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kk edited this page Jun 29, 2018 · 1 revision

How to describe JSON data?

Essentially, all data can be described by function.

For example, a positive integer:

def validate_int_plus(value):
    assert isinstance(value, int), 'invalid number'
    assert value > 0, 'number must > 0'

Another example, a string which max length is 120 chars:

def validate_str_maxlen_120(value):
    assert isinstance(value, str), 'invalid string'
    assert len(value) <= 120, 'string too long'

Classify the validate functions, validator turns out.

For example, a integer validator which has max value and min value:

def int_validator(min, max):
    def validate(value):
        assert isinstance(value, int), 'invalid number'
        assert value >= min, f'number must >= {min}'
        assert value <= max, f'number must <= {max}'
    return validate

Schema is just a represention of validator.

How to represent validator?

After some surveing, I found a Step-By-Step syntax is suitable.

For example, a integer validator:


A min 0 integer validator:


A min 0, max 100 interger validator:


It can be detailed step by step, according to requirements.

In addition, if the param value is True, we can omit the param value.

int.optional(True) == int.optional

For list and dict validator, we can validate it's elements:

list( int.min(0).max(100) )


Write schema in Python

Since int, str, dict, list...etc is already defined in Python, we add T. prefix to validator name, eg:

You can also define dict schema by class:

class MyModel:
    key1 =
    key2 = T.str.maxlen(10)

Write schema in JSON

From a structural point of view, JSON data can be divided into 3 types:

  • scalar: string number true false null.
  • sequence: also known as array or list.
  • mapping: a collection of name/value pairs, also known as object or dictionary.

Schema is also JSON, it describe JSON data by the 3 structures too.
As a result, the schema was called Isomorph-JSON-Schema.

mapping use $self to describe self, other keys describe it's inner elements:

    "$self": "schema",
    "key": "schema"

sequence use first element to describe self, second element to describe inner elements:

["schema", Item]

a sequence can omit self-describe, only describe inner elements:


scalar use a string to describe self:


Note: the JSON syntax is for exchange schema between languages.


this is actual data:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "A green door",
    "price": 12.50,
    "tags": ["home", "green"]

and it's schema in Python:

T.dict('The unique identifier for a product'),
    name=T.str.desc('Name of the product'),

the same schema by Python class:

class Product:
    id ='The unique identifier for a product')
    name = T.str.desc('Name of the product')
    price = T.float.exmin(0)
    tags = T.list(

the same schema in JSON:

    "$self": "dict",
    "id": "int.desc('The unique identifier for a product')",
    "name": "str.desc('Name of the product')",
    "price": "float.exmin(0)",
    "tags": [