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World Cup Predictions

Predict the results of the 2018 FIFA World Cup ™ games and show your friends who is the best!

About the Application

World Cup Predictions is a Web Application built using Ruby on Rails framework and Docker.

These are current features:

  • Sign-in and Sign-up using email and password
  • Predictions based on a configurable range of time
  • Configurable score on different criteria
  • Automatic setup of World Cup Round games
  • Leagues
    • Creation
    • Invites
    • Leaderboard
    • Prediction sharing
    • Statistics per game


In order to test and develop this application, you may use Docker and Docker Compose.

Running docker-compose up, 3 containers will start:

  • Rails Web Server on port 3000
  • PostgreSQL Server on port 5432
  • Mailcatcher on HTTP Port 1080 and SMTP Port 1025


Run on your terminal:

docker-compose run --rm app bin/setup
docker-compose run --rm app rails setup:world_cup_2018

If you want to collaborate or have a suggestion, feel free to open an issue or create a Pull Request!