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Gunjan Datta edited this page Sep 22, 2022 · 3 revisions

Customizing the List Forms

SPFx List Form WebPart

The SharePoint REST Framework w/ Bootstrap has new webpart designed for SPFx. For this example, we will use the SPFxListFormWebPart to render the custom list form. This component will also be used for the webpart we will create to help apply/remove the custom list form.

onRender Method

The render method for the SPFx extension will simply need to pass the SPFx extension information and the environment type. It will render the ListForm component also available in the library.

  public render(): void {
    // Render the custom form webpart
      envType: Environment.type,
      spfx: this as any

SPFxListFormWebPart Properties

The relevant properties for customizing a list form are shown below.

Name Type Description
envType number The environment type.
onGetListInfo (props: Helper.IListFormProps) => Helper.IListFormProps Customize the list query that loads the item/list information.
onDisplayFormRendering (props: IListFormDisplayProps) => IListFormDisplayProps; Allows you to customize the list form display properties before rendering the display form.
onDisplayFormRendered (form?: IListDisplayForm) => void; Triggered after the display form is rendered.
onEditFooterRendering (props: ITooltipGroupProps) => ITooltipGroupProps; Allows you to customize the footer buttons.
onEditFormRendering (props: IListFormEditProps) => IListFormEditProps; Allows you to customize the list form edit properties before rendering the edit form.
onEditFormRendered (form?: IListEditForm) => void; Triggered after the edit form is rendered.
onSaving (values: any) => any; Allows you to customize/default the item properties before saving/updating the item.
onSaved (item: any) => void; Triggered after the list item is created.
spfx any The SPFx extension/webpart object.


The get list information properties can be updated to control the fields to render, and allows for an OData query for expanding complex field types.

Name Type Description
contentType string The content type name to use to render the form.
excludeFields string[] The internal field names to exclude from the form.
fields string[] The internal field names to render. By default, the content type will determine the fields to render.
itemId number The item id to load.
listName string The list name.
loadAttachments boolean Flag to load and render the attachments.
query OData The OData query used to load an item. This is useful for expanding lookup field types.
webUrl string The web containing the list.


To further customize the list form, you can use the following properties.

Name Type Description
className string The class name to apply to the element.
displayAttachments boolean Flag to display the attachments.
groupClassName string The class name to apply to the group element.
rowClassName string The class name to apply to the row element.
onControlRendered (ctrl: IFormControl, field: Types.SP.Field) => void; Triggered after the field control is rendered.
onControlRendering _(ctrl: IFormControlProps, field: Types.SP.Field) => IFormControlProps Promise;_
onFormRendered (form:IForm) => void Triggered after the form is rendered.


To further customize the list form, you can use the following properties.

Name Type Description
className string The class name to apply to the element.
displayAttachments boolean Flag to display the attachments.
groupClassName string The class name to apply to the group element.
rowClassName string The class name to apply to the row element.
onControlRendered (ctrl: IFormControl, field: Types.SP.Field) => void; Triggered after the field control is rendered.
onControlRendering _(ctrl: IFormControlProps, field: Types.SP.Field) => IFormControlProps Promise<IFormControlProps>;_
onFormRendered (form:IForm) => void Triggered after the form is rendered.


The edit form footer event will require you to return the tooltips group properties that is passed into the event. This will allow you to modify, add and/or remove tooltip buttons from the bottom of the form.