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Schedule lambda function

Gurmit Teotia edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 1 revision

You can orchestrate the executions of AWS Lambda functions in a workflow as shown in following example:

[WorkflowDescription("1.0", DefaultLambdaRole= "lambda role to invoke lambda function")]
public class BookHolidaysWorkflow : Workflow
  public BookHolidaysWorkflow()

Lambda role

Create a role, as described in this article, and provide it either in WorkflowDescriptionAttribute or when starting the workflow. This role is needed by AWS SWF to invoke the lambda functions.

Lambda input:

By default workflow's input is passed as input to the lambda function however you have can customize it. Following examples shows various ways to pass input to lambda function:

public class BookHolidaysWorkflow : Workflow
  public BookHolidaysWorkflow()
     ScheduleLambda("BookHotel").WithInput(_=> new {CustomerName = Input.CustomerName});
             .WithInput(l=>new {BookingId = l.ParentLambda().Result().BookingId})

Error handling:

By default workflow is failed when lambda functions is failed/timedout however you can configure it take custom action as shown in below example:

[WorkflowDescription("1.0", DefaultLambdaRole= "lambda role to invoke lambda function")]
public class BookHolidaysWorkflow : Workflow
 public BookHolidaysWorkflow()
    //BookHotel lambda function will be rescheduled on failure. It will retry it for 2 times after which it will fail the workflow.
    //AddDinner lambda will be rescheduled on timedout every time.     

Scheduling same lambda function multiple times

ScheduleLambda API accept an optional argument "positionalName", which you can use to schedule same lambda function at multiple places in same workflow:

[WorkflowDescription("1.0", DefaultLambdaRole= "lambda role to invoke lambda function")]
public class BookHolidaysWorkflow : Workflow
 public BookHolidaysWorkflow()
    ScheduleLambda("TranscodeVideo", "WAVFormat").OnFailure(Reschedule);
    ScheduleLambda("TranscodeVideo", "MP4Format").AfterLambda("TranscodeVideo", "WAVFormat")
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