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v0.5.0 release tracker

Closed Jul 19, 2024 100% complete

Major changes:

  1. Guardrails Server
  2. Use guardrails inference endpoints for ML based-validators
  3. LiteLLM callable overhaul
  4. JSON support overhaul. Include constrained decoding for open source models
  5. Support for validator fix actions in streaming
  6. Addition of guardrails watch, guardrails create


  1. dropping support for Python <= 3.8
  2. dropping support f…

Major changes:

  1. Guardrails Server
  2. Use guardrails inference endpoints for ML based-validators
  3. LiteLLM callable overhaul
  4. JSON support overhaul. Include constrained decoding for open source models
  5. Support for validator fix actions in streaming
  6. Addition of guardrails watch, guardrails create


  1. dropping support for Python <= 3.8
  2. dropping support for openai < 1.x
  3. dropping support for pydantic < 2.x

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.