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xgb based model
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gtesei committed Jun 27, 2016
1 parent e8b5f1c commit 6152bff
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54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions competitions/facebook-v-predicting-check-ins/
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import xgboost as xgb
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

X = np.random.rand(1000,5)
y = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=5, size=1000) * 100

X_val = np.random.rand(100,5)
y_val = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=5, size=100) * 100

X_test = np.random.rand(100,5)
y_test = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=5, size=100) * 100

le = LabelEncoder()
_y = le.fit_transform(y)

xg_train = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=y)
xg_val = xgb.DMatrix(X_val, label=y_val)
xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(X_test)

watchlist = [ (xg_train,'train'),(xg_val,'eval')]

#### setup parameters for xgboost
param = {}
# use softmax multi-class classification
#param['objective'] = 'multi:softmax'
param['objective'] = 'multi:softprob'
param["eta"] = 0.1
param["min_child_weight"] = 10
param["subsample"] = 0.8
param["colsample_bytree"] = 0.8
param["scale_pos_weight"] = 1.0
param["silent"] = 1
param["max_depth"] = 7
param["nthread"] = 4
param['num_class'] = 6
param['eval_metric'] = 'merror'

params = list(param.items())

#### train
num_rounds = 20000
model = xgb.train(params,

pred = model.predict(xg_test)
pred_label = np.argsort(pred, axis=1)[:, ::-1][:, :3]

251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions competitions/facebook-v-predicting-check-ins/
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# coding: utf-8
__author__ = 'Sandro Vega Pons :'

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn import tree
import xgboost as xgb

def prepare_data(df_train, df_test, n_cell_x, n_cell_y):
Some feature engineering (mainly with the time feature) + normalization
of all features (substracting the mean and dividing by std) +
computation of a grid (size = n_cell_x * n_cell_y), which is included
as a new column (grid_cell) in the dataframes.
df_train: pandas DataFrame
Training data
df_test : pandas DataFrame
Test data
n_cell_x: int
Number of grid cells on the x axis
n_cell_y: int
Number of grid cells on the y axis
df_train, df_test: pandas DataFrame
Modified training and test datasets.
print('Feature engineering...')
print(' Computing some features from x and y ...')
##x, y, and accuracy remain the same
##New feature x/y
eps = 0.00001 # required to avoid some divisions by zero.
df_train['x_d_y'] = df_train.x.values / (df_train.y.values + eps)
df_test['x_d_y'] = df_test.x.values / (df_test.y.values + eps)
##New feature x*y
df_train['x_t_y'] = df_train.x.values * df_train.y.values
df_test['x_t_y'] = df_test.x.values * df_test.y.values

print(' Creating datetime features ...')
##time related features (assuming the time = minutes)
initial_date = np.datetime64('2014-01-01T01:01', # Arbitrary decision
# working on df_train
d_times = pd.DatetimeIndex(initial_date + np.timedelta64(int(mn), 'm')
for mn in df_train.time.values)
df_train['hour'] = d_times.hour
df_train['weekday'] = d_times.weekday
df_train['day'] =
df_train['month'] = d_times.month
df_train['year'] = d_times.year
df_train = df_train.drop(['time'], axis=1)
# working on df_test
d_times = pd.DatetimeIndex(initial_date + np.timedelta64(int(mn), 'm')
for mn in df_test.time.values)
df_test['hour'] = d_times.hour
df_test['weekday'] = d_times.weekday
df_test['day'] =
df_test['month'] = d_times.month
df_test['year'] = d_times.year
df_test = df_test.drop(['time'], axis=1)

print('Computing the grid ...')
# Creating a new colum with grid_cell id (there will be
# n = (n_cell_x * n_cell_y) cells enumerated from 0 to n-1)
size_x = 10. / n_cell_x
size_y = 10. / n_cell_y
# df_train
xs = np.where(df_train.x.values < eps, 0, df_train.x.values - eps)
ys = np.where(df_train.y.values < eps, 0, df_train.y.values - eps)
pos_x = (xs / size_x).astype(
pos_y = (ys / size_y).astype(
df_train['grid_cell'] = pos_y * n_cell_x + pos_x
# df_test
xs = np.where(df_test.x.values < eps, 0, df_test.x.values - eps)
ys = np.where(df_test.y.values < eps, 0, df_test.y.values - eps)
pos_x = (xs / size_x).astype(
pos_y = (ys / size_y).astype(
df_test['grid_cell'] = pos_y * n_cell_x + pos_x

# print('Normalizing the data: (X - mean(X)) / std(X) ...')
# cols = ['x', 'y', 'accuracy', 'x_d_y', 'x_t_y', 'hour',
# 'weekday', 'day', 'month', 'year']
# for cl in cols:
# ave = df_train[cl].mean()
# std = df_train[cl].std()
# df_train[cl] = (df_train[cl].values - ave) / std
# df_test[cl] = (df_test[cl].values - ave) / std

