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Setup for SexyPex

Guilherme Penedo edited this page Jul 5, 2016 · 4 revisions

SexyPex setup

First of all make sure you have SexyPex installed on your spigot/bungee servers. To view how, check this page. I do not provide support on this step. If you require assistance, contact SexyPex's developer.

Once you have setup SexyPex, please ensure that the database you're using is accessible from the computer bungeecord is running on.

Player groups and permissions are fetched from the database but you need to specify group permissions on bungeecord's config.yml (using the default permissions system). For example, if user testsubject is in group testgroup (on sexypex's database) then his permissions are fetched from permissions: testgroup: on bungee's config.yml. Please note that the default group is always called "default".

Now, on to the actual configuration. Open config.yml and set permissionsSystem to SEXYPEX. Add your MySQL connection details under mysql:. Change updateInterval to the amount of minutes between automatic database updates.

If you change the default values on pex's config for 'aliases', edit the following to match your changes: sexypex: tables: permissions and sexypex: tables: permissions_inheritance.

Here's a complete config.yml setup to work with sexypex:

# Choose your permissions system. (ALL UPPERCASE AS ON THE LEFT LIST)
# Supported systems:
# PEX - PermissionsEx
# SEXYPEX - SexyPex

permissionsSystem: SEXYPEX

  # MySQL Hostname
  hostname: localhost

  # MySQL Username
  user: root

  # MySQL Password
  pass: password

  # MySQL Database
  db: server

  # MySQL Port
  port: '3306'

# Minutes between updating/reloading permissions automatically
updateInterval: 120

# Optional settings for each permissions system. Only edit the settings under the permissions system you are using

# PermissionsEx settings

    # PEX MySQL table names
    # If you didn't change the default values on pex's config for 'aliases' leave as it is
    permissions: permissions
    permissions_inheritance: permissions_inheritance

# SexyPex settings

    # SEXYPEX MySQL table names
    # If you didn't change the default values on permissionsex's config for 'aliases' leave as it is
    permissions: permissions
    permissions_inheritance: permissions_inheritance
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