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Finding Lane Lines - 1st project of self-driving cars engineer nanodegree

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Finding Lane Lines on the Road


This is the first project of self-driving cars engineer nanodegree. In this project we will find lane lines on the road. We will test the pipeline in several images and videos with different situations.

Finding Lane Lines on the Road

Finding Lane Lines on the Road

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

  • Make a pipeline that finds lane lines on the road
  • Reflect on your work in a written report


In the first part of the pipeline, I imported the necessary libraries and read a test image.

Next I defined Helper methods and some variables, in this section, we have:

# Global Slopes Variables
prevAvgLeftSlope = 0
prevAvgRightSlope = 0

These are global variables to save previous slopes values. This will be explained in more detail later in the document

Other methods were added:

def avg(values):
    This function returns the average value from list of values
    if (len(values) == 0):
        return 0
    return sum(values)/len(values)

def get_X(x0, y0, m, y1):
    This function returns the X value from the line equation given:
    x0,y0: known point
    m: known slope
    y1: y value of unknown point x1,y1
    line equation ==> (y-y0)=m(x-x0) 
    return ((y1-y0)/m) + x0

Then, the predefined draw_lines was renamed to draw_border_lines and draw_lines code was changed:

First, some variables are defined to use them later:

global prevAvgLeftSlope
global prevAvgRightSlope

xLeftValues = []
yLeftValues = []
leftSlopeValues = []

xRightValues = []
yRightValues = []
rightSlopeValues = []

x[Left|Right]Values, y[Left|Right]Values, [left|right]SlopeValues stores x,y points and slopes of the border lines gathered

for line in lines:
    for x1,y1,x2,y2 in line:
        slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
        if slope < -0.5 and slope > -0.8:
        elif slope > 0.5 and slope < 0.8:

In this code left lines and right lines are separeted and \ the points and slopes are saved in the arrays

#left line values and draw   
avgLeftX = avg(xLeftValues)
avgLeftY = avg(yLeftValues)

if prevAvgLeftSlope != 0:
    avgLeftSlope = (avg(leftSlopeValues) + prevAvgLeftSlope)/2
    avgLeftSlope = avg(leftSlopeValues)

prevAvgLeftSlope = avgLeftSlope

if avgLeftSlope != 0:
    leftY1 = img.shape[0]
    leftX1 = get_X(avgLeftX, avgLeftY, avgLeftSlope, leftY1)

    if len(yLeftValues) > 0:
        leftY2 = min(yLeftValues)
        leftY2 = avgLeftY
    leftX2 = get_X(avgLeftX, avgLeftY, avgLeftSlope, leftY2)

    cv2.line(img, (int(leftX1) , int(leftY1)), (int(leftX2), int(leftY2)), color, thickness)

Now average of points x,y and slope are calculated to define the straight line equation. As prevAvgLeftSlope starts with a value of 0, we asks if it does not have previous values, just use avgLeftSlope = avg(leftSlopeValues) and if it has previous values, makes an average of the current slope with and the previous slope avgLeftSlope = (avg(leftSlopeValues) + prevAvgLeftSlope)/2 Then, we save the current avg slope in the previous slope.

The next step is to define the 4 points x1,x2,y1,y2 and draw the line in the straight line image.

We do this only if avgLeftSlope != 0 because we don't want to draw lines with slope of 0.

we ask also if len(yLeftValues) > 0 beacuse we cannot calculate min() of an empty array

(This process is similar for the right line)

NOTE: if we want to see the bordered lines we can use draw_border_lines() instead of draw_lines() in the hough_lines() method

The pipeline for images consists:

  1. Get the images.
  2. Convert to grayscale images.
  3. Define parameter for Gaussian Blur and run it.
# Parameters
kernel_size = 7
  1. Define parameters for Canny and run it.
# Parameters
low_threshold = 100
high_threshold = 200
  1. Define a region of interest.
# Parameters
vertices = np.array([[(80,cannyImages[0].shape[0]),(380, 350), (620, 350), (cannyImages[0].shape[1]-80, cannyImages[0].shape[0])]], dtype=np.int32)
  1. Define parameters for Hough Transformation and run it.
rho = 1
theta = np.pi/180
threshold = 10 
min_line_len = 10
max_line_gap = 20
  1. Define parameters for weighted images and run it.
  2. Save images test_images_output.
  3. Display the images.

The pipeline for videos consists:

  1. Get the image.
  2. Convert to grayscale image.
  3. Define parameter for Gaussian Blur and run it.
# Parameters
kernel_size = 7
  1. Define parameters for Canny and run it.
# Parameters
low_threshold = 70
high_threshold = 210
  1. Define a region of interest.
# Parameters
vertices = np.array([[(80,cannyImages[0].shape[0]),(380, 350), (620, 350), (cannyImages[0].shape[1]-80, cannyImages[0].shape[0])]], dtype=np.int32)
  1. Define parameters for Hough Transformation and run it.
rho = 1 
theta = np.pi/180
threshold = 10 
min_line_len = 5
max_line_gap = 150 
  1. Define parameters for weighted image and run it.
  2. Return weighted image.


One potential shortcoming would be when car go through curves and with shadows.

Improvements to your pipeline

I think a possible improvement would be to convert images to HSV or another color space to get rid of shadows or strong color changes


Finding Lane Lines - 1st project of self-driving cars engineer nanodegree






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