# Returning the modified dataframes
return df_train, df_test

def process_one_cell(df_train, df_test, grid_id, th):
Does all the processing inside a single grid cell: Computes the training
and test sets inside the cell. Fits a classifier to the training data
and predicts on the test data. Selects the top 3 predictions.
df_train: pandas DataFrame
Training set
df_test: pandas DataFrame
Test set
grid_id: int
The id of the grid to be analyzed
th: int
Threshold for place_id. Only samples with place_id with at least th
occurrences are kept in the training set.
pred_labels: numpy ndarray
Array with the prediction of the top 3 labels for each sample
row_ids: IDs of the samples in the submission dataframe
# Working on df_train
df_cell_train = df_train.loc[df_train.grid_cell == grid_id]
place_counts = df_cell_train.place_id.value_counts()
mask = place_counts[df_cell_train.place_id.values] >= th
df_cell_train = df_cell_train.loc[mask.values]

# Working on df_test
df_cell_test = df_test.loc[df_test.grid_cell == grid_id]
row_ids = df_cell_test.index

le = LabelEncoder()
y = le.fit_transform(df_cell_train.place_id.values)
X = df_cell_train.drop(['place_id', 'grid_cell'], axis=1).values
X_test = df_cell_test.drop(['grid_cell'], axis=1).values
if (X_test.shape[0] > 0):
# Training Classifier
if (X.shape[0] == 0):
print("empty training set - grid_id:"+str(grid_id))

vp = 0.1
round(X.shape[0] * (1-vp))
X_train = X[0:round(X.shape[0] * (1-vp))]
y_train = y[0:round(X.shape[0] * (1-vp))]

X_val = X[round(X.shape[0] * (1-vp)):]
y_val = y[round(X.shape[0] * (1-vp)):]

xg_train = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y_train)
xg_val = xgb.DMatrix(X_val, label=y_val)
xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(X_test)

watchlist = [(xg_train, 'train'), (xg_val, 'eval')]

param = {}
# use softmax multi-class classification
# param['objective'] = 'multi:softmax'
param['objective'] = 'multi:softprob'
param["eta"] = 0.1
param["min_child_weight"] = 10
param["subsample"] = 0.8
param["colsample_bytree"] = 0.8
param["scale_pos_weight"] = 1.0
param["silent"] = 1
param["max_depth"] = 7
param["nthread"] = 4
param['num_class'] = le.classes_.shape[0]
param['eval_metric'] = 'merror'

params = list(param.items())

num_rounds = 30000
model = xgb.train(params,
# feval=mapk,

y_pred = model.predict(xg_test)

pred_labels = le.inverse_transform(np.argsort(y_pred, axis=1)[:, ::-1][:, :3])
return pred_labels, row_ids
print("X_test.shape == 0 ... ")
return [], row_ids

def process_grid(df_train, df_test, df_sub, th, n_cells):
Iterates over all grid cells and aggregates the results of individual cells
for g_id in range(n_cells):
if g_id % 10 == 0:
print('iteration: %s' % (g_id))

# Applying classifier to one grid cell
pred_labels, row_ids = process_one_cell(df_train, df_test, g_id, th)
# Converting the prediction to the submission format
str_labels = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: ' '.join(x.astype(str)),
1, pred_labels)
# Updating submission file
df_sub.loc[row_ids] = str_labels.reshape(-1, 1)

return df_sub

if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Loading data ...')
df_train = pd.read_csv('/Users/gino/kaggle/fast-furious/gitHub/fast-furious/dataset/facebook-v-predicting-check-ins/train.csv', dtype={
'x': np.float32,
'y': np.float32,
'accuracy': np.int16,
'time': np.int64,
'place_id': np.int64},
df_test = pd.read_csv('/Users/gino/kaggle/fast-furious/gitHub/fast-furious/dataset/facebook-v-predicting-check-ins/test.csv', dtype={
'x': np.float32,
'y': np.float32,
'accuracy': np.int16,
'time': np.int64},
df_sub = pd.read_csv('/Users/gino/kaggle/fast-furious/gitHub/fast-furious/dataset/facebook-v-predicting-check-ins/sample_submission.csv', index_col=0)

# Defining the size of the grid
n_cell_x = 20 #10
n_cell_y = 40 #30
df_train, df_test = prepare_data(df_train, df_test, n_cell_x, n_cell_y)

# Solving classification problems inside each grid cell
th = 5 # 3 - Threshold on place_id inside each cell. Only place_ids with at
# least th occurrences inside each grid_cell are considered. This
# is to avoid classes with very few samples and speed-up the
# computation.

df_submission = process_grid(df_train, df_test, df_sub, th,
n_cell_x * n_cell_y)
# creating the submission
print('Generating submission file ...')
df_submission.to_csv("/Users/gino/kaggle/fast-furious/gitHub/fast-furious/dataset/facebook-v-predicting-check-ins/sub_xgb.csv", index=True)

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