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gtesei committed Oct 18, 2015
1 parent eed8767 commit c9bc9de
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Showing 5 changed files with 516 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R-package/NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ export(ff.poly)
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372 changes: 372 additions & 0 deletions R-package/R/fastClassification.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
#' Trains a specified classification model on the given train set and predicts on the given test set.
#' @param Ytrain the output variable as numeric vector
#' @param Xtrain the encoded \code{data.frame} of train data. Must be a \code{data.frame} of \code{numeric}
#' @param Xtest the encoded \code{data.frame} of test data. Must be a \code{data.frame} of \code{numeric}
#' @param model.label a string specifying which model to use.
#' @param controlObject a list of values that define how this function acts. Must be a caret \code{trainControl} object
#' for all models except that for \code{'xgbTreeGTJ'}.
#' @param best.tuning \code{TRUE} to use more dense tuning grid or custom routine/tuning grid if available
#' @param verbose \code{TRUE} to enable verbose mode.
#' @param removePredictorsMakingIllConditionedSquareMatrix_forLinearModels \code{TRUE} for removing predictors making
#' ill-conditioned square matrices in case of fragile linear models.
#' @param custom function to optmize/minimize for \code{'xgbTreeGTJ'}.
#' @param xgb.maximize \code{TRUE} to maximize the specified \code{}.
#' @param metric.label the label of function to optmize/minimize.
#' @param xgb.foldList custom resampling folds list for \code{'xgbTreeGTJ'}.
#' @param xgb.eta custom \code{eta} parameter for \code{'xgbTreeGTJ'}.
#' @param xgb.max_depth custom \code{max_depth} parameter for \code{'xgbTreeGTJ'}.
#' @param \code{TRUE} for using \code{} function (mandatory in case of fix nrounds), \code{FALSE} for using the internal
#' \code{} function. The main advantage of the latter is that it doesn't need to restart nrounds in case for the specified nrounds
#' cross validation error is still decreasing.
#' @param xgb.param custom parameters for XGBoost.
#' @param ... arguments passed to the regression routine.
#' @examples
#' ## suppress warnings raised because of few obs
#' warn_def = getOption('warn')
#' options(warn=-1)
#' ## data
#' Xtrain <- data.frame( a = rep(1:10 , each = 2), b = 20:1,
#' c = rep(as.Date(c("2007-06-22", "2004-02-13")),10) , d = 20:1)
#' Xtest <- data.frame( a = rep(2:11 , each = 2), b = 1:20,
#' c = rep(as.Date(c("2007-03-01", "2004-05-23")),10) , d = 1:20)
#' Ytrain = c(rep(1,10),rep(0,10))
#' ## encode datasets
#' l = ff.makeFeatureSet(Xtrain,Xtest,c("C","N","D","N"))
#' Xtrain = l$traindata
#' Xtest = l$testdata
#' ## make a caret control object
#' controlObject <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 2, number = 3 ,
#' summaryFunction = twoClassSummary , classProbs = TRUE)
#' tp = ff.trainAndPredict.class(Ytrain=Ytrain ,
#' Xtrain=Xtrain ,
#' Xtest=Xtest,
#' model.label = "svmRadial" ,
#' controlObject=controlObject,
#' verbose=TRUE ,
#' best.tuning=TRUE)
#' pred_test = tp$pred
#' model = tp$model
#' elapsed.secs = tp$secs
#' bestTune = l$model$bestTune
#' best_ROC = max(tp$model$results$ROC)
#' ## restore warnings
#' options(warn=warn_def)
#' @export
#' @return a list of test predictions, model and number of excecuting seconds.

ff.trainAndPredict.class = function(Ytrain ,
Xtrain ,
Xtest ,
model.label ,
best.tuning = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
removePredictorsMakingIllConditionedSquareMatrix_forLinearModels = TRUE,
metric.label = 'auc', = NULL,
xgb.maximize =FALSE,
xgb.foldList = NULL,
xgb.eta = NULL,
xgb.max_depth = NULL, = TRUE,
xgb.param = NULL,
... ) {

model = NULL
pred = NULL
pred.prob = NULL
secs = NULL


### trainAndPredictInternal
trainAndPredictInternal = function(model.label,Ytrain,Xtrain,Xtest,controlObject,removePredictorsMakingIllConditionedSquareMatrix_forLinearModels) {

## caret metric label
getCaretMetric = function(metric) {
ret = NULL
if (metric == "auc") {
ret = "ROC"
} else {
stop(paste0("unrecognized metric:",metric))

