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A library to load your Typesafe configuration from DynamoDB and other places!


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Warning This library is deprecated and no longer maintained. simple-configuration is an alternative.


Where the magic happens

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Configuration magic is a thin wrapper around Typesafe's configuration library. Its main goal is to load the configuration from a dynamodb table. The librairy is currently split in two, configuration-magic-core and configuration-magic-play2-4.



The idea is to be able to compose an application configuration from one or more sources. The sources can be files, a classpath resource or a dynamodb table. When requiring a property, the look-up order will be the same as the configuration sources.

The look-up sources depends on the current mode of the application. Three modes are accepted, and provide the following definition:

mode match {
  case Dev => List(userHome, devClassPath, classPath)
  case Test => List(testClassPath, classPath)
  case Prod => List(dynamo, classPath)

This list of sources can be overridden if the default behaviour doesn't match the needs of your application.

Autodetection of the application identity

configuration-magic tries to identify where the application is running by applying the following rules:

  • If the application is running in TEST or DEV mode, it will assume the application is running locally or on a test machine, and won't attempt to read the configuration from dynamoDB
  • If the application is running in PROD mode, it will assume the application is running on an EC2 instance, and will use the EC2 client to list the tags of that instance to create the application Identity. Three tags are required: "App", "Stage" and "Stack"

Identity is defined as:

sealed trait Identity {
  def stack: String
  def app: String
  def stage: String
  def region: String

And is implemented by AwsApplication and LocalApplication


Defining the DynamoDB Table

This module will provide you with a way to load your configuration from a DynamoDB Table.

The default name of the table will be: config-${identity.stack}

The partition key needs to be named "App" (type String), the sort key needs to be named "Stage" (type String) and the configuration "Config" needs a Map.

Once the table is created, insert at least one item matching your application identity to expect a configuration to be loaded.

Loading the configuration

In your build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "" %% "configuration-magic-core" %  "1.3.0"

Then to load the configuration

val config = Configuration("myApp", Mode.Prod).load

Required IAM permissions

configuration-magic uses AWS APIs to:

  • discover information about the running EC2 instance's stack, stage and app name based on its tags
  • download configuration from the DynamoDB table

Thus your EC2 instance profile will need the following permissions:

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "ec2:DescribeTags",
    "Resource": "*"
}, {
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "dynamodb:ListTables",
    "Resource": "*"
}, {
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [ "dynamodb:DescribeTable", "dynamodb:GetItem" ],
    "Resource": { "Fn::Join": [ "-", [ "arn:aws:dynamodb:*:*:table/config", { "Ref": "Stack" } ] ] }


This module aim to simplify the usage of configuration magic for play 2.6 and above. It has been tested with play 2.6


libraryDependencies +="" %% "configuration-magic-play2-6" % "1.4.0"


You can also modify the default behaviour by creating your own loader that extends ConfigurationGuiceApplicationLoader or that manually calls the core configuration. See ConfigurationGuiceApplicationLoader.scala for a reference implementation.


By default the library will log to sysout, but if desired you can implement and pass that implementation when calling

Note that when using the play2.6 module, the default behaviour is to use Play's default logger.


A library to load your Typesafe configuration from DynamoDB and other places!




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