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File metadata and controls

130 lines (100 loc) · 3.25 KB


Phometa is a web application that can build formal systems based on visualisation.

This is individual project of Gun Pinyo
Supervisor: Dr. Krysia Broda
Second Marker: Prof. Alessio R. Lomuscio
MEng Computing (4YFT) Imperial College London

For full report of this project, please read here


Phometa can be installed by downloading compiled version here and unzip it.

Then, start Phometa server by execute

./ 8080

where 8080 is port number, you can change this to another port number if you like. Please note that python is required for this server.

Then, open your favourite web-browser and enter


Now, you can use Phometa.

To exit the server, just press Ctrl-C on the terminal that run server

System Requirement for development

  • nodejs (>= 0.10.25)
  • npm (>= 1.4.21)
  • elm 0.16
  • sass

My elm additional coding convention

naming convention

  • use lower_case_with_underscores for defined functions and constants, these will be different from standard elm convention which even better so we can distinguish functions from packages and defined function easily
  • use CamelCase for modules, types, and type aliases


  • 2 spaces for each indention
  • 79 characters per line

(union) types, and type aliases

  • for (union) types, put = at the end of that line
  • for (union) types, put the entire name as prefix for each constructor
  • for type aliases, put = in new line
  • for type aliases, if it is very short and fit on one line, so do it


type MyType
  = MyTypeNum Int
  | MyTypeStr Str

type alias AliasType =
  { my_type : MyType
  , age : Int

type alias TypeName = String

functions and constants

  • put = at the same line but value in one line
  • the same as type aliases, if it is very short and fit in one line, do it
  • alway define functions and constants signatures for clarification


my_min : Int -> Int -> Int
my_min a b =
  if a < b then

main : Signal Html
main = start app

import declaraion

  • put all import decoration before any types or functions (but after module declaration)
  • it will be divided in to 3 block
    • from core package
    • from community packages
    • defined modules
  • each block will be separate by one line
  • for core package block and community packages block, import decorations will be ordered alphabetically
  • for defined modules, import decorations will be ordered by dependency
    • a general guideline of order between each package is
      • Naive
      • Tools
      • Models
      • Updates
      • Views
      • Tests


import Signal exposing (Address)

import Html exposing (Html, button, text)

import Models.RepoModel exposing (Package)
import Models.Model exposing (Model)

in this case Models.Model depends on Model.RepoModel so it must come after, but if there are modules which are not depend to each other, we are free to any on them first