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Awesome Notes

This is a React Native example application to create ****ing awesome notes

Awesome Notes

How to:

  1. Run npm install.
  2. For ANDROID run react-native run-android. For IOS run react-native run-ios.


Run npm test.

What you can do

  1. Create awesome notes
  2. See them on the notes list
  3. Set note as favourite(swiping from left to right one note and tapping on the star icon)
  4. Delete notes(swiping from right to left one note and tapping on the trash icon)
  5. Filter the notes list by your favourite notes
  6. and more...(no, not much more...hehe ^^')

Pending improvements:

  1. Use Styled-components
  2. Code coverage up to ~80%
  3. More animations (on scroll for example)
  4. Remove all text on device shake (on create new note view)
  5. Firebase auth with Facebook/Twitter
  6. Persist notes on Firebase database