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Releases: gusmanb/PSVRFramework

Minor changes to portable version

16 Nov 16:13
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The tray icon had some problems with XFCE so we changed the hidding behavior for Linux, it will not completely disappear and relay on the tray icon to show up, it will just minimize to the taskbar.

New functionalities

09 Nov 23:41
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New functionalities Pre-release

This new release contains a new panel with information about the device (serial number, firmware version, input status, etc), the LED lightning control and a debug section.

To enable debug press on the right button and the debug controls will show up.


Also included in this release are the UDP and CLI interfaces to control remotely the toolbox. For more info read the wiki.

This release uses a new installer to maximize the project's compatibility, instead of an InstallShield installer, the free installer add-on for visual studio community is used now. If you already have the toolbox installed uninstall it prior to install this new one or you will end with two versions installed (no need to uninstall or modify drivers).

Final of driver madness? Also Linux support

07 Nov 00:10
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After some people wich had problems with previous drivers reporting sucessful results we are ready to distribute it as a release.

Also this version has support for Linux, only a few missing bits: hotkeys and boot at startup. We will try to implement this on the next weeks.

Installation instructions for Windows

  • If you had installed any libusb filter or winusb driver remove all prior to installation
  • Download PSVRToolboxSetup.exe and
  • Uncompress, you will find two folders, WinUSB and LibUSB, preferred driver under windows is WinUSB but you can install LibUSB in case of trouble
  • Inside each driver type you will find two folders, oe for sensor driver and other for control driver
  • Execute the installers on these folders.
  • In case of any problem try with the other optio (if you installed winusb driver try with libusbdriver and vice-versa)
  • Execute PSVRToolboxSetup.exe and follow instructions

If you prefer to not install the program you can download the portable version but remember you need the .net Framework V4.5.2 or higher.

Installation instructions for Linux

  • The program requires mono-complete 4.4 or higher with libgdi support (recommended 4.6), libusb-1.0 and libusb-1.0-0-dev packages to run.
  • Program must be run under an X11 session and run it with elevated privileges.
  • To install uncompress the wherever you perfer and run ./

LibUSB is back...

03 Nov 21:54
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LibUSB is back... Pre-release

Some people has problems with LibUSB, others with WinUSB, so (I hope) the solution is here, the toolbox now allows to select which driver type is installed, in this way I hope the compatibility will be maximized.

To choose the driver go to the Settings page and select the right one from the Driver dropdown.

No more LibUSB!

02 Nov 02:49
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No more LibUSB! Pre-release

After seeing how much troubles had people with LibUSB I changed the code to work with WinUSB. As it's a driver bundled with Windows it must work on all machines without any problem, just install the .inf files on the driver package and you're done.

To install the drivers:

-Remove any LibUSB filter if installed and let Windows refresh the standard drivers (reboot is recommended).
-Uncompress the driver package
-Right click on the PS_VR_Control_(Interface_5).inf file and choose Install. A message will pop telling you the instalation was correct
-Repeat the same process for the PS_VR_Control_(Interface_5).inf

To check the device installation go to the device manager, you should have a new node called "USB Devices" and the control and sensor interfaces should be here.

Hope this eliminates all the problems.

VR Player v0.1.0 Alpha

01 Nov 23:01
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Finally got something usable, here is the x64 package for VR Player.


  • Run player
  • Choose file
  • Done!


  • Left = rewind
  • Right = fast forward
  • Up = volume up
  • Down = volume down
  • Ctrl + Left = widen IPD
  • Ctrl + Right = narrow IPD
  • Ctrl + Up = increase FOV
  • Ctrl + Down = decrease FOV
  • ESC = exit video
  • Mouse = control view

Remember this is in it's very early stages, for now only 180º 3D videos are supported but slowly I will add support for a lot more of formats.

You will need the VC++ redist if you don't have it installed:

Have fun!


01 Nov 02:30
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v0.1.1 Pre-release

Added cinematic mode configuration.
Changed recenter routine.

First release on Github

30 Oct 23:27
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This is the first version of the tool available on Github.