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cirrus-ci - test php5.6 cirrus-ci - test php7.4 cirrus-ci - test php8.0


TAP producer library for PHP. Based on tape for node.

This library is not psr-0/4 compliant. Indeed, its contains functions to organize the running tests that make it unfriendly with composer's autoload way.

Tested on PHP versions : 5.6.9, 7.4.13 ,8.0.0


with composer :

require dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/guitarneck/taphp/taphp.lib.php';

without composer :

require_once 'taphp.lib.php';
test('timing test', function ($t) {

   $t->equal(get_class($t), 'TAPHP');
   $start = time();

   $t->equal(time() - $start, 0);
$ php .\test.php
TAP version 13
# timing test
ok 1 it should strictly be equal
not ok 2 it should strictly be equal
  actual  : 1
  expected: 0
# tests 2 (1.0868s)
# pass  1
# fail  1


This class is a singleton.


Returns the instance for this class. If realy you need it.

discardExit ()

This method prevents TAPHP to terminate with an exit code. It can be usefull in some circonstances, when tasks still to be done.


The functions and methods are nearly the same than in tape, with some differents due to PHP language.

The so called deep methods are here for compliance with tape. PHP does it nativly.

only ( [$name], [$options], $callback )

Declare a test that will be the only one to be runned.

skip ( [$name], [$options], $callback )

Declare a test that will be skipped. It won't run.

test ( [$name], [$options], $callback )

Declare a new test. $name and $options are optional. $callback will be fired after preceding one's, with a parameter giving access to TAPHP object's methods.

todo ( [$name], [$options], $callback )

Declare a test that still needs to do. Failure will be allowed.


Available options are:

  • 'todo' => true|false. See function todo and method todo.
  • 'skip' => true|false. See function skip and method skip.
  • 'only' => true|false. See function only.
  • 'timeout' => null|integer. Sets a timeout for the test, after which it will fail. See method timeout.


assert ( $condition, [$text] )

Assert that condition is truthy with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: ok, true

bailout ( [$text] )

Generate an immediate exit and stop of all the tests with and optional $text as reason.

comment ( $text )

Generate a comment with a message $text.

deepEqual ( $any, $val, [$text] )

Assert that $any === $val with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: deepEquals, isEquivalent, same, deep_equal

deepLooseEqual ( $any, $val, [$text] )

Assert that $any == $val with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: deep_loose_equal

end ( [$error] )

Declare the end of a test, with an optional generated $error.

error ( $error, [$text] )

Generate a failure for a given $error, as an object type of Exception, with an optional $test description.

Aliases: ifError, ifErr, iferror, if_error

exception ( $exception, [$text] )

Generate a failure for a given $exception, as an object type of Exception, with an optional $test description.

Aliases: ifException, ifExcept, ifExpt, ifExp, ifexception, if_exception

fail ( [$text], [$options] )

Generate a failing assertion with a message $text.

looseEqual ( $any, $val, [$text] )

Assert that $any == $val with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: looseEquals, loose_equal

no ( $condition, [$text] )

Assert that condition is falsy with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: notOK, false, notok, not_ok

notDeepEqual ( $any, $val, [$text] )

Assert that $any !== $val with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: notDeepEquals, notEquivalent, notDeeply, notSame, isNotDeepEqual, isNotDeeply, isNotEquivalent, isInequivalent, not_deep_equal, not_same

notDeepLooseEqual ( $any, $val, [$text] )

Assert that $any != $val with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: not_deep_loose_equal

notLooseEqual ( $any, $val, [$text] )

Assert that $any != $val with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: notLooseEquals, not_loose_equal

notStrictEqual ( $any, $val, [$text] )

Assert that $any !== $val with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: notEqual, notEquals, isNotEqual, doesNotEqual, isInequal, notStrictEquals, isNot, not, not_strict_equal, not_equal, is_not_equal, is_not

pass ( [$text], [$options] )

Generate a passing assertion with a message $text.

plan ( $n )

Declare the number of assertions that's about to be runned. end() will be called automatically after, or an error occurs if the number of assertions doesn't match.

restoreTimeLimit ()

Restore PHP max_execution_time.

setTimeLimit ( $seconds )

Change PHP max_execution_time.

skip ( [$text], [$options] )

Generate a skip with and optional $text ane leaving the running test.

strictEqual ( $any, $val, [$text] )

Assert that $any === $val with an optional description of the assertion $text.

Aliases: equal, equals, isEqual, strictEquals, is, strict_equal, is_equal

test ( [$name], [$options], $callback )

Generate a new test at run time.

throws ( $thrower, [$throwed], [$text] )

Assert that the function call $thrower throws an exception. $throwed can be a string, a regular expression, an exception, an array describing some exception properties, or null.

timeout ( $callback, $ms, [$text] )

Generate an assertion that should run before $ms microseconds are elapse. Or it fails with an optional $text.

todo ( [$text], [$options] )

Generate a todo with and optional $text inside a test, switching the next assertions to todo mode.


MIT © guitarneck