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eGov suite of products aim to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations.


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eGovernments Foundation transforms urban governance with the use of scalable and replicable technology solutions that enable efficient and effective municipal operations, better decision making, and contact-less urban service delivery.

Our comprehensive software products enable Governments to put their resources to efficient use by minimising overheads. We also help bring in transparency, accountability and citizen centricity in the delivery of Government services.

eGovernments Foundation has been in the forefront of implementing eGovernance solutions since 2003. Our products have been serving over 275 ULBs across the country. Our time tested products have impacted the ULBs in a large way. We have also been involved in several eGovernance initiatives in the country.

Our primary business motivator is to increase the footprint of eGovernance across the country and help adoption in as many ULBs as possible. Going opensource with our products is a measure in this direction. It also gives us the ability to tap into the immense talent pool in India for strengthening and improving our cities. Open source also blends well with our ethical fabric of being open and transparent in our business.

Issue Tracking

Report issues via the eGov Opensource JIRA.


The eGov suit is released under version 3.0 of the GPL.

User Guide

This section contains steps that are involved in build and deploy the application.


Database Setup

Create a database and user in postgres

Elastic Search Setup

Elastic seach server properties needs to be configured in elasticsearch.yml under <ELASTICSEARCH_INSTALL_DIR>/config elasticsearch-<username> ## Your local elasticsearch clustername, DO NOT use default clustername
transport.tcp.port: 9300 ## This is the default port

Building Source

  1. Clone the eGov repository
$ mkdir egovgithub
$ cd egovgithub
$ git clone
  1. Change directory to <CLONED_REPO_DIR>/egov/egov-config/src/main/resources/config/ and create a file called egov-erp-<username>.properties and enter the following values based on your environment config.

mail.enabled=false ##Enables or disabled email sending, this is enabled (true) by default

sms.enabled=false  ##Enables or disables SMS sending, this is enabled (true) by default

#Following are the http sms request parameter names, replace with sms provider specific request param name.

#In addition to the above standard parameters, any additional static parameters can be added here with 
#respective key=value, delimit with &

#SMS response error codes, replace with sms provider specific error code,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414

#If sms gategway response doesn't contain error message, to log error messages for the above code then add error message entry like following
#eg:401=Invalid Username or Password

One can override any default settings available in /egov/egov-egi/src/main/resources/config/ by adding an entry in egov-erp-<username>.properties.

Database properties are defined in the

  1. Change directory back to <CLONED_REPO_DIR>/egov
  2. Run the following commands, this will cleans, compiles, tests, migrates database and generates ear artifact along with jars and wars appropriately
mvn clean package -s settings.xml -Pdb

Deploying Application

Configuring JBoss Wildfly
  1. Download and install customized JBoss Wildfly Server from here. This server contains some additional jars that are required for the ERP.
  2. In case properties needs to be overridden, edit the below file (This is only required if egov-erp-<username>.properties is not present)

└── egov
  └── settings
    └── main
        ├── config
        │   └──
        └── module.xml
  1. Update settings in standalone.xml under <JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/configuration
  • Check Datasource setting is in sync with your database details.
  • Check HTTP port configuration is correct in
<socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:8080}"/>
  1. Change directory back to <CLONED_REPO_DIR>/egov and run the below command
 $  chmod +x
$ ./

Alternatively this can be done manually by following the below steps.

  • Copy the generated exploded ear <CLONED_REPO_DIR>/egov/egov-ear/target/egov-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT in to your JBoss deployment folder <JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/deployments
  • Rename the copied folder egov-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT to egov-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear
  • Create or touch a file named egov-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear.dodeploy to make sure JBoss picks it up for auto deployment
  1. Start the wildfly server by executing the below command
 $ cd <JBOSS_HOME>/bin/
 $ nohup ./ -b &

-b only required if application accessed using IP address or domain name.

  1. Monitor the logs and in case of successful deployment, just hit http://localhost:<YOUR_HTTP_PORT>/egi in your favorite browser.
  2. Login using username as egovernments and password demo

Accessing the application using IP address and domain name

This section is to be referred only if you want the application to run using any ip address or domain name.

1. To access the application using IP address:
  • Have an entry in eg_city_website table in database with an IP address of the machine where application server is running (for ex: citibaseurl="") to access application using IP address.
  • Access the application using an url where is the IP and 8080 is the port of the machine where application server is running.
2. To access the application using domain name:
  • Have an entry in eg_city_website table in database with domain name (for ex: citibaseurl= "") to access application using domain name.
  • Add the entry in hosts file of your system with details as (This needs to be done both in server machine as well as the machines in which the application needs to be accessed since this is not a public domain).
  • Access the application using an url where is the domain name and 8080 is the port of the machine where application server is running.

Always start the wildfly server with the below command to access the application using IP address or domain name.

 nohup ./ -b &

Developer Guide

This section gives more details regarding developing and contributing to eGov suit.

Repository Structure

egov - folder contains all the source code of eGov opensource projects

Check out sources

git clone or git clone


Note: Please check in eGov Tools Repository for any of the above software installables before downloading from internet.

1. Eclipse Deployment
  • Install Eclipse Mars Eclipse Mars
  • Import the cloned git repo using maven Import Existing Project.
  • Install Jboss Tools and configure Wildfly Server.
  • Since jasperreport related jar's are not available in maven central, we have to tell eclipse to find jar's in alternative place for that navigate to Windows -> Preference -> Maven -> User Settings -> Browse Global Settings and point settings.xml available under egov-erp/
  • Double click on wildfly9.x --> open launch configurations --> edit VM arguments and add string '' at the end of existing VM arguments.
  • Now add your EAR project into the configured Wildfly server.
  • Start Wildfly in debug mode, this will enable hot deployment.
2. Intellij Deployment
  • TODO - Contribute
3. Database Migration Procedure
  • Any new sql files created should be added under directory <CLONED_REPO_DIR>/egov/egov-database/src/main/resources/sql
  • Uses the database properties from <CLONED_REPO_DIR>/egov/egov-database/src/main/resources/ for migration
  • All sql scripts should be named with incremental number prefix and .sql suffix
  • Format <sequence>_<module>_<description>_<database-statement-type>.sql

For More details refer Liquibase

4. Targets to Build, Package and Upgrade database
  • Run the following commands in developement enviornment when there is no database changes.
mvn -s settings.xml clean compile ## Cleans your build directory and compiles your java code
mvn -s settings.xml clean test    ## Cleans, compiles and runs unit, integration tests
mvn -s settings.xml package       ## Cleans, compiles, tests and generates ear artifact along with jars and wars approproiately
  • When there is a database change then database upgrade also needs to be done before building. That case use the command
mvn -s settings.xml package -Pdb  ## Cleans, compiles, tests, migrates database and generates ear artifact along with jars and wars approproiately

Note: This system is supported only on Linux environment. Supported browser are-

  • Chrome
  • Firefox


eGov suite of products aim to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations.







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  • Java 79.3%
  • HTML 12.0%
  • JavaScript 6.5%
  • CSS 2.2%
  • SQLPL 0.0%
  • PLSQL 0.0%