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HMM, DiscreteHMM and Gaussian Mixtures HMM
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guyz committed Nov 14, 2012
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Created on Oct 31, 2012
@author: GuyZ
The code is based on, from QSTK. See below for license details and information.
import numpy

class _BaseHMM(object):

def __init__(self,n,m,precision=numpy.double,verbose=False):
self.n = n
self.m = m

self.precision = precision
self.verbose = verbose
self.eta = self._eta1

def _eta1(self,t,T):
return 1.

Forward-Backward procedure is used to efficiently calculate the probability of the observation, given the model - P(O|model)
alpha_t(x) = P(O1...Ot,qt=Sx|model) - The probability of state x and the observation up to time t, given the model.
NOTE: only alpha (the forward variable) is actually required to get P(O|model)
NOTE 2: The returned value is the log-likelihood of the model. It can be greater than one
when using a continous HMM since pdfs are used, and can provide unnormalized values.
def forwardbackward(self,observations):
alpha = self._calcalpha(observations)
return numpy.log(sum(alpha[-1]))

Calculates 'alpha' the forward variable.
The alpha variable is a numpy array indexed by time, then state (TxN).
alpha[t][i] = the probability of being in state 'i' after observing the
first t symbols.
def _calcalpha(self,observations):
alpha = numpy.zeros((len(observations),self.n),dtype=self.precision)

# init stage - alpha_1(x) = pi(x)b_x(O1)
for x in xrange(self.n):
alpha[0][x] = self.pi[x]*self.B_map[x][0]

# induction
for t in xrange(1,len(observations)):
for j in xrange(self.n):
for i in xrange(self.n):
alpha[t][j] += alpha[t-1][i]*self.A[i][j]
alpha[t][j] *= self.B_map[j][t]

return alpha

Calculates 'beta' the backward variable.
The beta variable is a numpy array indexed by time, then state (TxN).
beta[t][i] = the probability of being in state 'i' and then observing the
symbols from t+1 to the end (T).
def _calcbeta(self,observations):
beta = numpy.zeros((len(observations),self.n),dtype=self.precision)

# init stage
for s in xrange(self.n):
beta[len(observations)-1][s] = 1.

# induction
for t in xrange(len(observations)-2,-1,-1):
for i in xrange(self.n):
for j in xrange(self.n):
beta[t][i] += self.A[i][j]*self.B_map[j][t+1]*beta[t+1][j]

return beta

Find the best state sequence (path), given the model and an observation. I.E: max(P(Q|O,model)).
This method is usually used to predict the next state after training.
def decode(self, observations):
# use Viterbi's algorithm. It is possible to add additional algorithms in the future.
return self._viterbi(observations)

Find the best state sequence (path) using viterbi algorithm - a method of dynamic programming,
very similar to the forward-backward algorithm, with the added step of maximization and eventual
delta[t][i] = max(P[q1..qt=i,O1...Ot|model] - the path ending in Si and until time t,
that generates the highest probability.
psi[t][i] = argmax(delta[t-1][i]*aij) - the index of the maximizing state in time (t-1),
i.e: the previous state.
def _viterbi(self, observations):
delta = numpy.zeros((len(observations),self.n),dtype=self.precision)
psi = numpy.zeros((len(observations),self.n),dtype=self.precision)

# init
for x in xrange(self.n):
delta[0][x] = self.pi[x]*self.B_map[x][0]
psi[0][x] = 0

# induction
for t in xrange(1,len(observations)):
for j in xrange(self.n):
for i in xrange(self.n):
if (delta[t][j] < delta[t-1][i]*self.A[i][j]):
delta[t][j] = delta[t-1][i]*self.A[i][j]
psi[t][j] = i
delta[t][j] *= self.B_map[j][t]

# termination: find the maximum probability for the entire sequence (=highest prob path)
p_max = 0 # max value in time T (max)
path = numpy.zeros((len(observations)),dtype=self.precision)
for i in xrange(self.n):
if (p_max < delta[len(observations)-1][i]):
p_max = delta[len(observations)-1][i]
path[len(observations)-1] = i

# path backtracing
path = numpy.zeros((len(observations)),dtype=self.precision)
for i in xrange(1, len(observations)):
path[len(observations)-i-1] = psi[len(observations)-i][ path[len(observations)-i] ]

return path

Calculates 'xi', a joint probability from the 'alpha' and 'beta' variables.
The xi variable is a numpy array indexed by time, state, and state (TxNxN).
xi[t][i][j] = the probability of being in state 'i' at time 't', and 'j' at
time 't+1' given the entire observation sequence.
def _calcxi(self,observations,alpha=None,beta=None):
if alpha is None:
alpha = self._calcalpha(observations)
if beta is None:
beta = self._calcbeta(observations)
xi = numpy.zeros((len(observations),self.n,self.n),dtype=self.precision)

