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File metadata and controls

399 lines (307 loc) · 9.2 KB


A Grunt plugin for generating preload assets manifest files. Supports PreloadJS, PxLoader, JSON, JS, CSV, and unlimited support for multiple formats by using underscore templates. By @gunta.


Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-preload-assets --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Preload Assets task

Run this task with the grunt preload_assets command.

Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.



Type: String Choices:

  • preloadjs
  • pxloader
  • json
  • json-idaskey
  • csv
  • custom-sample
  • Or a path to a template file.

Default: json

Selects a template for generating the assets list. The output can be customized by creating your own underscore template.

Detecting options

####detectId Type: Boolean Default: true

Includes an identifier in the output. By default, it camelizes the filename and removes the extension.

####detectSrc Type: Boolean Default: true

Includes the file path.

####detectType Type: Boolean Default: true

Analyzes each asset file type and includes it. By default, the supported file types are IMAGE SOUND JSON XML CSS JAVASCRIPT SVG and TEXT.

####detectBytes Type: Boolean Default: false

Includes each asset file size in bytes. Useful when creating realistic progress bars.

####detectTotalBytes Type: Boolean Default: false

Includes the sum of all assets file sizes in bytes. Useful when creating realistic progress bars.

####detectLastModified Type: Boolean Default: false

Includes each asset file last modified timestamp in unixtime. Useful when comparing file changes or implementing a cache system.

####detectMD5 Type: Boolean Default: false

Includes each asset file md5 hash trimmed to the first 8 chars. Useful when creating a cache system more reliable than one based on timestamps or checking integrity.

####detectBase64 Type: Boolean Default: false

Includes each entire asset file encoded in a base64 string. Useful when the asset file sizes are small, to reduce http requests.

####detectDimensions Type: Boolean Default: false

For IMAGE files: Includes each asset file width and height in pixels. Useful so one doesn't need to manually write the width/height everytime for each file.

Currently this only works on OS X (Waiting your pull request) 😉

Note that not every template needs to add support to all these properties.

Advanced Options


Type: String Default: filesManifest

Specifies a key name for the root container.

####ignoreBasePath Type: String Default: undefined

Ignores a specific base path from the specified src.


Type: Function Parameter: String filename

Overrides the function for processing the src filename.


Type: Function Parameter: String filename

Overrides the function for processing the id.


Type: Function Parameter: String filename

Overrides the function for processing the file type.


Type: Function Parameter: Number bytes

Overrides the function for processing the number of bytes.


Type: Function Parameter: String filename

Overrides the function for processing the number of total bytes.


Type: Function Parameter: String filename

Overrides the function for processing the dimensions of the file.


Type: Function Parameter: String filename

Overrides the function for processing the md5 hash for the file.


Type: Function Parameter: String filename

Overrides the function for processing the last modified date.


Type: Function Parameter: String filename

Overrides the function for processing the base64 encode of the file.

Usage examples

Basic usage

// Project configuration.
	preload_assets: {
		my_target: {
			files: {
				'dest/filesmanifest.js': ['src/*.png', 'src/*.jpg']

Will produce something like this:

	"filesManifest": {
		"files": [
				"id": "testFixturesGenericButton",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/genericButton.png",
			    "type": "IMAGE"
				"id": "testFixturesGenericButtonOver",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/genericButtonOver.png",
			    "type": "IMAGE"
				"id": "testFixturesParallaxHill1",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/parallaxHill1.png",
			    "type": "IMAGE"
				"id": "testFixturesSky",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/sky.png",
			    "type": "IMAGE"
				"id": "testFixturesImage2",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/image2.jpg",
			    "type": "IMAGE"

PreloadJS sample

// Project configuration.
	preload_assets: {
		my_target: {
			options: {
				ignoreBasePath: 'somebasepath/path/',
				template: 'preloadjs'
			files: {
				'dest/filesmanifest.js': ['somebasepath/path/*.png', 'somebasepath/path/*.jpg']

Will produce this:

var filesManifest = [
	{id: 'genericButton', src: 'genericButton.png', type: createjs.LoadQueue.IMAGE},
	{id: 'genericButtonOver', src: 'genericButtonOver.png', type: createjs.LoadQueue.IMAGE},
	{id: 'parallaxHill1', src: 'parallaxHill1.png', type: createjs.LoadQueue.IMAGE},
	{id: 'sky', src: 'sky.png', type: createjs.LoadQueue.IMAGE},
	{id: 'image2', src: 'image2.jpg', type: createjs.LoadQueue.IMAGE}

JSON full options sample

// Project configuration.
	preload_assets: {
		my_target: {
			options: {
				template: 'json',
				detectId: true,
				detectBytes: true,
				detectTotalBytes: true,
				detectSrc: true,
				detectLastModified: false,
				detectMD5: true,
				detectBase64: true,
				detectDimensions: true
			files: {
				'dest/filesmanifest.js': ['test/fixtures/*.*']

Will produce this:

	"filesManifest": {
		"files": [
				"id": "testFixturesCabinBoy",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/CabinBoy.mp3",
			    "bytes": 9529,
			    "md5": "bc1d817c",
                "base64": "SUQzAwAAAAAlH1RSUQzAwAAAAAlH1RZRVIMjAxMC0xMC0yMlQxwNjowM...",
                "lastModified": 1363601857000
				"id": "testFixturesThunder",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/Thunder.ogg",
			    "bytes": 71083,
			    "md5": "076b3c87",
                "lastModified": 1363601857000
				"id": "testFixturesFont",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/font.css",
			    "bytes": 37,
			    "md5": "34b228cf",
                "base64": "ZGl2IHsKICAgY29sb3I6ICMyNMC0xmIzZjggIWltcG9ydGFudDsKfQ...",
                "lastModified": 1363601857000
				"id": "testFixturesGenericButton",
			    "src": "test/fixtures/genericButton.png",
			    "bytes": 2832,
			    "width": 150,
                "height": 100,
                "md5": "7a36698a",
                "base64": "iVBONvbS5hZG9iZS54bXAAAAAAADw/eHBhY2tldCBiZWdpbj0i77u/IiBpZD0iVzVNME1wQ2FTkSuQmCC..."
				"...": "............"
        "totalBytes": 206944

CSV options sample

// Project configuration.
	preload_assets: {
		my_target: {
			options: {
					template: 'csv'
			files: {
				'dest/filesmanifest.csv': ['test/fixtures/*.*']

Will produce this:


Release History


  • Updated package information


  • First NPM package release


  • Changed option parameters to a single hash because they would be overridden with a new object if passed
  • Changed idaskey to hash for better naming
  • Added bytes to PreloadJS template


  • Added timestamp support
  • Added base64 support
  • Added md5 support
  • Added flag for optional switching of options
  • Added JSON template, with key and array version
  • Added CSV support
  • Added totalBytes support
  • Replaced lodash with grunt.util._