## remove predictors making ill-conditioned square matrix for fragile linear models
fs = removePredictorsMakingIllConditionedSquareMatrix_IFFragileLinearModel(Xtrain=Xtrain,
regression = FALSE)
Xtrain = fs$Xtrain
Xtest = fs$Xtest

if (model.label == "glm") { ## logistic reg
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$ , method = "glm", metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label) , trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "lda") { ## lda
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$, method = "lda" , metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label) , trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "pls") { ## pls
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "pls", tuneGrid = expand.grid(.ncomp = 1:10),
metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label) , trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "glmnet") { ## glmnet
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
glmnGrid <- expand.grid(.alpha = c(0, .1, .2, .4, .6, .8, 1), .lambda = seq(.01, .2, length = 40))
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "glmnet", tuneGrid = glmnGrid,
metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label), trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "pam") { ## pam
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
nscGrid <- data.frame(.threshold = 0:25)
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "pam", tuneGrid = nscGrid,
metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label), trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "nnet") { # neural networks
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
nnetGrid <- expand.grid(.size = 1:10, .decay = c(0, .1, 1, 2))
maxSize <- max(nnetGrid$.size)
numWts <- 1*(maxSize * ( (dim(Xtrain)[2]) + 1) + maxSize + 1)
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "nnet", metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label),
preProc = c( "spatialSign") ,
tuneGrid = nnetGrid , trace = FALSE , maxit = 2000 ,
MaxNWts = numWts, trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "svmRadial") { ## svm
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
svmRGridReduced <- expand.grid(.sigma = kernlab::sigest(as.matrix(Xtrain)), .C = 2^(seq(-4, 4)))
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "svmRadial", tuneGrid = svmRGridReduced,
metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label), fit = FALSE, trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (substr(x = model.label, start = 1 , stop = nchar('glmnet_alpha_')) == 'glmnet_alpha_') {
alpha <- as.numeric(substr(x = model.label, start = (nchar('glmnet_alpha_')+1) , stop = nchar(model.label)))

## metric
.metric.label = getCaretMetric(metric = metric.label)
if (.metric.label != "ROC") stop(paste0("unsupported metric for libsvm: ",metric.label))

cvfit = glmnet::cv.glmnet(as.matrix(Xtrain), Ytrain, family = "binomial", type.measure = "auc" ,
nfolds = controlObject$number , alpha = alpha)

pred.prob = as.numeric(predict(cvfit, newx = as.matrix(Xtest), s = "lambda.min", type = "response"))
pred = ifelse(pred.prob>0.5,1,0)

alist = list()
alist[getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label)] = max(cvfit$cvm)
model = list(
results = alist,
bestTune = data.frame(lambda.min = cvfit$lambda.min))

} else if (model.label == "libsvm") { ## e1071

## metric
.metric.label = getCaretMetric(metric = metric.label)
if (.metric.label != "ROC") stop(paste0("unsupported metric for libsvm: ",metric.label))

l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
tuneGrid <- expand.grid(gamma = kernlab::sigest(as.matrix(Xtrain)) , C = 2^(seq(-4, 4)) , metric.mean = NA , = NA)
colnames(tuneGrid)[3] = .metric.label
colnames(tuneGrid)[4] = paste0(.metric.label,"SD")

if (controlObject$method != "repeatedcv") stop(paste0("unsupported resampling method for libsvm: ",controlObject$method))
index = caret::createMultiFolds(y=Ytrain, controlObject$number, controlObject$repeats)
indexOut <- lapply(index, function(training, allSamples) allSamples[-unique(training)], allSamples = seq(along = Ytrain))

aL = lapply( 1:nrow(tuneGrid) , function(j) {
rocs = rep(NA,length(index))
lapply (seq_along(index) , function(i) {
fit = e1071::svm(x = Xtrain[ index[[i]] , ] , y = Ytrain[index[[i]]] , kernel = "radial" , gamma = tuneGrid[j,]$gamma , cost = tuneGrid[j,]$C)
pred = predict(fit , Xtrain[ indexOut[[i]] , ])
roc_1 = verification::roc.area(Ytrain[indexOut[[i]]] , pred )$A
#roc_2 = as.numeric( pROC::auc(pROC::roc(response = l$[indexOut[[i]]], predictor = pred, levels = levels(l$ )))
#rocs[i] <<- min(roc_1,roc_2)
rocs[i] <<- roc_1
tuneGrid[j,3] <<- mean(rocs)
tuneGrid[j,4] <<- sd(rocs)
if (verbose) cat(">>> [",j,"/",nrow(tuneGrid),"] gamma:",tuneGrid[j,]$gamma," - cost:",tuneGrid[j,]$C,"--> AUC:",tuneGrid[j,3]," ... \n")
tuneGrid = tuneGrid[order(tuneGrid[,3] , decreasing = T) , ]

fit = e1071::svm(x = Xtrain , y = Ytrain , kernel = "radial" , gamma = tuneGrid[1,]$gamma , cost = tuneGrid[1,]$C)
pred.prob = predict(fit , Xtest)
pred = ifelse(pred.prob>0.5,1,0)

model = list(
results = tuneGrid,
bestTune = tuneGrid[1,1:2,drop=F])

