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mypileup (CSE185 Project Demo)

(Work in progress!)

This is a demonstration project for CSE185. It implements a subset of the the "pileup" method available through samtools. See the samtools mpileup page for more details.

Install instructions

Installation requires the pyfaidx and pysam libraries to be installed. You can install these with pip:

pip install pyfaidx pysam

Once required libraries are installed, you can install mypileup with the following command:

python install

Note: if you do not have root access, you can run the commands above with additional options to install locally:

pip install --user pyfaidx pysam
python install --user

If the install was successful, typing mypileup --help should show a useful message.

Basic usage

The basic usage of mypileup is:

mypileup [-f ref.fasta] [other options] in.bam

To run mypileup on a small test example (using files in this repo):

mypileup -f example-files/test.fa example-files/test.bam

This should produce the output below:

chrTEST	3	C	1	^!.	F
chrTEST	4	T	2	.^!.	FH
chrTEST	5	A	2	..	FH
chrTEST	6	G	2	..	FH
chrTEST	7	C	2	..	FH
chrTEST	8	T	2	..	FH
chrTEST	9	A	2	..	FH
chrTEST	10	C	2	.G	FH
chrTEST	11	G	2	..	FH
chrTEST	12	T	2	..	FH
chrTEST	13	A	1	T	H

To compare to output of samtools mpileup, run:

samtools mpileup --no-baq -f example-files/test.fa example-files/test.bam

mypileup options

The only required input to mypileup is a (sorted, indexed) BAM file. Users may additionally specify the options below:

  • -f FILE, --fasta FILE: faidx indexed reference sequence file. If specified, the mpileup format includes the reference base at each position (in column 3). Otherwise, the reference position at each base is listed as "N".

  • -r REG, --region REG: region in which pileup is generated. Format chr:start-end. By default, the entire BAM file is processed.

  • -o FILE, --output FILE: Write output to file. By default, output is written to stdout.

File format

The output file format is the same as the samtools mpileup method. See:


This repository was generated by Melissa Gymrek, with inspiration from the TRTools, haptools, and many other projects.

Please submit a pull request with any corrections or suggestions.


To run tests:

# Run command line tests
sh tests/

# Run unit tests
python -m pytest --cov=.


Demo CSE185 Project






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