Get started with Nix and see how you can benefit from it in your Scala or cross-team projects.
- Quick start
- Motivation
- What is Nix?
- Install Nix
- Use cases
- Pinning Nixpkgs
- Caching sbt derivations
- Managing dependencies (jars) with Nix
- Get started with sbt-nix.g8
If you're familiar with nix and have it installed, you can create a new project using this template:
nix-shell -p sbt --run "sbt new gvolpe/sbt-nix.g8"
Then follow the instructions in the README file inside the generated project's directory.
I started out writing this guide with examples after I ran a Twitter poll on September 2020.
The results speak for themselves but I am on a mission to change the current situation because I believe Nix and functional programming are the way forward. If you would like to help, share this guide with as many people as you can, give it a ⭐ and spread the good word!
Quoting the official website:
A powerful package manager for Linux and other Unix systems that makes package management reliable and reproducible. Share your development and build environments across different machines.
Reproducibility is probably the best feature Nix has to offer. It is widely used in other ecosystems, such as Haskell, Python, Rust and Go, but barely used (and known) in the Scala community.
You are only a command away (unless you are on NixOS), as officially documented.
curl -L | sh
There are three clear use cases where I think Nix can make a difference in Scala projects.
All the project's dependencies are declared in a shell.nix
file. For example, jdk
, sbt
and coursier
(maybe also jekyll
, if a microsite depends on it).
{ jdk ? "jdk11" }:
pkgs = import ./pkgs.nix { inherit jdk; };
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [
Where pkgs.nix
defines an exact version of the Nixpkgs (more on this later). The important part is that every member of the team will have access to the exact same packages.
Avoid global installation of Java, Sbt & any other binary
Instead of installing binaries from the web, let Nix manage your dependencies. This is crucial when working in big teams. We will no longer hear "it compiles on my machine".
The benefit is even greater when you work on diverse teams where everybody shares the same shell.nix
to run the full application. For example, at work we declare all the dependencies for frontend, backend and infrastructure such as jdk
, nodejs
and kubectl
, among others.
It is very appealing for new members joining the team! On day one, all they need to do is to git-clone the project, install Nix, run nix-shell
and all the project's dependencies will become available. Isn't that great?
We can also use nix-direnv so that we don't even need to run nix-shell
every time. Upon entering a working directory with a shell.nix
, all the declared software will become automatically available. Feels like magic! Actually, this is what we promote using at work.
We can use the exact same dependencies declared in shell.nix
on the CI build. No more discrepancies.
Have a look at .github/workflows/ci.yml to see how it looks like. It couldn't be simpler!
In fairness, we use nix/ci.nix
to run the CI build, which is a version of shell.nix
that only contains the sbt
package. The idea is that we can keep adding packages to our shell.nix
for local development, and there might be stuff we don't need at all in the CI, so it will run faster with less dependencies to pull.
Nowadays, most Scala projects are deployed as a Docker image (sometimes using Kubernetes). Although there are tools such as sbt-native-packager
, we can again declare what dependencies make it to our Docker image. There are some immediate benefits in doing this:
- we get to use the exact same JDK / JRE we declare in our Nix file.
- we will more likely get a smaller image than using a base slim one from Docker Hub.
- we will have a reproducible image (no more
apt-get update
s, please!).
We can still use sbt-native-packaer
to create our Docker images, as demonstrated in the examples below. Another option is to use sbt-assembly
and some declarative definition of our Dockerfile.
Note: the three examples shown below can be found under the modules
folder. Feel free to clone the repo and play around with them.
This module shows how users normally use sbt-native-packager
to create Docker images. It uses openjdk:11.0.8-jre-slim
as the base Docker image.
sbt "sbt-nix-native-default/docker:publishLocal"
docker run -it sbt-nix-bootstrap-default:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Here's the resulting Docker image, including the jar dependencies declared in our build.sbt
sbt-nix-bootstrap-default 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT c0320ed1b643 2 minutes ago 221MB
This is the default and it doesn't use Nix at all.
We could benefit from Nix by creating a base Docker image using the exact same jre
we declare in our project, and still use sbt-native-packager
to make the final image.
