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Gustavo Iñiguez Goia edited this page Jan 4, 2018 · 4 revisions
  • The applet always displays 0 devices

    1. Check out if arpalert is running (ps ax|grep arpalert). If not take a look at /var/log/arpalert.log
    2. Check out if the dbus service is running: ps ax|grep arpalert-service
    3. Send a message to the applet and see if the status text is updated:
    • qdbus --system org.arpsentinel /org/arpsentinel sendAlert "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6"
    • or: gdbus call --system --dest org.arpsentinel --object-path /org/arpsentinel --method org.arpsentinel.alerts.sendAlert "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6"
    1. Restart arpalert: sudo service arpalert restart || sudo /etc/init.d/arpalert restart
  • The applet fails to load

    • Check if the DBUS Service is running (ps ax|grep arpalert-service).
    • If it's not, launch it manually (~/.arpsentinel-applet/bin/ and add the applet afterwards.
    • Remember that arpalert must be installed and running.
    • Once you've executed manually, run this command: ~/.arpsentinel-applet/bin/ 1 2 3 4 5 6, and see again if the DBUS service is running (ps ax|grep arpalert-service).
    • If it's, add the applet to the panel.
  • Gathering logs when reporting an issue:

    • Press ALT+F2 and type lg
    • Press Windows key + l, and select the extension tab.
    • tail -f ~/.cinnamon/glass.log
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