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Bomberman Game

The project is written in python3 and the source code for the same is stored in the src directory.

Running the game

The game can be run by running the following code in the terminal. python3

Basic Controls

* w - Up
* s - Down
* a - Left
* d - Right
* b - Place Bomb
* q - Quit the game


  • Bricks - %
  • Bomb - [B] -> [time]
  • Walls - X
  • Enemies - E
    • Bomberman - P
  • Explosion - e

Lives and Score

  • Displayed in the frame and information about levels come before the cuuren level on the screen


The game contains several classes each of which represents an object in the game. These are as follows:-

  • Encapsulation ,inheritance,modularity and ploymorphism is present in the game codes.
  • Board (Encapsulation) - This class is making board of the game which includes side Walls and Walls in board
  • Bricks (Encapsulatoin) - This class is making brick randomly at that position where there is no wall.
  • Person - Parent class for all the moving objects
    • Bomberman (inheritance)- Class to implement the main player in the game, the bomberman which will be operated by the user.
    • Enemy (inheritance)- Class to implement the antagonist of the game, which will move according to the difficulty of the game.
  • Bomb - This class is making bomb and give time remaining in exploding in it and then explode it.
  • Getch - Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to the screen.


It defines the main board that is displayed to the user in the game.It contains all the element bricks,Walls,enemies,bomberman
  • Methods - __init()__ , make_board()
  • Properties - Make complete 2-D board and places the right elements in desired postion.

Player (Bomberman)

It defines the main person of the game i.e., Bomberman which is controlled by the user input.
  • Methods - __init__() ,getPosplanter(), remove(), curr(), hanged(), hanged_bomber()
  • Properties - x_pos, y_pos, lives, score


It defines the bombs which can be placed by the bomberman on the board and destroy the bricks and the enemies
  • Methods - __init__(),explosion(),explode() ,presentCoordiateBomb() , set_bomb() ,startcounter()
  • Properties - x_pos, y_pos, timer


It defines the destructible types of wall which can be destroyed by bombs
  • Methods - __init__()
  • Properties - x_pos, y_pos,


Parent class for the moving objects which are enemies and the bomberman (player)
  • Methods - _init_(),leftMove(),rightMove(),upMove() ,downMove()
  • Properties - x_pos, y_pos,left move,right move,up ,down


It defines the enemies for the game which are made to move through an algorithm which makes their moves random . 
  • Methods - __init__(), hanged_enemy(), currEnemy(), removeEnemy(), checkmurder(), destroy()
  • Properties - x_pos, y_pos,speed increses on every level and also its number


python bomberman game run on terminal







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