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✨Team Celestial Bytes

🦄Idea - Medlabs

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🌟Team Details

  • Team Code : 29653822dc
  • Team Name : Celestial Bytes
  • IsFresher: False

👷Team Members

  • Gunwant Wankhede
  • Soodit Kumar
  • Naman Singla
  • Gunika Verma
  • Niku Singh

✍️Description of Idea

  • IDea : A unified platform for medical laboratories and test centres
  • Problem : Unorganized healhcare industry especially when it comes to tests
  • Our team saw that the medical tests offered by hospitals were scattered over different places, making it difficult for the patients to check the availability and choose the right options. The pandemic saw the wide spread use of Home collection of samples, but we believe that this can be extended to every tests. Our vision is to bring all the affordable, best and accessible healthcare under one platform so that a patient can choose from variety of Options.

An initiative to save millions of Indians

In India while every sector is getting organized and centralised, healthcare sector is often given little to no attention. While we have online platforms to book an appointment to our favourite spa or barber on the tap of our fingers, we fail in providing mandatory healthcare. A report in 2016 showed that in India more than 2 million people die from treatable diseases which go undetected and become the ultimate cause of death [source]. This figure has only stacked up over the past years and has seen a boom due to the recent Covid Pandemic. It disheartens us to say that if our platform had been in place before the pandemic, countless number of lives could have been saved. But better late than never. Considering the situation, this is precisely where our platforms comes in. It connects users to nearby labs, providing them option to either go in the centre or opt in for the home-collection system. Such system plays a huge role when it comes to dealing with highly contagious diseases and limit it's spread.

What's next for MedLabs after the pandemic - As mentioned above, the severity in India of people dying to treatable diseases, out goal is to bring that number down to half by the end of 2026. We know its a little ambitious but our hopes are high are we're in for the ride.

🌐Website Architecture Diagram


🔭Features that can be implemented in future are:

  • Rating from patients on particular labs and their tests.
  • Improving the search result by adding a filter according to the location of the lab and user.
  • In app test result provision.
  • Ability to contact the lab after booking test via a chat bot .

Website Preview

Landing Page

Checkout page

Search Result Page

Patients Dashboard

Patients Booking

Lab Dashboard

Labs add a test

Labs management tool

Video preview