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This is a pipeline for the annotation of long reads such as assembly contigs. We suggest to use this pipeline only on shallow environmental assemblies where a gene prediction approach for functional annotation is not applicable. Some of these steps can also be applied for Nanopore read annotation.

Click here to see how the LongMeta pipeline was applied to environmental data (Varliero et al., 2021;


Different databases are used in this pipeline. All the database files can be downloaded from the following links. The files are big so make sure you have enough space on your system.

These are the formatted datasets for the NCBI-nr database v5. These datasets are updated every two months (if case the nr.gz was updated on the the NCBI website).

  • nr.gz [67 Gb] : NCBI blast protein database.
  • accession_taxid.txt [4.5 Gb] : tab delimited file reporting the protein accession numbers and the associated taxids.
  • taxid_taxonomy.txt [239 Mb]: tab delimited file reporting the taxids and the associated taxonomical paths.
  • accession_protein.txt [9.9 Gb] : tab delimited file reporting the protein accession numbers and the associated protein names.
  • accession_GO.txt [1.6 Gb] : tab delimited file reporting the protein accession numbers and the associated Gene Ontology (GO) accession codes.
  • GO.txt [3.6 Mb] : tab delimited file reporting the GO codes, the GO and the associated GO names and ontologies.

The database files are pretty massive, you may want to download them with wget


Here's a snapshot of the format of these databases

zcat nr.gz | head
# >KJX92028.1 hypothetical protein TI39_contig5958g00003 [Zymoseptoria brevis]
# >PYI97175.1 lysine 2,3-aminomutase [Verrucomicrobia bacterium]PYJ33862.1 lysine 2,3-aminomutase [Verrucomicrobia bacterium]

head accession_taxid.txt
# A0A023GPI8.1	232300
# A0A023GS28.1	37565
# A0A023GS29.1	37565
# A0A023IWD9.2	262245
# A0A023IWE0.1	580329
# A0A023IWE1.1	67723
# A0A023IWE2.1	1324310
# A0A023IWE3.1	580329
# A0A023IWG1.1	580329
# A0A023IWG2.1	67723

head taxid_taxonomy.txt
# 161256	Eukaryota	Arthropoda	Insecta	Coleoptera	Chrysomelidae	Galerucella	Galerucella lineola
# 2554519	Eukaryota	Arthropoda	Insecta	Lepidoptera	Erebidae	Ostha	Ostha sp. INCTA270-10
# 871351	Bacteria	Firmicutes	Bacilli	Lactobacillales	Lactobacillaceae	Lactobacillus	Lactobacillus sp. MF44(2010)
# 455508	Unclassified	Unclassified	Unclassified	Unclassified	Unclassified	Unclassified	Unclassified
# 1060012	Eukaryota	Arthropoda	Insecta	Lepidoptera	Lepidoptera_Unclassified	Lepidoptera_Unclassified	Lepidoptera sp. BOLD:AAV9997
# 314295	Eukaryota	Chordata	Mammalia	Primates	Primates_Unclassified	Primates_Unclassified	Primates_Unclassified
# 43255	Eukaryota	Chordata	Actinopteri	Perciformes	Harpagiferidae	Harpagifer	Harpagifer_Unclassified
# 1288524	Bacteria	Actinobacteria	Actinobacteria	Micrococcales	Microbacteriaceae	Curtobacterium	Curtobacterium sp. I12A-00125
# 1318028	Viruses	Negarnaviricota	Insthoviricetes	Articulavirales	Orthomyxoviridae	Alphainfluenzavirus	Influenza A virus
# 2466516	Eukaryota	Arthropoda	Insecta	Hymenoptera	Diapriidae	Diapriidae_Unclassified	Diapriidae sp. BIOUG10490-E09

