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guoyixing edited this page Apr 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

What is Chronos


Chronos is currently in its early development stage, and there are still many features that have not been implemented. If you are interested, please join us to improve Chronos together.

If you have any needs or questions, please contact us:

QQ Group: 811716138


Chronos is a front-end plug-in for project management and resource management. Chronos is committed to helping users better arrange their plans and manage resources in a visual way.

Chronos is similar to a Gantt chart, but Chronos is more flexible, allowing users to customize the type of plans, the type of resources, the number of resources, and so on.


  • Visual project management/resource management
  • Display different plans/resources through different graphics
  • Achieve function expansion through a plug-in approach

Chronos Demo

Swimlane Operations

Edit swimlane name, add swimlane rows, delete swimlane rows, add swimlane below, add swimlane above, move swimlane, delete swimlane

Chronos Demo

Scale Operations

Zoom in, zoom out

Chronos Demo

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