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Xavier GOULEY edited this page Jan 11, 2019 · 11 revisions

asterism logo

Build your dashboard, control/monitor everything you want as long as there is a plugin for that.

asterism is made in NodeJS, React and Materialize CSS. Palm oil free!


  • A private server remaining ON to run the background application (Linux like), reachable in a protected network area only (public version with authentication will come later),
  • One or more clients to display and control the dashboard via a Chrome browser (tablet, computer, mobile phone...).
  • Server part is not compatible with Microsoft Windows OS. Web part is compatible with Google Chrome & Chromium only >= 71.

Want to use asterism in domotics?

Please go to the asterism-for-domotics project If you just want to install asterism to use it in domotics, this is for you.

Developer documentation

The technical and developer documentation is here. If you want to install and develop on the platform (like a new plugin?), this is for you.

The documentation of library to include in your developments is here.


Due to main use of the wonderful component, this application is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0.