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Bologlyph icons

Icons inspired by the 1983 P.M.'s book bolo'bolo, where a global network of communities replaces the current global order, putting an end to world wars and patriarchal domination over humans and nature.

The book [ IT text | IT Publisher] exploits a new global basic language that allows inter-communication of communities (bolo) describing the ideal culture that they promote. The language is called asa'pili (language of humanity) and figure basic universal needs and basic world organizational structures.

I exploited the connection of this idea with other not-utopic perspectives (Bahai Faith and Non-violent communication) in the paper La lingua ausiliaria dell'umanità. L’asa’pili come linguaggio di base per la costituzione di una cultura mondiale nonviolenta e incentrata sui bisogni, hoping that all the people that likes these ideals and aspire to a new world join toegether in a big (pacific) revolutionary/utopian movement. In the post, I imagine that we can use the symbols of asa'pili to share information about de-mercified resources, in order to start to live in a post-scarcity environment, sharing common goods instead of stashing money and power. These icons are made for maps (I want to make one of my region)

Glyph Icon name Meaning eng Meaning ita
Bologlyph-asa.svg world, humanity mondo, umanità
Bologlyph-bete.svg medicine, health salute, medicina
Bologlyph-bolo.svg community, village comunità, villaggio
Bologlyph-buni.svg gift, present dono, offerta
Bologlyph-dala.svg council, assembly assemblea, comitato
Bologlyph-dudi.svg foreigner, observer osservatore, delegato
Bologlyph-fasi.svg travel, transport trasporto, viaggio
Bologlyph-feno.svg barting, trade baratto, commercio
Bologlyph-fudo.svg city, county città, bioregione
Bologlyph-gano.svg house, building casa, edificio
Bologlyph-ibu.svg individual, person essere umano
Bologlyph-kana.svg family, clan famiglia, clan
Bologlyph-kene.svg community work lavoro comunitario
Bologlyph-kodu.svg agriculture, nature agricoltura, natura
Bologlyph-mafa.svg depot, warehouse deposito, magazzino
Bologlyph-munu.svg reputation reputazione, fama
Bologlyph-nima.svg tradition, culture cultura, tradizione
Bologlyph-nugo.svg death, suicide pill morte, suicidio
Bologlyph-pali.svg energy, fuel energia, carburante
Bologlyph-pili.svg communication, education comunicazione,educazione
Bologlyph-sadi.svg market, fair mercato, fiera
Bologlyph-sibi.svg craft, industry artigianato, industria
Bologlyph-sila.svg hospitality, tolerance ospitalità, supporto
Bologlyph-sufu.svg water, water supply acqua, sorgente
Bologlyph-sumi.svg region, island regione, isola
Bologlyph-taku.svg personal property proprietà personale
Bologlyph-tega.svg district, town distretto, città
Bologlyph-yaka.svg disagreement, war litigio, battaglia
Bologlyph-yalu.svg food, cuisine cibo, cucina

The icons are mostly an slight adaptation of the symbols released on Asa'pili page on wikipedia and are released under CC0. Icons are SVG code. Colors are black, white, and grey #444444 like the ones of OSMIC. There is a small python script to change the color of icons.

UPDATE 2021-03-14

asa'pili card :star_struck:

Asa'pili schema it

Support/Join the project

  • Share the idea
  • Translate the card in other languages
  • Help to build the map (I would use umap, but is not clear how to allow many many many users to fill it)
  • Give us a feedback, suggestions, contacts, by email or the new github discussion forum
  • De-mercify situations and protect them, build free and spiritual communities, help oppressed people.
  • Think about the birth of a new global culture, supported by an auxiliary language.
  • ...


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