??????????????
y<-as.zoo (y)
x1 <-Lag (y, k = 1)
x2 <-Lag (y, k = 2)
x3 <-Lag (y, k = 3)
x4 <-Lag (y, k = 4)
x5 <-Lag (y, k = 5)
x6 <-Lag (y, k = 6)
x7 <-Lag (y, k = 7)
x8 <-Lag (y, k = 8)
x9 <-Lag (y, k = 9)
x10 <-Lag (y, k = 10)
x11 <-Lag (y, k = 11)
x12 <-Lag (y, k = 12)
deaths <- cbind( x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10 ,x11, x12)
deaths <- cbind(y, deaths)
deaths <- deaths [-(1:12),]
n =nrow( deaths)
n_train <- 45
train <- sample (1:n, n_train, FALSE)
inputs <- deaths [,2:13]
outputs <- deaths [,1]
fit <- elman (inputs [train],
outputs [train],
size =c(1 ,1),
learnFuncParams =c(0.1),
maxit =1000)
plotIterativeError (fit)
pred <- predict (fit, inputs [-train])
cor( outputs [-train], pred)^2
rmse(actual = outputs [-train] , predicted = pred)
Rsquared(obs = outputs [-train] , preds = pred)

# The Jordan Neural Networks
require (RSNNS)
data( "nottem" ,package = "datasets")
require (quantmod)
class( nottem)
plot( nottem)
y<-as.ts( nottem)
y<- log( y)
y<- as.ts(scale( y))
y<-as.zoo (y)
x1 <-Lag (y, k = 1)
x2 <-Lag (y, k = 2)
x3 <-Lag (y, k = 3)
x4 <-Lag (y, k = 4)
x5 <-Lag (y, k = 5)
x6 <-Lag (y, k = 6)
x7 <-Lag (y, k = 7)
x8 <-Lag (y, k = 8)
x9 <-Lag (y, k = 9)
x10 <-Lag (y, k = 10)
x11 <-Lag (y, k = 11)
x12 <-Lag (y, k = 12)
temp <- cbind( x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10 ,x11, x12)
temp <- cbind(y, temp)
temp <- temp [-(1:12),]
plot( temp)
n =nrow(temp)
set.seed (465)
n_train <- 190
train <- sample (1:n, n_train, FALSE)
inputs <- temp [,2:13]
outputs <- temp [,1]
fit <- jordan (inputs [train],
outputs [train],
size =2,
learnFuncParams =c (0.01),
maxit =1000)
pred <- predict (fit, inputs [-train])
cor( outputs [-train], pred)^2
rmse(actual = outputs [-train] , predicted = pred)
Rsquared(obs = outputs [-train] , preds = pred)

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