{ imgName ? "base-jre"
, jdk ? "jdk11"
, jre ? "adoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-bin-11"
pkgs = import ./pkgs.nix { inherit jdk; };
pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
name = imgName;
tag = "latest";
contents = [ pkgs.${jre} ];
Note: We are using adoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-bin-11
here whereas for the default image we use openjdk:11.0.8-jre-slim
but really, I couldn't find an image for the same JRE on Docker Hub, only for the JDK (if you do please let me know to update the document).
Run it as follows:
nix-build nix/docker.nix -o result-base-jre
docker load -i result-base-jre
sbt "sbt-nix-native-custom/docker:publishLocal"
docker run -it sbt-nix-bootstrap-custom:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
The resulting Docker image is 42MB smaller than the default! (with the caveat of the JREs not being the same).
sbt-nix-bootstrap-custom 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT 94e713b3fa0d 6 seconds ago 179MB
base-jre latest 58028d3adc50 50 years ago 163MB
Note: base-jre
shows it was created 50 years ago but we can change that by adding created = "now"
to our image definition. However, by doing so, we would be breaking binary reproducibility.
Learn more about creating Docker images with Nix at
Although a bit more manual, this approach also works using other build tools such as Mill, which natively provides an assembly
command to create a fat jar.
First of all, we need a basic Dockerfile
FROM base-jre:latest
COPY app.jar /app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app.jar"]
Then we will create a shell-script with Nix.
{ imgName ? "sbt-nix-assembly"
, jdk ? "jdk11"
, jre ? "adoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-bin-11"
pkgs = import ../../../nix/pkgs.nix { inherit jdk; };
base = pkgs.callPackage ../../../nix/docker.nix { inherit jdk jre pkgs; };
pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "build" ''
cd ../../
${pkgs.sbt}/bin/sbt "sbt-nix-assembly/assembly"
cd modules/assembly/
docker load -i ${base}
cp target/scala-2.13/app.jar nix/app.jar
docker build -t ${imgName} nix/
rm nix/app.jar
The result will be a shell-script that will run the assembly
command and build our Docker image. Under modules/assembly
, you will find a
script that does it all but you could as well do it manually since it only runs two commands.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
nix-build nix/app.nix
You can run it as follows:
cd modules/assembly/ && ./
docker run -it sbt-nix-assembly:latest
To recap, here are all the different Docker images shown in the examples, for an easy comparison.
sbt-nix-bootstrap-custom 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT 94e713b3fa0d 6 seconds ago 179MB
sbt-nix-bootstrap-default 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT c0320ed1b643 2 minutes ago 221MB
sbt-nix-assembly latest 61b30afca2fc 9 minutes ago 179MB
base-jre latest 58028d3adc50 50 years ago 163MB
In previous Nix files, we were referencing a file named pkgs.nix
. This is where we define what version of Nixpkgs we want to use in our project.
Whenever you install Nix, you'll have something called channels. Using Channels is not recommended because it goes against reproducible builds but they are useful to try things out with Nix. So instead of using a channel, we will "pin" the Nixpkgs to a specific version, indicated by a URL and a SHA256 hash. In a nutshell, it looks as follows:
{ jdk }:
nixpkgs = fetchTarball {
name = "nixos-unstable-2020-09-25";
url = "";
sha256 = "1cqgpw263bz261bgz34j6hiawi4hi6smwp6981yz375fx0g6kmss";
config = {
packageOverrides = p: {
sbt = p.sbt.override {
jre = p.${jdk};
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit config; };
In practice, though,
is defined atnix/pinned.nix
is defined atnix/config.nix
for modularity.
Let's explain what's going on here.
is one of the many built-in functions.url
will always be the same, except for the last part. That72b9660dc18b
is a commit hash. To find out the latest, you can look here.sha256
is calculated from thetar.gz
file. You can runnix-prefetch-url --unpack [URL]
to get it.
We also have a config
that overrides the sbt
package to use the jdk
version given as an argument. sbt
comes with a default jdk
version by default.
Overall, we can say our pkgs.nix
defines a function that expects a jdk
argument . This is how we've seen it used before.