} else if (model.label == "knn") { ## knn
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "knn",
tuneGrid = data.frame(.k = c(4*(0:5)+1, 20*(1:5)+1, 50*(2:9)+1)),
metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label), trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "rpart") { ## class trees
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "rpart", tuneLength = 30,
metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label), trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "C5.0") { ## boosted trees
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
if (! best.tuning) {
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "C5.0", metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label), trControl = controlObject)
} else {
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
tuneGrid = expand.grid(.trials = c(1, (1:10)*10), .model = "tree", .winnow = c(TRUE, FALSE) ),
method = "C5.0", metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label), trControl = controlObject)
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "bag") { ## bagging trees
l = getCaretFactors(y=Ytrain)
if (! best.tuning) {
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "bag", metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label), trControl = controlObject, B = 50 ,
bagControl = bagControl(fit = plsBag$fit,
predict = plsBag$pred,
aggregate = plsBag$aggregate))
} else {
model <- train( x = Xtrain , y = l$,
method = "bag", metric = getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label) , trControl = controlObject,
tuneGrid = data.frame(vars = seq(1, 15, by = 2)),
bagControl = bagControl(fit = plsBag$fit,
predict = plsBag$pred,
aggregate = plsBag$aggregate))
pred.prob = predict(model , Xtest , type = "prob")[,l$fact.sign]
pred = predict(model,Xtest)
} else if (model.label == "xgbTreeGTJ") { ### xgbTreeGTJ

## param
param = NULL
if (! is.null(xgb.param)) {
param = xgb.param
if (! is.null(xgb.eta)) stop("xgb.eta must be NULL if xgb.param is not NULL")
if (! is.null(xgb.max_depth)) stop("xgb.max_depth must be NULL if xgb.param is not NULL")
} else {
param <- list("objective" = "binary:logistic" ,
"eval_metric" = "auc" ,
"min_child_weight" = 6 ,
"subsample" = 0.7 ,
"colsample_bytree" = 0.6 ,
"scale_pos_weight" = 0.8 ,
"silent" = 1 ,
"max_depth" = 8 , ### <<<< 1?
"max_delta_step" = 2)

param['eta'] = 0.02
if (! is.null(xgb.eta)) param['eta'] = xgb.eta
if (! is.null(xgb.max_depth)) param['max_depth'] = xgb.max_depth

## fix nrounds?
fix.nround = FALSE
nrounds = 400
fPar = list(...)
if (length(fPar)>0) {
if ('nrounds' %in% names(fPar)) {
fix.nround = TRUE
nrounds = as.integer(fPar['nrounds'])

if (verbose) cat('>> xgbTreeGTJ fix.nround:',fix.nround,' - nrounds:',nrounds,'\n')
if (verbose) cat(">> xgbTreeGTJ params:\n")
if (verbose) print(param)

xgb = xgb_train_and_predict (train_set = Xtrain,
y = Ytrain,
test_set = Xtest,
foldList = xgb.foldList, =,
xgb.maximize = xgb.maximize,
xgb.metric.label = metric.label,
param = param,
cv.nround = nrounds ,
fix.nround = fix.nround,
nfold = min(controlObject$number,nrow(Xtrain)) , =,
pred.prob = xgb$pred
pred = ifelse(pred.prob>0.5,1,0)
early.stop = xgb$early.stop

alist = list()
alist[getCaretMetric(metric=metric.label)] = xgb$
model = list(
results = alist,
bestTune = data.frame(early.stop = xgb$early.stop)
} else {
stop("unrecognized model.label!")
return(list(model=model, pred=pred , pred.prob=pred.prob ))

ptm <- proc.time()
l = plyr::failwith( NULL, trainAndPredictInternal , quiet = !verbose)(model.label=model.label,
tm = proc.time() - ptm
secs = as.numeric(tm[3])

if (! is.null(l)) {
model = l$model
pred = l$pred
pred.prob = l$pred.prob

if (verbose) cat(">> ",model.label,": time elapsed:",secs," secs. [min:",secs/60,"] [hours:",secs/(60*60),"]\n")
if (verbose) {

return(list(pred = pred, pred.prob = pred.prob , model = model, secs = secs))

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