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Christopher Supnig edited this page Mar 13, 2013 · 1 revision

Create Velocity Templates

After each request (like searching for a term or conditions) you'll get a velocity-result. Create a normal template for your application and add your velocity-code.



After sending an request to the velocity-template, you have a lot variables available.

resolvables returns collection e.g.: #if($resolvables && $resolvables.size()>0 && $resolvables.get(0).contentid == "10001") ##$metaresolvable contains search result meta information like total hits etc.; first resolvable in collection, can be configured in lucene properties #set($metaresolvable=$resolvables.remove(0)) #end

notice: in velocity you have for the collection all implemented methodes available.

tools returns Object esc returns Object encoding returns the encoding-strin, e.g.: utf8

If you'll get an Error-Page, followed variables are available: exception debug

Further code examples:

#set($start = ($metaresolvable.start + 1))
#set($end = ($metaresolvable.start + $metaresolvable.count))
#if($end && $end > $metaresolvable.totalhits)
	#set($end = $metaresolvable.totalhits)

#if($metaresolvable.totalhits && $metaresolvable.totalhits > 0)
<p id="result_report">
      Showing $start - $end of $metaresolvable.totalhits results

Iterating over the resolveables #foreach($resolvable in $resolvables)

#set($content = "$!{resolvable.content}$!{resolvable.binarycontent}") ##if you are limiting the output size, be sure to not cut html-tags in two -> and configure the highlighter to have max the output you want #if (false && $content.length() > 1300) #set($content = $content.substring(0,1300)+"...") #end

