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React TypeScript Boilerplate

This is an attempt at facilitating the starting of a new project with the following features:

  • Basic Technologies
    • TypeScript
    • ReactJS
    • Redux
    • React-Router with Redux Integration
      • Options between hash and browser routing
  • Styling
    • LessCSS support
    • Stylus support
    • Image importing
  • Examples
    • Example Startup
    • Redux/Thunk Example
  • Performance
    • Image Optimization
    • JS Minification
    • CSS Minification
  • Linting
    • TSLint
  • Testing
    • Jest Unit Testing

Getting Started

Make a copy of this repository to your new project's code folder and install its dependencies.

git clone <project>
cd <project>
yarn  # or npm install

Then just start editing the src/application.tsx files and src/styles/styles.styl as you wish!

If you want to include images within your TypeScript code, simply:

// load the image from the filesystem
const exodusLogo: string = require("./images/exodus-logo.png");

// then make use of it somewhere
return (
    <img src={ exodusLogo } alt="Exodus Media Inc." />

Folder Structure


Under the src folder you will find the application.tsx file which is the main driver of the entire project. The static folder inside contains all of the static assets that will be copied directly to the root folder of the webserver when building or running the local webserver.

To get started, it will depend on which areas you want to get going with:

Areas of Development

  • Static files: Add to the src/static folder which will be hosted at the root directory / on the webserver
  • Shell and Routing: src/application.tsx
  • Components: src/components/*.tsx
  • Redux Actions and Reducers: src/ducks/*.ts and settings.ts to integrate
  • Tests: In the __tests__ folders you should be able to find some examples:
    • TODO: Component Tests: In src/components/__tests__ there will be some example component tests
    • Redux Tests: In src/ducks/__tests__ there are some reducer/action tests

Local Development

Run the local dev server, which uses webpack-dev-server.

yarn local  # for local webserver development
# or ..
yarn localprod  # for local testing of production release

Then browse to the following address: http://localhost:8080/

If you need hot reloading: http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/

Note: If you are running the production version, it will be minifying code, which can take a lot more processing and be slow to hot reload.

If you want to analyze the bundle being generated (only available in development mode): http://localhost:8081/

Build a Release

Run the scripts to generate all the files needed for a release.

yarn release

All of the files will be available in the /release/ folder, which can then be copied elsewhere, or a simple webserver can be used to serve this folder.

Planned Future Expansions

Add support for a few extra features:

  • Service Worker support?
  • Integration with Bulma or Bootstrap frameworks