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2. How to open archive

Georgy Treshchev edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 11 revisions

The process of opening an archive can be broken down into several steps:

  1. Create a runtime archiver.
  2. Open an archive from storage or memory.
  3. Extract the required files/directories from the archive.
  4. Close the archive.

First, create a Runtime Archiver object.

Create Runtime Archiver node

Next, open an archive from storage or memory.

Open Archive From Storage and Open Archive From Memory nodes

After that, retrieve the specific entry to extract. The files or directories in the archive are called Entries.

Get Archive Entry By Index and Get Archive Entry By Name nodes

Then you can extract the specified entry.

Extract Entry To Storage and Extract Entry To Memory nodes Extract Entries To Storage and Extract Entries To Storage Directory nodes

Finally, close the archive.

Close Archive node

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