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Guy Kobrinsky edited this page Feb 27, 2019 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the weighted-lottery wiki!

Weighted lotteries are used when we need to randomly select k of n items with given probabilities.

  • The sample size k is typically much smaller than n
  • The sample can ask for unique items, or allow repetitions

This project offers several weighted lottery implementations written in Kotlin or Java




IntLottery represents the facade for obtaining the next item

interface IntLottery {
    fun draw(): Int
    fun empty(): Boolean
    fun remaining(): Int

All implementations of IntLottery expect to get a DoubleArray of probabilities, where an index in the array will be returned with each call to draw according to its given probability

val weights = doubleArrayOf(0.15, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.65)
val lottery : IntLottery = ...  // some implementation, initialized with the weights
(0 until k).forEach {
  val index = lottery.draw()
  // do something

Allow repetitions

With SimpleWeightedLottery, one can draw as many times as needed - with the complexity of log(n)

val weights = doubleArrayOf(0.15, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.65)
val lottery = SimpleWeightedLottery(weights)
val k = ... // no limitation on the value of k
(0 until k).forEach {
  val index = lottery.draw()
  // do something

AliasLottery is based on alias method sampling algorithm, with preprocessing complexity of O(n), and draw complexity of O(1) (cost of 2 random calls)

TwistedAliasLottery delegates draw calls to the SimpleWeightedLottery while building an AliasLottery in the background using a different thread. When init is done - it switches the delegated implementation

No repetitions

SimpleWeightedLotteryNoRepetitions wraps a SimpleWeightedLottery and tries to minimize number of re-draws by keeping track of the chance to hit the same element twice. In case a threshold is crossed - the internal SimpleWeightedLottery is re-allocated. Complexity is hard to analyze as it depends on the type of distribution

val weights = doubleArrayOf(0.15, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.65)
val lottery = SimpleWeightedLotteryNoRepetitions(weights)
val k = ... // k < weights.size
(0 until k).forEach {
  val index = lottery.draw()
  // do something

SumTreeLottery holds a sum tree data structure, with O(n) complexity for preprocessing and log(n) for draw (in oppose to the 'Simple' implementation - no need for any reallocation/preprocessing)

ReservoirLottery is based on A-Chao's weighted version of reservoir sampling algorithm, with preprocessing complexity of O(n+klogk), draw complexity of O(1). However, it depends on prior knowledge of k

val weights = doubleArrayOf(0.15, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.65)
val lottery = ReservoirLottery(weights, k = 2)
val first = lottery.draw()
val second = lottery.draw()
lottery.draw() // NoSuchElementException


All implementations are benchmarked using jmh, with gc profiler enabled

Use cases

  • 'with repetitions' vs 'without repetitions'
  • When measuring, we may care about preprocessing phase, draw phase in other cases and sometimes both together
  • one sample of k items vs many samples of k items (some implementations may be better when reusing the same weights)
  • uniform vs exponential distribution (0.9^1, 0.9^2, 0.9^3, .....) of probabilities

Follow benchmark wiki page to further deep dive

The results of the latest benchmark can be found here

How to contribute ?

New implementations are welcome. we prefer you to use Kotlin, but Java is also possible

Your pull request must contain:

  • Short description of your logic
  • Implement IntLottery in WeightedLottery/src/main/java/com/wl
  • Implement either WeightedLotteryNoRepetitionsTestBase or WeightedLotteryWithRepetitionsTestBase in src/test/java/com/wl
  • Add benchmark methods as described here
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