head accession_protein.txt
#WP_003522443.1	hypothetical protein H009_14803
#XP_022177924.1	uncharacterized protein LOC111038960 isoform X3
#WP_145841639.1	hypothetical protein B9N43_07350
#WP_129747056.1	hypothetical protein NU08_2170
#PRQ37177.1	hypothetical protein RchiOBHm_Chr4g0399661
#TMS39860.1	hypothetical protein L596_006323
# QHN97289.1	hypothetical protein Ahy_B08g091168
# WP_003241080.1	hypothetical protein CVV77_19315
# WP_005204715.1	hypothetical protein F902_03102
# ROV92053.1	hypothetical protein VPNG_09832

head accession_go.txt
# WP_046691645.1	GO:0016021,GO:0006355,GO:0016020,GO:0003677,
# XP_007388560.1	GO:0022900,GO:0016020,GO:0004129,GO:0016021,GO:1902600,
# XP_015192253.1	GO:0016021,GO:0004672,GO:0005524,GO:0016020,GO:0006468,
# WP_048329662.1	GO:0051060,GO:0005975,GO:0030246,GO:0004553,
# WP_004397554.1	GO:0000155,GO:0016740,GO:0016772,GO:0016310,GO:0016301,GO:0000160,GO:0004673,GO:0023014,GO:0007165,GO:0018106,
# WP_006036850.1	GO:0016874,GO:0003824,
# WP_056333144.1	GO:0016740,GO:0003824,GO:0016757,GO:0009435,GO:0016763,GO:0004514,
# WP_056419841.1	GO:0005886,GO:0016021,GO:0016020,GO:0055085,GO:0022857,
# XP_010741415.1	GO:0016020,GO:0016021,GO:0055114,GO:0047057,GO:0042373,
# WP_015963251.1	GO:0016020,GO:0007049,GO:0032153,GO:0005886,GO:0016021,GO:0043093,GO:0005887,GO:0051301,

head go.txt
# GO:0000001	mitochondrion inheritance	biological_process
# GO:0000002	mitochondrial genome maintenance	biological_process
# GO:0000003	reproduction	biological_process
# GO:0019952	reproduction	biological_process
# GO:0050876	reproduction	biological_process
# GO:0000005	obsolete ribosomal chaperone activity	molecular_function
# GO:0000006	high-affinity zinc transmembrane transporter activity	molecular_function
# GO:0000007	low-affinity zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity	molecular_function
# GO:0000008	obsolete thioredoxin	molecular_function
# GO:0000013	obsolete thioredoxin	molecular_function

Getting started

  1. Download the folder LongMeta repository
git clone
  1. Move the scripts to your bin or set the LongMeta folder in your PATH
export PATH="$PATH:{path-to-LongMeta}/LongMeta"

Detailed command line options

LongMeta pipeline consists of 6 different scripts:

1. Assembly summary : longMeta-summary

The script longMeta-summary is used to check and trim the assembly (if needed).

usage: longMeta-summary [--help] [--assembly-input INPUT_FILE] [--type {fasta, fastq}] [--minimum-length POS_INTEGER] [--length-output OUTPUT_FILE] [--assembly-output OUTPUT_FILE]

-h, --help
	show help message

--assembly-input, -s INPUT_FILE
	assembly input file


--type {fasta, fastq}
	assembly format. default: fasta
--minimum-length, -min POS_INTEGER
	minimum length to consider. default: 0
--assembly-output OUTPUT_FILE
	assembly output file, file containing only contigs longer than -min
--length-output OUTPUT_FILE
	length output file, tab delimited file reporting contigs and the correspondent lengths
2. Assignment : longMeta-assignment

The script longMeta-assignment assigns taxonomy and functionality to each contig.

usage: longMeta-assignment [--help] [--tmp TEMPORARY_FOLDER] [--threads POS_INTEGER] [--assembly INPUT_FILE] [--paired-read INPUT_FILE] [--unpaired-read INPUT_FILE] [--gene-output FILE_OUTPUT] [--taxonomy-output FILE_OUTPUT] [--taxonomy {h, b, l}] [--acc2taxid DATABASE_FILE] [--taxid2taxon DATABASE_FILE] [--max-equal POS_INTEGER] [--cutoff-ID-best POS_INTEGER] [--min-best POS_INTEGER] [--all-lca {mixed, gene, all}] [--min-lca POS_INTEGER] [--cutoff-ID-lca POS_INTEGER]

