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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 3, 2021. It is now read-only.


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This repo is no longer in use and has been deleted in AWS. Since legacy explainers can now be edited inside Atom Workshop, there is no need for a separate tool.

Explainer Atom Editor


Dynamo - Explainerserver - Explainerclient
                | kinesis

Tech stack:

  • Scala: 2.11.6, Scala.js: 0.6.5, Play: 2.4.0, Slick: 3.0.0
  • DynamoDB

Code Organization:

The sbt build file contains 3 modules

  • ExplainMakerServer Play application (server side)
  • ExplainMakerClient Scala.js application (client side)
  • ExplainMakerShared Scala code that you want to share between the server and the client.


Running Locally

Setup Nginx

To run explain maker locally you will need ngnix.

  1. Install nginx:
  • Linux: sudo apt-get install nginx
  • Mac OSX: brew install nginx
  1. Make sure you have a sites-enabled folder under your nginx home. This should be
  • Linux: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  • Mac OSX: /usr/local/etc/nginx/
  1. Make sure your nginx.conf (found in your nginx home) contains the following line in the http{} block: include sites-enabled/*;
  • you may also want to disable the default server on 8080
  1. Get the dev-nginx repo checked out on your machine

  2. Set up certs if you've not already done so (see dev-nginx readme)

  3. Configure the explain maker route in nginx

sudo /path/to/dev-nginx/setup-app.rb /path/to/explain-maker/nginx/nginx-mapping.yml

Setup Explainer

You'll need to create ~/.gu/explainer.local.conf, with the following fields:

  pandomain {
    domain = ""
  kinesis {
    streamName {
      preview = "<preview kinesis name - only needed if kinesis publishing enabled>"
      live = "<live kinesis name- only needed if kinesis publishing enabled>",
      reindex-preview = "<reindex preview kinesis name, usually the same as the preview stream name - only needed if kinesis publishing enabled>"
      reindex-live = "<reindex live kinesis name, usually the same as the live stream name - only needed if kinesis publishing enabled>",
      elk  = "<elk kinesis stream - only needed if elk publishing enabled"
  capi.key = "CAPI-API-KEY"
  presence.endpoint = "PRESENCE-ENDPOINT-URL"

include "application.conf"

Ensure that you have the required node version available. If you're using nvm (recommended), then run:

nvm install 6

Install dependencies and build CSS:


Run the application


You can also watch the .scss files so they compile on change:

cd explainer-server
npm run watch

Access the User Interface

Explain Maker should now be found at

In order to get the Panda authentication cookie needed to access Explain Maker, you might want to, for instance, first visit your local instance of Composer or Workflow. Alternatively (better option) you can run login.gutools for a seamless experience (you'll need Workflow AWS credentials from janus for this).

Note that, when running on local, the presence endpoint is the CODE Presence. This implies that to get Presence display correctly when running on local, you need to have a CODE Panda cookie (to get one just visit the CODE instance of Composer or Workflow).


NPM issues

These are usually to do with old dependencies being overwritten. Delete your npm_modules folder and clear the npm cache with:

cd explainer-server
rm -rf node_modules
npm cache clear

then reinstall them with:

cd ../

This will pick up the correct Node version and reinstall all client side dependencies.