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Add implementation of gauss k-dpp sampler from LiJeSr, better docstri…
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guilgautier committed Aug 30, 2020
1 parent 69a4082 commit aef20ff
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131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions dppy/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la

from dppy.utils import det_ST, check_random_state

def bound_min_max_eigvals(A):
"""Assuming A \\succeq 0, returns coarse lower/upper bound on the smallest/largest eigenvalue of A"""

radius = np.sum(np.abs(A), axis=1)

# gershgorin
low_bnd_eig_A_min = max(1e-8, min(2 * np.diagonal(A) - radius))
# one-norm(A)
upp_bnd_eig_A_max = max(radius)

return low_bnd_eig_A_min, upp_bnd_eig_A_max

def lower_upper_bounds_bif_iterator(A, x, eig_A_min, eig_A_max):
"""Compute lower and upper bounds on the bilinear inverse form :math:`x^{\top} A^{-1} x` using Gauss quadrature Lanczos.

beta = 0.0
y_old, y = 1.0, 1.0
c = 1.0

b, b_u, b_l, b_t = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
d, d_u, d_l = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
eta, eta_t = 1.0, 0.0
w, w_u, w_l, w_t = 0.0, eig_A_min, eig_A_max, 0.0

norm2_x =

u = x.copy()
norm2_u_old, norm2_u = norm2_x, 1.0

p = u.copy()
A_dot_p =, p)

while True:

y = norm2_u_old /
w = 1.0 / y + beta / y_old
y_old = y

u -= y * A_dot_p
norm2_u =

beta = norm2_u / norm2_u_old
norm2_u_old = norm2_u

p[:] = u + beta * p
A_dot_p[:] =, p)

c *= eta / d**2

d = 1.0 / y
d_u = w - w_u
d_l = w - w_l

eta = beta / y**2

w_l = eig_A_max + eta / d_l
w_u = eig_A_min + eta / d_u
w_t = d_u * d_l / (d_l - d_u)

eta_t = w_t * (eig_A_max - eig_A_min)
w_t *= eig_A_max / d_u - eig_A_min / d_l

b += y * c
b_l = b + eta * c / (d * (w_l * d - eta))
b_u = b + eta * c / (d * (w_u * d - eta))
b_t = b + eta_t * c / (d * (w_t * d - eta_t))

lower_bound = norm2_x * max(b, b_l)
upper_bound = norm2_x * min(b_u, b_t)

yield lower_bound, upper_bound

if eta < 1e-10 or np.sqrt(norm2_u) < 1e-10:

def judge_exchange_gauss_quadrature(unif, kernel, sample, x_del, y_add):
"""Check whether
.. math::
u \\leq \\frac{\\det L_{S-x+y}}{\\det L_S}
u \\leq \\frac{L_{yy} - L_{y, S-x} L_{S-x}^{-1} L_{S-x, y}}
{L_{xx} - L_{x, S-x} L_{S-x}^{-1} L_{S-x, x}}
u L_{xx} - L_{yy} \\leq
p L_{x, S-x} L_{S-x}^{-1} L_{S-x, x}
- L_{y, S-x} L_{S-x}^{-1} L_{S-x, y}
by computing upper and lower bounds on the two bilinear inverse terms obtained via gaussian quadrature.

S = sample.copy()

L_SS = kernel[np.ix_(S, S)]
L_Sx, L_Sy = kernel[S, x_del], kernel[S, y_add]
e_min, e_max = bound_min_max_eigvals(L_SS)

iter_x = lower_upper_bounds_bif_iterator(L_SS, L_Sx, e_min, e_max)
iter_y = lower_upper_bounds_bif_iterator(L_SS, L_Sy, e_min, e_max)

lw_bnd_x, up_bnd_x = next(iter_x)
lw_bnd_y, up_bnd_y = next(iter_y)

thresh = unif * kernel[x_del, x_del] - kernel[y_add, y_add]

while True: # refine upper and lower bounds

gap_x = up_bnd_x - lw_bnd_x
gap_y = up_bnd_y - lw_bnd_y

# choose the term which must be updated first
if unif * gap_x - gap_y < 0:
lw_bnd_y, up_bnd_y = next(iter_y)
lw_bnd_x, up_bnd_x = next(iter_x)

if thresh <= unif * lw_bnd_x - up_bnd_y:
return True
elif thresh >= unif * up_bnd_x - lw_bnd_y:
return False
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions dppy/
Expand Up @@ -641,6 +641,38 @@ def exchange_sampler_refactored(kernel, s_init, nb_iter=10, t_max=None,
return chain.tolist()
def exchange_sampler_gauss_quadrature(kernel, s_init, nb_iter=10, t_max=None, random_state=None):
rng = check_random_state(random_state)
N = kernel.shape[0]
items = s_init + [x for x in range(N) if x not in s_init]
size = len(s_init)
chain = np.zeros((nb_iter, size), dtype=int)
chain[0] = s_init
t_start = time.time() if t_max else 0
for it in range(1, nb_iter):
ind_x, ind_y = rng.randint(0, size), rng.randint(size, N)
x, y = items[ind_x], items[ind_y]
u = rng.rand()
if judge_exchange_gauss_quadrature(
unif=u, kernel=kernel, sample=items[:size], x_del=x, y_add=y):
items[ind_x], items[ind_y] = y, x
chain[it] = items[:k]
if t_max and time.time() - t_start < t_max:
return chain
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