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simpenc - Simplistic but reliable encryption

This project shall provide serious encryption by combining riculously simple algorithms only in clever ways.

Many of them are provided as pure and portable POSIX shell scripts, making use only of the utilities provided by POSIX (most importantly awk) for their core funtionality.

This means you don’t need a C compiler, Python/Perl/Ruby interpreter or anything else sophisticated to be installed in order to use the utilities.

In particular, it is intended that the scripts work in a BusyBox-based initramfs environment without additional utilties installed. They should work on BSD too, but I have not tested this yet.

Because shell scripts are slow, they are not intended to encrypt large volumes of data. (Even though they should be able to do so, giving them enough processing time.)

Instead, they are intended to be used to encrypt other things like crypto-unlocking scripts, SSH-keys, LUKS-Passwords, dmcrypt table entries ready for loading into the Linux device mapper or similar.

Think of the utilities as a poor man’s version of "gpg --symmetric" or "openssl enc" without needing to install those utilities and all of their library dependencies.

The author is a strong believer in the statement that complexity is the death of security.

I think that it is safer to combine algorithms which are too simple to contain sophisticated backdoors planted there by their designers rather than using obviously stronger algorithms which are too complicated to grasp how they work an what they are doing.

It is better to work around known weaknesses in algorithms because they are too simple, rather than trusting in the security of complex algorithms one cannot fully understand.

Only few known algorithms known to me meet the above criteria and have been selected for inclusion within this project:



  • ChaCha20

Not all of them are finished implementing yet or are not production-ready yet. Those are the files in the wip-subdirectory. Ignore them for the time being.

This project currently provides the following production-ready utilities:

  • gbcrypt2: This is the primary front-end script for the encryption solution. It provides encryption as well as integrity protection.

    This script makes use of all the other helper scripts described later in order to provide a one-stop shop for secure single-file symmetric encryption.

    Typically, it is used like this:

    $ tar -cz some_private_files/ | ./gbcrypt2 encryption.psw > some_private_files.gc2

    for encrypting files and like that:

    $ ./gbcrypt2 encryption.psw some_private_files.gc2 | tar -xvz

    for decrypting them later.

    Note that the files encrypted by gbcrypt2 do not have any format header. Their contents always looks like random data. This is intentional in order to provide deniability in situations where the usage of encryption is forbidden but still needed.

    It is therefore recommended to append the file extension .gc2 to the encrypted files in situations where no deniability is needed in order to make it clear that the files have been encrypted using gbcrypt2.

    Future evolutions of the script will be called "gbcrypt3", "gbcrypt4" etc. and will use file extensions ".gc3", ".gc4" etc.

  • enter_psw: A very simple helper script for blindly (i.e. without echoing it visibly on the screen) entering a pass phrase and store it into a password file. Other than most text editors enter_psw won’t use any temporary files or leave any traces of the password except for the file which it created. enter_psw is typically used before gbcrypt2 in order to create the password file required by the latter utility.

    Typical usage:

    $ ./enter_psw encryption.psw
    $ ./gbcrypt2 encryption.psw < plaintext.tgz > ciphertext.tgz.gc2
  • rev_octets: Reverses the order of bytes in a file. Only intended for small amounts of data like a disk sector. It is intended to be used for storing variable-sized data into the last sector or sectors of a block device.

    Typical usage:

    $ d=/dev/sda # Last sector must not be part of any partition!
    $ f=header_backup.tgz # Archive to be embedded into last sector.
    $ offset=$((`blockdev --getsize $d` - 1))
    $ dd if=$d bs=512 count=1 skip=$offset | ./rev_octets > lastrev.blk
    $ dd if=$f of=lastrev.blk conv=notrunc
    $ ./rev_octets < lastrev.blk | dd of=$d bs=512 count=1 seek=$offset

    for overwriting the last bytes of the last sector with the archive to be embedded, and later

    $ d=/dev/sda # Last sector must not be part of any partition!
    $ offset=$((`blockdev --getsize $d` - 1))
    $ dd if=$d bs=512 count=1 skip=$offset | ./rev_octets | tar -xvz

    in order to extract the contents of the archive stored in the last sector.

  • psw2key: Helper script used by gbcrypt2. It removes the trailing newline from the contents of a password file and normalizes other whitespace contained within the file. The result is a single password string which can be used as a cryptographic key (but will still be made of text).

  • key2prand: Helper script used by gbcrypt2. It converts a cryptographic text-based password string into a binary key of the same byte length. It basically encrypts the password using itself as the initial key in multiple iterations. It is basically a length-preserving hashing function. It is used to convert a text pass phrase into a binary key which can be safely used by the ARCFOUR algorithm. ARCFOUR should only be used with random-looking binary keys. This script can convert a text pass phrase into a suitable such key.

  • raw2dec: Helper script used by gbcrypt2. This script converts binary data bytes into the corresponding decimal ASCII codes. For ease of implementation most of the other helper scripts do not process binary data but only ASCII code numbers. Such scripts are named with a 10-suffix to indicate they process only ASCII decimal numbers.

  • dec2raw: Helper script used by gbcrypt2. This undoes the effect of ‘raw2dec’ and converts ASCII decimal codes back into the corresponding binary bytes. The cryptographic pipelines used by most of the scripts consist of an initial conversion of binary data into decimal numbers, then multiple processing steps operating only on decimal numbers, and finally this script for converting the ASCII decimal result back into binary bytes.

