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Getting started

Gustavo Marmentini edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Tinify PHP SDK

This library was created to assist in the image optimization process from the Tinify API. In addition to the methods included in the API itself, this library brings some methods that help in post-processing.


To install the library just import it with Composer.

$ composer require secco2112/tinify-php-sdk


    "require": {
        "secco2112/tinify-php-sdk": "*"


To use the library it is necessary to have an access key. Access this link to request a key. With the key in hand, just instantiate the main class. To do this it is necessary to use the configuration class and the options class.

use Secco2112\Tinify\Config;
use Secco2112\Tinify\Options;
use Secco2112\Tinify\Tinify;

$config = new Config([
    Options::TINIFYOPT_API_KEY => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' // here's your api key

$tinify = new Tinify;

With the $tinify variable you can now perform all the requests available in the API!

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