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Starting afresh with new home
Created my new home over the internet here and learned along the way.

The Past

I wanted to create a portfolio for a long time, and it's not like I didn't try to create one. I started with a very basic portfolio very initially, when I wasn't even aware of the foundational blocks of web. Finally, I created a very basic version of a single page portfolio after learning HTML & CSS, with a profile picture, and some text about myself.

But later I realized, that it wasn't very attractive, and I also didn't know anything about deployment at that time, so it was buried under some old files. Around that time, I found about Open Source, and started learning more stuff, and later I created a blog hosted on WordPress at It's been inactive for a while, but it shows a great learning timeline during my undergraduate studies.

After learning little more technical stuff, and having an internship experience, I thought that it is the right time to create a portfolio which I can also host. I found out about GitHub pages from one of my friends, and hosted a very simple version of the Website. Since, I never had a great sense of designing, I took a template to deal with themes, and styles. You can find it at I didn't update it later.

The Present

After completing my graduation, and getting a year of professional experience, I strongly felt to showcase my journey in a better way. I bought a new domain for the portfolio, and to motivate myself to host an updated, and detailed version of portfolio. I searched through lots of blog/portfolio themes(took a whole week 😛), and finally settled for Tailwind Nextjs Theme.

Later, I updated the site defaults with the custom ones, and added some canonical pages to categorize my work & experiences. What you see currently is the result of multiple weekends, which I was able to dedicate to this site, and this is the first blog post here as a house-warming ritual 😉.

The Future

I'll be writing about experiences, and learnings of my journey ahead from now on. I'll write regular posts, as I keep exploring, and learning new things. I truly hope, that I stand by this public commitment, and able to fulfill it unlike the previous one 🙈.

Let's meet in the next post, and start afresh!