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Clojure REPL Plugins

Sung Pae edited this page Jan 14, 2014 · 1 revision

This is a list of interactive development plugins for Clojure:

  • fireplace.vim

    nREPL client by Tim Pope.

  • slimv.vim

    SWANK client for Vim by Tamas Kovacs.

  • screen

    Send text to REPLs running in GNU Screen or tmux. Not Clojure specific.

    By Eric Van Dewoestine.

  • vim-slime

    Like screen above, an asynchronous REPL plugin that uses GNU screen and tmux. Not Clojure specific.

    By Jonathan Palardy.

  • VimClojure

    The original interactive Clojure editing environment by Meikel Brandmeyer. vim-clojure-static is incompatible with the original VimClojure project in several small ways, so be sure to uninstall vim-clojure-static when using VimClojure.

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