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Brandon edited this page Jan 19, 2022 · 1 revision



    "ENABLED": "true",

    "SYMBOL": "ALPHA",
    "ADDRESS": "0x0490c1076552ed3c91876ead9f6a547b389e69d4",
    "KIND_OF_SWAP": "tokens",

    "BUYPRICEINBASE":  "10",
    "SLIPPAGE": "25",

    "MAXTOKENS": "100",
    "MOONBAG": "0",

    "RUGDOC_CHECK": "false",
    "WAIT_FOR_OPEN_TRADE": "false",

    "MULTIPLEBUYS": "false",
    "BUYCOUNT": "1",
    "ALWAYS_CHECK_BALANCE": "false",

    "LIQUIDITYCHECK": "false",
    "BASEADDRESS": "0x4446fc4eb47f2f6586f9faab68b3498f86c07521",

    "HASFEES": "false",
    "GAS": "BOOST",
    "BOOSTPERCENT": "1",
    "GASLIMIT": "1000000",

Enable / Disable trading 
	(if false, the bot won't try to buy tokens)
Ticker of the token you want to trade.
	(example: ALPHA)
Contract address of the token you want to trade.
1/ "KIND_OF_SWAP": "base"   --> you want to swap with an amount of Base tokens
	(example : I want to buy 1 KCS of ALPHA token)

2/ "KIND_OF_SWAP": "tokens"  --> you want to swap an exact amount of tokens
	(example : I want to buy 50 ALPHA tokens)
(used with "KIND_OF_SWAP": "base")

Enter the amount of tokens in the base symbol that you want the bot to place a buy order with.
(used with "KIND_OF_SWAP": "tokens")

Enter the amount of tokens that you want the bot to buy 
(used with "KIND_OF_SWAP": "tokens")
Enter the maximum amount of KCS / ETH / FTM... that you want the bot to use, if you're swapping per tokens. 
	(This option avoids you spending too much to buy the tokens you're trading for).
(used with "KIND_OF_SWAP": "base")

Buy price of 1 token in the base symbol. (If the price of 1 token is < or = to this price, the bot will place a buy order.

If you want the bot to never buy, set BUYPRICEINBASE = 0
Sell price of 1 token in the base symbol : if the price of 1 token is > or = to this price, the bot will sell.

	(it will sell at the Market price, not at your price)

	If you want the bot to never sell, set SELLPRICEINBASE = 99999999
Set your Stop Loss price in the base symbol . 
	Bot will sell if token price < STOPLOSSPRICEINBASE
Slippage you want to use (Denominated in %).
Must be TRUE or FALSE

"false" : the bot uses native token (KCS / ETH / MATIC / BNB / FTM / MATIC)  to trade.
 	You only need to hold this native token
"true" : bot uses the BASE pair you've entered.

	Please note: 
		By using this option, the bot needs to route your transaction through several routes 
		(Custom base token  --> Native token -->  Token you're sniping)
		and one of these routes could have low liquidity.
Symbol of the token you want to trade with if you selected USECUSTOMBASEPAIR = True
(in this example : I want to buy ALPHA with the KCS I have in my wallet)
Contract address of the token you want to trade with if you selected
Must be TRUE or FALSE.

TRUE: the bot will always route thru the NATIVE TOKEN liquidity pool. 

FALSE: the bot will always use the most direct route.
	(MIM / USDT / USDC / BUSD/etc.)

Use this option if you want to trade with liquidity in a stable coin. 
	(MIM / USDT / USDC / BUSD/etc.)

	Please note : When using the LIQUIDITYINNATIVETOKEN option, if you set up the
	wrong configuration, the bot will trade the wrong pair.
This parameter is used to make the bot stop buying once a certain balance is obtained.

The bot ALWAYS checks MAXTOKENS before placing a buy order. 
	(BALANCE >= MAXTOKENS, the bot will not place buy orders.)
Minimal amount of token you want to keep in your wallet.
	(If you don't want to keep any token, enter "0".)
Call RugDoc's API to check if a contract is a honeypot.
	(Please take note RugDoc is not 100% reliable!)

Ask the bot to wait for XXX seconds before placing a BUY order.
	(Useful if you want to avoid anti-bot protection.)
This option is for tokens where liquidity is added, but the dev team enables trading with a special function.

Two scenerios:
	 "WAIT_FOR_OPEN_TRADE": "true" --> the bot will scan pending transactions and wait for the price to move simultainiously.
	 "WAIT_FOR_OPEN_TRADE": "mempool" --> the bot will only scan pending transactions.

To make "WAIT_FOR_OPEN_TRADE": "true"  work, you need to snipe on the same liquidity pair that is being added.

Why? Because if you try to snipe in USDT and liquidity is in KCS, the price will move because of the volatility between USDT and KCS.

	Liquidity is in KCS :

	Liquidity is in USDT:
 use LIQUIDITYINNATIVETOKEN = false / USECUSTOMBASEPAIR = true / BASEADDRESS = 0x4446fc4eb47f2f6586f9faab68b3498f86c07521

Please note: there are many ways to enable trading, so it is very difficult for the bot to detect all scenerios. I will keep this function as updated as possible, so be sure to update your bot regularly. 
Tells the bot to stop trading after XXX failed transactions.
Tells the bot to stop trading after XXX success transactions
AlphaBot is able to create up to 5 different trades with 5 different wallets at the same time! 
	(Useful for tokens where trading is limited to a maximum amount per wallet).
Must be set if MULTIPLEBUYS = true
	Tells the bot how many orders to place at once.
To optimize AlphaBot's speed, by default, your balance is checked only initially at launch. 
Set this to TRUE, If you would like the bot to detect your wallet's balance while the bot is trading, to sell the tokens as quickly as possible
	(Please note: if TRUE, this does slightly decrease performace speed).
Enter the amount of token that you would like the bot to sell.
Select "TRUE" if you want to trade a token with additional fees.
	(automatic transfer to liquidity when you buy / additional taxes / rebase / etc.)
Two scenerios :
	Set your own fixed Gas price --> simply set Gas price in "GAS" parameter.
	("GAS": "200")

	Let the bot calculate Gas price via web3 in real time + BOOST.
	(recommended setting is 1000000 to avoid to "out of Gas" errors)
This is for ETH only : sets Max Priority Gas.
	(The max priority fee, also referred to as the "miner tip", goes to the miner or validator, 	and incentivizes them to prioritize your transaction. Most often, the value you put in 		for "max priority fee" will be the amount you pay.)
Use this option if you want the bot to set the minimal amount of liquidity you require in the Liquidity Pool before an order is placed. 
	(Please note liquidity amount is set in $).