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It's a place to save notes and challenges accomplished with DIO training.


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It's a place to save notes and challenges accomplished with DIO (Digital Innovation One) training.

  • How to write markdown (.md) files.

Java/Kotlin Bootcamp:

The course started by:

  1. Jobs and Organizational Tasks

  2. Agile Development ++ (Software Project Management)

  3. Logic and Computational Thinking

    1. Requirements:
      • Functional: It is funtionalities
      • Non-funtional : Funtionalities properties/How it works
    2. Which resources I do have (and is obtainable)
    3. What are the problems?
    4. Which requirements changing, or incertainty, might break your projects?
    5. Break your problem into a tree by reducing the problem in easier tasks
    6. For each task look for:
      • Patterns
      • Abstractions
      • Process
      • Math model
      • Data Struct
      • Big O techs
      • Design Patterns
      • Architecture Patterns
      • Binary search
      • PA/PG
    7. Create an Diagram
    8. Implement!
  4. Git Github:

    • Git: local software
      • Distributed Logic
      • Works by using SHA1 for hash
      • Commits
      • Blobs
      • Trees
      • GitHub is a cloud based Git
      • git clone
      • git add (directory)
      • git commit -m (message)
      • git commit (will open text editor)
        • Use imperative verbs (subject): "Implements Functionality X"
        • Be more descriptive (Body)
        • Use reserved keywords (Futter) to redirect or versioning.
      • git push origin (branch)
      • git pull
      • git branch
      • git checkout -b (nova branch)
      • git log
      • git log --oneline
      • git checkout (branch or commit hash)
      • git config --global (properties or alias)
      • git stash
      • git merge
      • To pull request:
        1. Fork
        2. Clone
        3. Create new branch
        4. Push changings
        5. Pull requests that branch to Original one
      • Use SSH or Token to commit changings to cloud.
    1. Why Docker. How to Docker. Click here for more
      • Stays on a base OS, in general by virtualization controled by the "HyperVisor" (a system that limits and translates the systems call between systems).
      • A server can have more the one OS installed on top of it.(Generaly it is Linux Server)
      • An OS can have more than one container running in the same time.
      • The base OS (with Docker Engine) deploys automatically the containers as soons as it is demmanded
      • Docker do not needs to recopy a base OS so it is lighter and more performatic
      • It is a good match to Microsservices architecture
      • Brings Cloud to reality
      • The container needs to be compatible with the base Operational System.
      • Virtual Machines have more funcitionality and have more operations than containers, tho. To acess a server using ssh
ssh user@IP
To find server IP (you need to be inside the server):
ip a

Padroes de Projeto

  • Padrões Criacionais
    • Abstract Factory
    • Builder
    • Factory Methods
    • Protype
    • Singleton
  • Padrões Comportamentais
    • Chain Of Responsability
    • Iterator
    • Observer
    • Strategy
    • Template Method
  • Padrões Estruturais
    • Adapter
    • Bridge
    • Composite
    • Decorator
    • Facade
    • Flyweight
    • Proxy


It's a place to save notes and challenges accomplished with DIO training.







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