--help, -h
	show help message
--threads POS_INTEGER
	number of threads

	temporary folder
--assembly, -a INPUT_FILE
	Diamond file for assembly (blast tabular format)
--paired-read, -p INPUT_FILE
	Diamond file for paired reads (comma separated files) (blast tabular format)
--unpaired-read, -u INPUT_FILE
	Diamond file for unpaired reads (comma separated files) (blast tabular format)

Options for gene assignment:

--gene-output FILE_OUTPUT
	gene output file
--overlap POS_INTEGER
	maximum number of overlapping bases between gene coding regions

Options for taxonomy assignment:

--taxonomy-output FILE_OUTPUT
	taxonomy output file
--acc2taxid DATABASE_FILE
	tab delimited file reporting the protein accession numbers and the associated taxids
--taxid2taxon DATABASE_FILE
	tab delimited file reporting the taxids and the associated taxonomical paths
--taxonomy {h, b, l}
	pipeline for the taxonomy assignment. h stands for hybrid, l for lca and b for best. default: h
--max-equal POS_INTEGER
	maximum number of sequences to be used for taxonomical classification when sequences with the same Diamond identity score and bit-score were assigned to the same sequence area. If not specified, LongMeta uses all the sequences
--cutoff-ID-best POS_INTEGER
	identity score value to consider a Diamond alignment for the BEST algorithm. default: 80
--min-best POS_INTEGER	minimum number of sequences assigned to a sequence to run the BEST algorithm. default: 3
--all-lca {all, gene, mixed}
	LCA algorithm can use all the sequences that Diamond assigned to a sequence (all), only the sequences that were assigned as genes (gene) or a mixed approach (mixed). In the latter, all the sequences are used only if less than a n number of sequences is present. N can be set with the option --min-lca. Default: mixed
--min-lca POS_INTEGER
	minimum number of sequences needed to run the LCA algorithm on only gene-assigned matches. default: 3. (to use with --all-lca mixed)
--cutoff-ID-lca POS_INTEGER
	minimum identity score to give more weight to a certain Diamond alignment. default: 80
3. Chimera detection : longMeta-chimera

The script longMeta-chimera screens the assembly for chimeric contigs.

usage: longMeta-chimera [--help] [--gene-input INPUT_FILE] [--taxonomy-input INPUT_FILE] [--assembly-input INPUT_FILE] [--length-input INPUT_FILE] [--gene-output OUTPUT_FILE] [--taxonomy-output OUTPUT_FILE] [--assembly-output OUTPUT_FILE] [--length-output OUTPUT_FILE] [--acc2taxid DATABASE_FILE] [--taxid2taxon DATABASE_FILE] [--taxon-rank {domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species}] [--ID-limit POS_INTEGER] [--cluster-limit POS_INTEGER]

-h, --help
	show help message

--gene-input, -g INPUT_FILE
	gene input file
--taxonomy-input, -t INPUT_FILE
	taxonomy input file
--acc2taxid DATABASE_FILE
	tab delimited file reporting the protein accession numbers and the associated taxids

--taxid2taxon DATABASE_FILE
	tab delimited file reporting the taxids and the associated taxonomical paths


--assembly-input, -s INPUT_FILE
	assembly input file
--length-input, -l INPUT_FILE
	length input file
--gene-output, -go OUTPUT_FILE
	gene output file
--taxonomy-output, -to OUTPUT_FILE
	taxonomy output file
--assembly-output, -so OUTPUT_FILE
	assembly output file
--length-output, -lo OUTPUT_FILE
	length output file
--taxon-rank {domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species}
	taxonomical level for chimera finding. default: genus
	minimum identity score to consider a gene coding region. default: 80
--cluster-limit POS_INTEGER
	number of consecutive gene coding region assigned to the same taxon to divide the contig. default: 2
4. Coverage calculation : longMeta-coverage