for t in xrange(len(observations)-1):
denom = 0.0
for i in xrange(self.n):
for j in xrange(self.n):
thing = 1.0
thing *= alpha[t][i]
thing *= self.A[i][j]
thing *= self.B_map[j][t+1]
thing *= beta[t+1][j]
denom += thing
for i in xrange(self.n):
for j in xrange(self.n):
numer = 1.0
numer *= alpha[t][i]
numer *= self.A[i][j]
numer *= self.B_map[j][t+1]
numer *= beta[t+1][j]
xi[t][i][j] = numer/denom

return xi

Calculates 'gamma' from xi.
Gamma is a (TxN) numpy array, where gamma[t][i] = the probability of being
in state 'i' at time 't' given the full observation sequence.
def _calcgamma(self,xi,seqlen):
gamma = numpy.zeros((seqlen,self.n),dtype=self.precision)

for t in xrange(seqlen):
for i in xrange(self.n):
gamma[t][i] = sum(xi[t][i])

return gamma

Updates this HMMs parameters given a new set of observed sequences.
observations can either be a single (1D) array of observed symbols, or a 2D
matrix, each row of which is a seperate sequence. The Baum-Welch update
is repeated 'iterations' times, or until the sum absolute change in
each matrix is less than the given epsilon. If given multiple
sequences, each sequence is used to update the parameters in order, and
the sum absolute change is calculated once after all the sequences are
def train(self, observations, iterations=1,epsilon=0.0001,thres=-0.001):

for i in xrange(iterations):
prob_old, prob_new = self.trainiter(observations) # train iter should also update model and cacheB

if (self.verbose):
print "iter: ", i, ", L(model|O) =", prob_old, ", L(model_new|O) =", prob_new, ", converging =", ( prob_new-prob_old > thres )

if ( abs(prob_new-prob_old) < epsilon ):
# converged

def _updatemodel(self,new_model):
self.pi = new_model['pi']
self.A = new_model['A']

def trainiter(self,observations):
# call the EM algorithm
new_model = self._baumwelch(observations)

# calculate the log likelihood of the previous model
prob_old = self.forwardbackward(observations)

# update the model with the new estimation

# map observable probabilities

# calculate the log likelihood of the new model
prob_new = self.forwardbackward(observations)

return prob_old, prob_new

new transitions probability matrix A is set to: expected_transitions(i->j)/expected_transitions(i)
def _reestimateA(self,observations,xi,gamma):
A_new = numpy.zeros((self.n,self.n),dtype=self.precision)
for i in xrange(self.n):
for j in xrange(self.n):
numer = 0.0
denom = 0.0
for t in xrange(len(observations)-1):
numer += (self.eta(t,len(observations)-1)*xi[t][i][j])
denom += (self.eta(t,len(observations)-1)*gamma[t][i])
A_new[i][j] = numer/denom
return A_new

def _calcstats(self,observations):
stats = {}

stats['alpha'] = self._calcalpha(observations)
stats['beta'] = self._calcbeta(observations)
stats['xi'] = self._calcxi(observations,stats['alpha'],stats['beta'])
stats['gamma'] = self._calcgamma(stats['xi'],len(observations))

return stats

def _reestimate(self,stats,observations):
new_model = {}

# new init vector is set to the frequency of being in each step at t=0
new_model['pi'] = stats['gamma'][0]
new_model['A'] = self._reestimateA(observations,stats['xi'],stats['gamma'])

return new_model

An EM(expectation-modification) algorithm devised by Baum-Welch. Finds a local maximum
that outputs the model that produces the highest probability, given a set of observations.
xi[t][i][j] = P(qt=Si, qt+1=Sj|O,model) - the probability of being in state i at time t,
and in state j at time t+1, given the ENTIRE observation sequence.
gamma[t][i] = sum(xi[i][j]) - the probability of being in state i at time t, given the ENTIRE
observation sequence.
def _baumwelch(self,observations):
# E step - calculate statistics
stats = self._calcstats(observations)

# M step
return self._reestimate(stats,observations)

def _mapB(self,observations):
raise NotImplementedError("a mapping function for B(observable probabilities) must be implemented")

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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions hmm/continuous/
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Created on Nov 12, 2012
@author: GuyZ

from _ContinuousHMM import _ContinuousHMM
import numpy

class GMHMM(_ContinuousHMM):

def __init__(self,n,m,d=1,A=None,means=None,covars=None,w=None,pi=None,min_std=0.01,init_type='uniform',precision=numpy.double,verbose=False):
See ContinuousHMM constructor for more information
_ContinuousHMM.__init__(self,n,m,d,A,means,covars,w,pi,min_std,init_type,precision,verbose) #@UndefinedVariable

def _pdf(self,x,mean,covar):
Gaussian PDF function
covar_det = numpy.linalg.det(covar);

c = (1 / ( (2.0*numpy.pi)**(float(self.d/2.0)) * (covar_det)**(0.5)))
pdfval = c * numpy.exp(-0.5 *,covar.I), (x-mean)) )
return pdfval

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