  • rc4csprng10: Helper script used by gbcrypt2. This implements the ARCFOUR CSPRNG algorithm. It only operates on decimal numbers because it is mostly written in awk which provides no means of binary input/output. It does not actually encrypt anything, but rather emits a pseudorandom output stream of decimal values. It supports interleaving its own output with another stream of decimal values read from its standard input, allowing the result to be fed into xor10 for actual encryption.

  • xor10: Helper script used by gbcrypt2. It receives pairs of decimal values as input and replaces every pair by the result of bitwise XORing both values. It is typically used to combine the output of rc4csprng10 with some plaintext to produce the actual ciphertext.

  • rev10: Helper script used by rev_octets. It reverses a sequence of decimal numbers read from standard input.

The following utilities are production-ready, but are not used for anything right now.

They have been stowed away in the wip-subdirectory until they are actually required to be installed for one of the primary utilities to work.

  • mod256add10: Receives pairs of decimal values as input and replaces every pair with the sum of their values, reduced modulo 256. This script could be used instead of xor10 for combining the result of rc4csprng10 with the plaintext to create ciphertext.

  • mod256sub10: Does the inverse of mod256add10. If the latter script was used with rc4csprng10 for encrypition, then this script must be used for decryption. (The other way around would also be possible.)

  • psw2nbt: A more versatile and powerful version of psw2key. It does not just strip newlines, but also converts and normalizes the character encoding. In order to do so, it needs big helper utilities like iconv or even uconv to implement the actual conversions. This means a large installation footprint, which is the main reason this script has been abandoned in favor of the much more primitive psw2key. However, the script still works, and guarantees cross-plattform- and cross-locale compatibility of the pass phrases processed by it.

  • rvscyc10: Processes groups of arbitrary but fixed size containing decimal values, and reverses the order of values within every group. This script is useful when arguments for a script like mod256sub10 need to be in a different order for decryption as they were with mod256add10 for encryption. By cascading multiple instances of rvscyc10 within a processing pipeline, any possible re-ordering of arguments within a group can be achieved.

  • sbox10: This was supposed to implement a superior mode of operation for stream ciphers, compared to the usual XOR. Unfortunately there is some bug lurking there and it just does not work as intended.

  • treyfer-ecb10: One day this shall run the TREYFER cipher in ECB mode. Only a stub right now which does not work. Intended to be the low-level component within a more sophisticated processing pipeline implementing another mode of operation.

The following utilities are also provided, but are not considered to be production ready.

They are also implemented in C rather than being shell scripts.

  • rc4sxs-crypt - Encrypts or decrypts standard input with a minimally modified ARCFOUR-drop3072 stream cipher in a custom SUBTRACT-XOR-SUBTRACT mode of operation. This mode eliminates the immediate threat of bit flipping attacks otherwise possible with the standard XOR-mode of stream ciphers. rc4sxs-crypt can also be used as a hash function, as a cryptographically secure pseudo-random generator, as a password-based key derivation function (PBKDF), for MAC calculation, for key stretching, for salt stretching and for salt generation.

    This utility basically works and can be used to encrypt large amounts of data quicky. However, it has two drawbacks:

    • The slight modification to the original ARCFOUR key setup procedure makes its encryption result incompatible with the original ARCFOUR algorithm. This should not affect security, but results in unnecessary incompatibility. On the other hand, the new SXS mode of operation will make the encryption result incompatible anyway.

    • It does no key preprocessing on its own. One should use the enter_psw, psw2key and key2prand scripts in order to input and preprocess the pass phrases before using the result as keys suitable for use in rc4sxs-crypt.

    • It is too low-level. For instance, it requires one-time keys rather than long-term keys. The user must do all the additional steps like generating salts and deriving one-time keys from long-term keys by oneself.

  • treyfer-ofb - Implements the treyfer block cipher in OFB (output feedback) mode, making it into a stream cipher. The cipher has been chosen because of its extreme simplicity, similar in complexity to ARCFOUR. The cipher itself is weak, but combining it with rc4sxs-crypt will drastically reduce the probability that known weaknesses in ARCFOUR can be exploited. Unfortunately, treyfer is about 8 times slower than ARCFOUR.

    The disadvantage of this implementation is its usage of the OFB mode of operation.

    This mode should only be used with ciphers which are known to be cryptographically strong, which should be doubted with TREYFER. The problem here is that OFB basically uses the cipher function as an infinite recursion, producing more pseudorandom output with every recursive invocation. If there is a chance that these recursive applications lose information or if the underlying function has fixed points, the contents of a long pseudorandom stream will become more and more predictable the longer it gets. In the worst case, the pseudorandom stream might deterorate into the repetion of a short cycle length, which would be lethal for security.

    Another shortcoming is its hard-coded s-box. Altough this s-box has been created as a "nothing up my sleev"-sequence and should in fact be very secure, there is no reason to hard-code it other than sheer comfort (otherwise the user would have needed to provide it).

    Despite of those disadvantages, it is still OK to use this utility as an additional encryption layer, such as for strengthening the output generated by rc4sxs-crypt even more.

  • treyfer-cfb-512: This is an actually working and moderately secure implementation of the basic TREYFER algorithm. It can encrypt large volumes of data with arbitrary size but provides no integrity protection. The block size as been increased from 64 to 512 bits which should prevent a known attack against the original algorithm, but creates the problem that a 512 bit one-time key is needed as a consequence. It also uses a fixed s-box which should not effect security, but reduces flexibility (otherwise the user could have specified one’s own s-box).

  • treyfer-hash: This was supposed to use the TREYFER MAC algorithm for calculating a MAC over a data stream. However, this has not been implemented yet, and the current version is basically a stub created from leftovers of a predecessor version.