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The entrypoint to all functionality is the cmd bin target.


  • serve: start a server
  • render: render a glb/gltf file or directory
  • download: before starting a server, you can make the render requests a little faster by downloading the models to local path, the urls and local directory are configured using config.toml
  • collect: collect all models from a local directory
  • convert: convert fbx models into gltf/glb
Usage: cmd [COMMAND]

  serve     Start http server (using config.toml for configuration)
  render    Render a single glb/gltf file or directory containing multiple
  collect   Collect model names from a local directory and save them in models.txt (for a later use in config.toml)
  download  Download models from a remote server to a local directory (for caching)
  convert   Convert fbx files into glb/gltf
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help


GET /health

For liveness and readiness probes. Any status code other than 200 means the container should receive a backoff or a restart.

POST /render

Endpoint for rendering a preview. Request is in json format. Example

    "model": "",
    "texture_urls": [
    "width": 2000,
    "height": 2000

POST /render-form

Endpoint for rendering a preview. The request is a post form, with following fields:

  • width preview width
  • height preview height
  • model url of model to be used, the basename of the model will be used to look for a local file
  • textures an array of textures in binary format, these will be applied to meshes in the same order as given here (textures[0], textures[1], ...)


Some features can be configured using the config.toml file.

  • port local port for http server
  • models_base_url the base url for downloading models
  • local_model_dir local directory for where model files will be stored
  • models a list of strings representing model filenames that will be appended to models_base_url


Some general advice:

  • three_d::HeadlessContext is neither Sync nor Send, meaning it cannot be passed between threads. It will also panic if you try to create it in any other thread than the main one or if you attempt to create a second instance.
  • Only serve one request at a time to avoid OOMs. The tokio::sync::Semaphore is used for this in the server.
  • Rendering on MACOS and Unix like OSs is different in some respects, especially the Blend modes.


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