{ jdk ? "jdk11" }:
import ./pkgs.nix { inherit jdk; }
It means that if no other value is given, we will use jdk11
by default.
Since our shell.nix
defines an argument with a default value:
{ jdk ? "jdk11" }:
We will always use jdk11
when running nix-shell
. In order to change that, we can supply the argument as follows:
nix-shell --argstr jdk jdk14
In fact, this is what we do in the CI build to get sbt
to run our project with the desired JDK version.
Nix derivations normally result in a binary, and sbt
is not an exception. Since we override the default JDK version, every binary result is different, and so it can be cached so you don't have to build it again (and neither does the CI build). We can build the derivation via nix-build
(the binary will be available by default under result/bin/sbt
> nix-build nix/sbt.nix
> nix-build nix/sbt.nix --argstr jdk jdk8
> nix-build nix/sbt.nix --argstr jdk jdk14
Notice how every hash is different when using different JDKs.
There is a free service for open-source projects named Cachix, including support for Github actions, where we can upload our binaries (result of a Nix derivation) so then everyone else can benefit from not having to build it again.
Pushing a binary is fairly easy. Once you signed up and generate your signing key, you can pipe the output of a nix-build
derivation directly to Cachix.
nix-build nix/sbt.nix | cachix push mycache
To use the binary cache, you need to run cachix use mycache
. We are also using Cachix in our CI build.
name: "Install Cachix ❄️"
uses: cachix/cachix-action@v6
name: neutron
signingKey: "${{ secrets.CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY }}"
You can do the same, just make sure you change neutron
for the name of your cache (creating one is free).
We have seen how the sbt
binary can be cached, though, this applies to any other binary. So next time you come across a derivation that results in a binary, know that you can cache it so your peers don't have to re-build it on their machines, and neither does the CI build!
There were a few attempts to go full Nix:
Unfortunately, both projects seem abandoned. It is also worth noticing that these projects are very ambitious and Nixifying an entire Scala project is not a trivial task.
There is another active project named sbt-derivation, which is not as ambitious as the others but it does what it promises. It basically creates two derivations: one for all the jar dependencies and another one for the project. The former derivation is identified by a depsHash256
, so if we add a new dependency, the hash will change and it will fail the build if we forget to update the hash.
The project under modules/nixified
showcases the usage of sbt-derivation
with sbt-assembly
, the default building mechanism. The project is defined as follows:
{ jdk ? "jdk11" }:
pinned = import nix/pinned.nix;
config = import nix/config.nix { inherit jdk; };
sbtix = import pinned.sbt-derivation;
pkgs = import pinned.nixpkgs {
inherit config;
overlays = [ sbtix ];
pkgs.sbt.mkDerivation {
pname = "sbt-nixified";
version = "1.0.0";
depsSha256 = "02xxc6fy73v1m2awmavca7lgyr06fhjyg3q2q08cxr6nmy1s4b23";
src = ./.;
buildPhase = ''
sbt "sbt-nix-derivation/assembly"
installPhase = ''
cp modules/nixified/target/scala-*/*-assembly-*.jar $out
It can be found in the app.nix
file, at the root of the repository. To build it and run it, use the following commands:
nix-build app.nix -o result-jar
java -jar result-jar
The wrapper.nix
file defines a similar build for modules/wrapper
but it uses sbt-native-packager
and it creates a binary wrapper as the output instead of just creating a jar.
New Scala projects using sbt
are usually created using g8
templates by running sbt new template.g8
. However, a bit earlier it was recommended to not install sbt
globally. So, if that's the case, how do we create a new project via sbt new
? The answer is simple: nix-shell -p sbt
. This command will start a new shell with the sbt
package available. You can ask for more packages, if desired.
So to get started, this is all we need.
nix-shell -p sbt
sbt new gvolpe/sbt-nix.g8
You can actually do it in a single command.
nix-shell -p sbt --run "sbt new gvolpe/sbt-nix.g8"
Once we have created the project, follow the instructions in the README file to continue.
Note: the default template follows the approach demonstrated with the example sbt-nix-native-custom
(recommended) as well as using sbt-derivation
to build a binary as an alternative, but you can also checkout this repository and play around with the different examples.