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CSE 5234 E-commerce Application

Welcome to our e-commerce application for the CSE 5234 course. We built this full-stack application using Node.js and AWS Amplify for the backend and React.js for the frontend. The deployment is available here.

Project Overview

In this project, we aimed to create a seamless online shopping experience by implementing various functionalities that are essential for an e-commerce platform.


  • Frontend: React.js with Material-UI for the user interface.
  • Backend: Node.js with Express.js for handling API requests, AWS Amplify for building GraphQL API and serverless functions, and AWS SNS for messags delivery from publishers to subscribers.
  • Database: AWS DynamoDB (text data) and S3 bucket (image) on aws

Below is a graphical representation of our structure


Local / Frontend Environment


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install frontend components
npm install
  1. Run the project
npm start

Remote / Backend Environment

AWS Amplify

This section provides a quick start guide to using AWS Amplify for building scalable and secure cloud-powered applications. AWS Amplify is a development platform that simplifies the process of building and deploying full-stack applications on the cloud. Since Amplify is based on AWS configuration, you probably can't directly start the project unless I give you permission for using my account. Instead, you may need to start over with the following commands and manually create the functions by youself (refer to the amplify folder for details on how we implement the backend services).


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

Getting Started

  1. Install Amplify CLI

    npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
  2. Configure AWS Amplify

    Run the following command and follow the prompts to set up your Amplify environment:

    amplify configure

    This command will prompt you to sign in to your AWS account and configure your default AWS profile.

  3. Create a New Amplify Project

    amplify init

    Follow the prompts to configure your project. This command will create a new Amplify project and set up the necessary backend services.

  4. Add Backend Services

    To add backend services such as authentication, API, and storage, use the following commands:

    • Authentication:

      amplify add auth
    • API:

      amplify add api
    • Storage:

      amplify add storage

    Follow the prompts to configure each service.

  5. Deploy Backend Services

    After adding backend services, deploy your changes to the cloud:

    amplify push

    This command will provision the necessary AWS resources and configure your backend services.

  6. Integrate with Frontend

    Integrate your backend services with your frontend framework (React, Angular, Vue, etc.). Use the following command to add frontend support:

    amplify add hosting

    Follow the prompts and deploy your frontend:

    amplify publish

Additional Commands

  • View Amplify Status:

    amplify status

    This command provides an overview of the current status of your Amplify project.

  • Add Functionality:

    To add additional functionality, such as analytics, notifications, or machine learning, use the amplify add command followed by the service name.

  • Update and Redeploy:

    After making changes to your project, use the following commands to update and redeploy:

    amplify update
    amplify push

For more detailed documentation and advanced usage, refer to the AWS Amplify documentation.

Database Design

AWS DynamoDB: A NoSQL database service, used for storing structured data with low-latency access. AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service): An object storage service, used for storing and retrieving large files such as images.

Access Patterns

Retrieve all products for listing on the website. Fetch individual product details, including image from S3. Update inventory levels after a purchase. Place a new order and update the Order table. Retrieve user order history.

How to Add/Edit/Delete product

  1. create an account and login on /admin
  2. add administrator permission to user in AWS Amplify website
  3. login in to perform operations

Team Members

Chenmeinian Guo, Jiaqian Huang, Hannes Scutt


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