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into provides convenience functions for coercing dynamic values to concrete values.


  • into.String, into.Int, into.Uint, into.Float for coercing any to their respective types
  • into.CanString, into.CanInt, into.CanUint, into.CanFloat for testing coercibility
  • into.Try and into.Maybe for catching panics and coercing them to error


This library is an experiment that might be useful if you have to deal with map[string]any, writing data mapper libraries, etc. It's not intended to replace strconv; if you know your concrete types ahead of time just use the standard library.

The panicking nature of the API is an idea borrowed from everyone's favorite, the standard library reflect package.


a := into.Int(42) // 42
b := into.Int("42", into.WithConvertString) // 42
c := into.Int(nil, into.WithFallback(1337)) // 1337

var ptr *int        // nil
d := into.Int(ptr)  // 0

ok := into.CanInt("blah") // false
err := into.Try(func() {
    a = into.Int("blah")
}) // into.ErrInvalid{Value: "blah", Type: "int"}
n, err := into.Maybe(into.Int, "blah") // 0, into.ErrInvalid{Value: "blah", Type: "int"}


This library tries to avoid as much overhead as possible, and in many cases achieves zero allocation.

Benchmarks on a M2 Mac Mini:

BenchmarkFloat-12                	601534540	        1.997 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFloatWithOptions-12     	444859920	        2.692 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFloatFallback-12        	441497448	        2.699 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkInt-12                  	572993503	        2.096 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkIntWithOptions-12       	442683682	        2.715 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkIntFallback-12          	440095513	        2.704 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkString-12               	331075846	        3.579 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkStringWithOptions-12    	307433682	        3.914 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkStringFallback-12       	264048576	        4.490 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUint-12                 	621541999	        1.928 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUintWithOptions-12      	447733209	        2.673 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUintFallback-12         	445057358	        2.689 ns/op	      0 B/op	      0 allocs/op


coercion convenience for Go







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