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gtesei committed Dec 29, 2015
1 parent c93a60e commit eebc81c
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Showing 12 changed files with 3,513 additions and 0 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions competitions/rossmann-store-sales/TODO_Rossmann
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@

** train / test (merge with store)
- Sales - response
- Customers - cut

- Store
- DayOfWeek
- Date ~ dateNum , day , month , year
- Open
- Promo
- StateHoliday
- SchoolHoliday

- StoreType
- Assortment
- CompetitionDistancePred := -1 if Date < CompetitionOpenSinceDate | CompetitionDistance is NA, otherwise CompetitionDistance (even if CompetitionOpenSinceDate is NA)
- Promo2Pred := 0 if Promo2 is 0 | Promo2SinceDate < Date | Date not in Promo2Period , 1 otherwise
- Promo2SinceMonths := # months that Promo2 started

* evaluate (add these predictors one by one)
- SalesLastYearsDay := Sales of last years in the same shop
- SalesLastYearWeek := Average Sales of last year in the same week

** feature selection
- Open = 1
- Sales >0 ?

** metric
- RMSPE : not takes into account Sales == 0 in days Open (54 cases Shop / day , 41 stores)
- RMSE : takes into account Sales == 0 in days Open

** resampling
- it seems that train period is before test period (~ 1,5 months)

139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions competitions/rossmann-store-sales/bech.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@

ff.setBasePath(path = '/Users/gino/kaggle/fast-furious/gitHub/fast-furious/')
ff.bindPath(type = 'data' , sub_path = 'dataset/rossmann-store-sales')
ff.bindPath(type = 'code' , sub_path = 'competitions/rossmann-store-sales')
ff.bindPath(type = 'elab' , sub_path = 'dataset/rossmann-store-sales/elab')

ff.bindPath(type = 'ensemble_1' , sub_path = 'dataset/rossmann-store-sales/ensembles/ensemble_1',createDir = T) ## out
ff.bindPath(type = 'best_tune_1' , sub_path = 'dataset/rossmann-store-sales/ensembles/best_tune_1',createDir = T) ## out
ff.bindPath(type = 'submission_1' , sub_path = 'dataset/rossmann-store-sales/ensembles/pred_ensemble_1',createDir = T) ## out

cat("reading the train and test data\n")
train <- read_csv(paste(ff.getPath("data") , "train.csv" , sep=''))
test <- read_csv(paste(ff.getPath("data") , "test.csv" , sep=''))
store <- read_csv(paste(ff.getPath("data") , "store.csv" , sep=''))

# removing the date column (since elements are extracted) and also StateHoliday which has a lot of NAs (may add it back in later)
train <- merge(train,store)
test <- merge(test,store)

# There are some NAs in the integer columns so conversion to zero
train[] <- 0
test[] <- 0

cat("train data column names and details\n")
cat("test data column names and details\n")

# looking at only stores that were open in the train set
# may change this later
train <- train[ which(train$Open=='1'),]
train <- train[ which(train$Sales!='0'),]

# seperating out the elements of the date column for the train set
train$month <- as.integer(format(train$Date, "%m"))
train$year <- as.integer(format(train$Date, "%y"))
train$day <- as.integer(format(train$Date, "%d"))

# removing the date column (since elements are extracted) and also StateHoliday which has a lot of NAs (may add it back in later)
train <- train[,-c(3,8)]

# seperating out the elements of the date column for the test set
test$month <- as.integer(format(test$Date, "%m"))
test$year <- as.integer(format(test$Date, "%y"))
test$day <- as.integer(format(test$Date, "%d"))

# removing the date column (since elements are extracted) and also StateHoliday which has a lot of NAs (may add it back in later)
test <- test[,-c(4,7)]

feature.names <- names(train)[c(1,2,5:19)]
cat("Feature Names\n")

cat("assuming text variables are categorical & replacing them with numeric ids\n")
for (f in feature.names) {
if (class(train[[f]])=="character") {
levels <- unique(c(train[[f]], test[[f]]))
train[[f]] <- as.integer(factor(train[[f]], levels=levels))
test[[f]] <- as.integer(factor(test[[f]], levels=levels))

cat("train data column names after slight feature engineering\n")
cat("test data column names after slight feature engineering\n")
RMPSE<- function(preds, dtrain) {
labels <- getinfo(dtrain, "label")
err <- sqrt(mean((epreds/elab-1)^2))
return(list(metric = "RMPSE", value = err))

### exporting to data
train_export <- tra
train_export$Sales <- train$Sales
test_export <- test[,feature.names]
test_export$Id <- test$Id

write_csv(train_export, paste(ff.getPath("elab") , "Xtrain_bench.csv" , sep=''))
write_csv(test_export, paste(ff.getPath("elab") , "Xtest_bench.csv" , sep=''))
### end exporting to data

param <- list( objective = "reg:linear",
booster = "gbtree",
eta = 0.005, # 0.06, #0.01,
max_depth = 10, #changed from default of 8
subsample = 0.9, # 0.7
colsample_bytree = 0.7 # 0.7
#num_parallel_tree = 2
# alpha = 0.0001,
# lambda = 1
cat("****** param ***** \n")
clf <- xgb.train( params = param,
data = dtrain,
nrounds = 14000, #300, #280, #125, #250, # changed from 300
verbose = 0,
early.stop.round = 100,
watchlist = watchlist,
maximize = FALSE,
pred1 <- exp(predict(clf, data.matrix(test[,feature.names]))) -1
submission <- data.frame(Id=test$Id, Sales=pred1)
cat("saving the submission file\n")
write_csv(submission, paste(ff.getPath("elab") , "bech_eta0005_nround14000.csv" , sep=''))

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