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This codebase implements several state-of-the-art bounded-suboptimal search algorithms, run benchmark with classical search domains such as Sliding Tiles, Pancakes.


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Bounded Suboptimal Heuristic Search

Welcome to bounded suboptimal heuristic search project!

The purpose of the project is to implement several state-of-the-art BSS algorithms and run benchmark with classical search domains such as Sliding Tiles, Pancakes.


[1] Maximilian Fickert, Tianyi Gu, and Wheeler Ruml, New Results in Bounded-Suboptimal Search. Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22), 2022.



We use clang ecosystem to compile and develop the codebase. You can install necessary components by running

sudo apt install clang-6.0 clang-tidy-6.0 clang-format-6.0

Install up-to-date CMake version. We also use cmake-format to keep our CMake files tidy.

sudo pip install cmake
sudo pip install cmake-format

Conan Setup

The Conan package manager is used to manage project's external dependencies. This section describes the process of setting it up. Installation is as simple as running

sudo pip3 install conan

Creating Profiles

We need to setup a Conan profile — a list of properties that characterize the environment. The following commands will create a new profile called default and set it up for Ubuntu 16.04 environment. If you are using several profiles, you may want to choose a more descriptive name for it.

# create new profile called 'default'
conan profile new default --detect
# modify settings of the 'default' profile
conan profile update settings.compiler.version=5.4 default
conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default

At the moment, there exist precompiled versions of the packages needed by the project for this particular profile:


Note that you can have multiple profiles and also modify existing ones when needed. For more details see the Conan Getting Started guide.


git clone
mkdir build_release && cd build_release
conan install ../boundedSuboptimalSearch --build missing
cmake -GNinja ../boundedSuboptimalSearch
ninja bss 

For debug purpose, you can also do the following

cd ..
mkdir build_debug && cd build_debug
conan install ../boundedSuboptimalSearch --build missing
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -GNinja ../boundedSuboptimalSearch
ninja bss 

clang-d user config

cd <repo dir>
ln -s ../build_release/compile_commands.json compile_commands.json

If you also use editor plugin such as clangd, don't forget to symlink the build flag to the root of the source tree. For more details see the clangd prject-setup guide.


cd <repo>
cd ../build
bin/bss -h
This is a bounded suboptimal search benchmark
  ./bss [OPTION...]

  -d, --domain arg          domain type: randomtree, tile, pancake,
                            racetrack, vaccumworld (default: vaccumworld)
  -s, --subdomain arg       puzzle type: uniform, inverse, heavy, sqrt;
                            pancake type: regular, heavy, sumheavy; racetrack map :
                            barto-big, barto-bigger, hanse-bigger-double,
                            vaccumworld: uniform, heavy;  (default: uniform)
  -a, --alg arg             baseline algorithm: pts, bees, beeps; new
                            algorithm: ptshhat, ptsnancy, beepsnancy; other
                            algorithm: astar, wastar;  (default: ptsnancy)
  -b, --bound arg           suboptimal bound (default: 10)
  -i, --instance arg        instance file name (default:
  -w, --weight arg          weight for wA* baseline (default: 2)
  -o, --performenceOut arg  performence Out file
  -v, --pathOut arg         path Out file
  -h, --help                Print usage

Experiments Pipeline

  1. check if the bounded suboptimal algorithm can solve single instance
cd <repo>
cd ../build
bin/bss -h
  1. run experiment script (better check if it can run correctly for a single instance befor batch run)
cd <repo>/script/testHarnesses

./ -h

[-f instance]                    default: 1
[-n # of instances to test]      default: 1
[-d domain]
support list,eg: -d tile -d pancake  available: tile, pancake, racetrack, vacuumworld
[-st subdomain of tile]          default: uniform, heavy, inverse, heavy-easy, inverse-easy
[-sp subdomain of pancake]       default: regular, heavy
[-sv subdomain of vacuumworld]   default: uniform, heavy
[-sr subdomain of racetrack]     default: barto-bigger, hansen-bigger
[-t time limit]                  default: 1800 (seconds)
[-m memory limit]                default: 7(GB)
[-ht heuristic type]             available: racetrack: euclidean(default), dijkstra
                                            pancake: gap, gapm1, gapm2
[-ex algorithm name extension]   default: NA
[-h help]

(this script is updated for batch running, see batch run cofiguration at the top of the script)

  1. fix json format error caused by batch run on ai cluster (already intergated into step 2, but still can manually run if needed)
cd <repo>/script
python -h

usage: [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-s SUBDOMAIN] [-a ALGORITHMS]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN      domain: tile(default), pancake, racetrack
  -s SUBDOMAIN   subdomain: tile: uniform(default), heavy, inverse; 
                            pancake: regular, heavy; 
                            racetrack : barto-big,uniform-small, 
                                        barto-bigger, hanse-bigger-double
  -a ALGORITHMS  algorithms: dps, ees, roundrobin1, wastar default(all)
  1. plot results
cd <repo>/script/plot -h


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN             domain: tile(default), pancake, racetrack, vacuumworld
  -s SUBDOMAIN          subdomain: tile: uniform(default), heavy, inverse; pancake: regular, heavy; racetrack : barto-big,uniform-small, barto-bigger, hanse-bigger-double; vacuumworld: uniform, heavy
  -b BOUNDPERCENTSTART  bound percent start: eg anything above 1.2,(default: 1.2)
  -e BOUNDPERCENTEND    bound percent end: anything below 10, (default: 10)
  -z SIZE               domain size (default: 4)
  -t PLOTTYPE           plot type, nodeGen(default), cpu, coveragetb, coverageplt, nodeGenDiff, fixedbaseline, part10
  -ht HEURISTICTYPE     heuristic type: racetrack:euclidean(default), dijkstra, gap, gapm1, gapm2
  -ot OUTTIME           time in outfile name (default NA, use now())
  -os OUTSUFFIX         suffix in outfile name (default NA)
  -r REMOVEALGORITHM    remove (omit) algorithm (default NA)

Problem Instances

All the instances can be found here


This codebase implements several state-of-the-art bounded-suboptimal search algorithms, run benchmark with classical search domains such as Sliding Tiles, Pancakes.






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