The script longMeta-coverage calculates the base coverage associated with different genes and taxa.

usage: longMeta-coverage [--help] [--taxonomy-input INPUT_FILE] [--sam-input INPUT_FILE] [--length-input INPUT_FILE] [--output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--ignore_uncl {yes,no}] [--perc-limit POS_NUMBER] [--phyla-exclusion {yes,no}] [--gene-input INPUT_FILE] [--acc2gene DATABASE_FILE] [--acc2go DATABASE_FILE] [--read-length POS_INTEGER] [--alignment-AS NUMBER]

--help, -h
	show help message

--taxonomy-input, -t INPUT_FILE
	taxonomy input file
--sam-input, -s INPUT_FILE
	mapping files (sam format, comma-separated)
--sam-input-tab, -st INPUT_FILE
	tab delimited file reporting sam files in the first column, read length can be specified in second column
--length-input, -l INPUT_FILE
	length input file
--output-folder, -o OUTPUT_FOLDER
	output folder

Options for gene profiling:

--gene-input, -g INPUT_FILE
	gene input file
--acc2gene DATABASE_FILE
	tab delimited file reporting the protein accession numbers and the associated protein names
	tab delimited file reporting the protein accession numbers and the associated Gene Ontology (GO) accession codes


--ignore-uncl {yes,no}
	consider contigs that did not get any matches from Diamond. default: no
--phyla-exclusion {yes,no}
	exclude contigs assigned to Metazoa and Streptophyta. default: yes
--perc-limit POS_NUMBER
	sensitivity threshold, percentage of bases and contigs that need to be assigned to a genus to be considered. default: 0.1
--read-length POS_INTEGER
	Length of the mapped reads. default: 150
--alignment-AS NUMBER
	minimum alignment score to consider a match (AS)
5. Explore data : longMeta-explore

The script longMeta-explore allows an easy exploration of the gene profiles at specific taxon levels.

usage: longMeta-explore [--help] [--input-folder INPUT_FOLDER] [--gene STRING] [--go {go-numbers}] [--go-name STRING] [--go-ontology {molecular_function, biological_process, cellular_component}] [--taxon STRING] [--taxon-rank {domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus}] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE] [--go2def DATABASE] [--output-type {gene,GO}]

--help, -h
	show help message

--input-folder, -in INPUT_FOLDER
	longMeta folder created in the previous steps of the pipeline
--output-file, -out OUTPUT_FILE
	output file reporting the genes of interest
--gene, -g STRING
	partial or entire gene name to use for gene retrieval. If the name is made up from more than one word, they must be enclosed in quotation marks. Special characters (e.g. ` or /) must be escaped with ‘\’. Write ‘all’ if all the genes must be retrieved.


--taxon, -t STRING
	taxa (comma-separated)
--taxon-rank, -r {domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus}
	rank of --taxon
--go-accession, -ga GO_CODE
	gene ontology code to use for gene retrival
--go-name, -gn STRING
	gene ontology name (or part) to use for gene retrival
--go-ontology, -go {molecular_function, biological_process, cellular_component}
	gene ontology category
--go2def, DATABASE
	tab delimited file reporting the GO codes, the GO and the associated GO names and ontologies
--output-type {gene,GO}
	output type
6. Calculate relative abundance : longMeta-relative

The script longMeta-relative calculates the taxonomic relative abundance out of the coverage data that was calculated in longMeta-coverage.

usage: longMeta-relative [--help] [--input-folder INPUT_FOLDER] [--taxid2taxon DATABASE_FILE]

--help, -h
	show help message

--input_folder, -in INPUT_FOLDER
	longMeta folder created in the previous steps of the pipeline
--taxid2taxon DATABASE_FILE
	tab delimited file reporting the taxids and the associated taxonomical paths


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