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How To Read Documentations For Beginners NeuralNine


Qt for Python PyAutoGUI
PyQt5 Reference Guide PyQt5中文教程 Python3中文文档 PyGObject Real Python Tutorials(s, )
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Flask Python Programming(quora, )
Python Web Frameworks(quora, )
anvil(s, ) Flask Web迷途小书童 迷途小书童 py实用模块
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Al Sweigart Termux(v, Wiki, )

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Mastering Python - Everything You Need To Know To Become a Python Master

All Top 40 Python Libraries EXPLAINED in 20 minutes



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PyCon AU


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Corey Schafer(u2b, ) Python Simplified(u2b, )
彭彭的課程(u2b, ) Alfred Essa(u2b, )
mCoding(u, s, git, reddit, ) Luke Barousse(u2b, )
蚂蚁学Python B, git, u ruoyu zhang(u, )
Python Programmer(u, ) Sebastiaan Mathôt(u, )
Pyathlon u Know-How u
Tech-Gram Academy u PyPros u
麦叔编程 u u 轻松学python u
Python导师-蚂蚁 抖音号: ant_python DigitalSreeni u
python导师-lisa 抖音号: python.1 Python私教-有霸夫 抖音号: youbafu
程序员白白 抖音号: 80920602680 codebasics u

程序员zhenguo 抖音号: 1055516139



💪🏻MuscleCoding 抖音号:MuscleCoding 千锋教育 u
I know python u b001 u
趣科技分享 u World of Python u


流畅的Python(B, ) 5小时学会Python 数据分析与展示(2020年版)
Python ABC(site, u2b, B, tmp, )
Python制作GIF动图 动图数据可视化基础教学
Python 编程王子浩谦 241 个视频
Python Crash Course 宝器之港
Learn Python in 7 hours| For Absolute Beginners | Using Jupyter Notebook Harshit Agarwal
20 Beginner Python Projects freeCodeCamp
Python FULL Crash Course For ABSOLUTE Beginners Austin Davis
Python for Beginners – Full Course [Programming Tutorial] freeCodeCamp
老男孩教育 Python全栈开发第3期 Chocobo
听说学 Python 找不到工作?试试这个学习路线!【程序员鱼皮
Programming Terms Corey Schafer
李兴华-Python编程 沐言优拓
60天Python零基础入门 学点编程吧
Python Tutorial techTFQ
Python Programming Video Tutorials for Beginners Amulya's Academy
5 Tips To Organize Python Code Tech With Tim
jaystone776/python-data-science-cheatsheet Python数据科学速查表
25 nooby Python habits you need to ditch mCoding
Sebastian Witowski - Writing faster Python
学习Python - 初学者全程(freeCodeCamp)4:26:51
Python Tutorial for Beginners [Full Course] - Learn Python Full Course [2020](My CS)
Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners [Full Course](Programming with Mosh)
MIT's Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python [Full Course]
6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python. Fall 2016
IPython 入門 Yen-Lung Tsai
麦子学院-项目-Python开发跨平台的记事本 开发者学堂 Yang Liu
【python】4小时初学者教程 GrandmaCan -我阿嬤都會
零基础入门学习Python C鱼

Python科学计算三维可视化-黄天羽(北京理工大学)(u, )

3D Visualization with Mayavi | SciPy 2018 Tutorial | Prabhu Ramachandran Enthought
mayavi doc

Intermediate Python Programming(freeCodeCamp, sentdex, Tech With Tim, NeuralNine,

Indian Pythonista, )

Python Coding Tech
Python FAST API Tutorial Tech With Tim
Make YOUR OWN Programming Language in Python CodePulse
Simple Math Interpreter in Python CodePulse
Python全套精讲课程 覃秉丰
Python3 X新特性 开发者学堂
Python语言编程基础 开发者学堂
Python 数据库编程 开发者学堂
快速掌握 Python 学习手册 Yang Liu
Python系统管理 Yang Liu
最新Python编程教程19天从入门到精通 知识改变命运(Chocolates)
Python Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Python in 5 Hours [FULL COURSE] TechWorld with Nana
Python Tutorial for Beginners freeCodeCamp
12 Beginner Python Projects - Coding Course freeCodeCamp
Algorithmic Trading Using Python - Full Course freeCodeCamp
Python f-strings can do more than you thought. f'{val=}', f'{val!r}', f'{dt:%Y-%m-%d}' mCoding
The Magic Of Python Tech With Tim
Python Is Weird... Tech With Tim
Programming for Beginners - How to Code Tutorial with Python and C# freeCodeCamp
Python零基础入门教程5小时完整版(2020年最新版) 程序员小飞
Best 8 Python's One line Codes | PYTHON3x | One Liners | Explanation | Code Optimization Know-How
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Python Basics with Sam freeCodeCamp
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Intermediate Python Programming Course freeCodeCamp
小甲鱼Python零基础入门教程(全集96讲) 野生IT散修
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传智教育 s 黑马程序员 u
传智播客 python公开课 —— 8天深入理解Python Zack Micheal
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传智播客python就业班 07阶段 爬虫 Zack Micheal

{% embed url="" %}

【黑马程序员-基础班】课件 抖音号: itheima1024
1 Linux基础 2 python基础
3 面向对象 4 项目飞机大战 -python案例
01 网络编程 02 多任务
03 web服务器v3.1 04 Python高级语法v3.1
05 MySQL数据库v3.1 06 mini-web框架v3.1
07 HTML和CSS 08 首页布局案例和移动布局
09 JavaScript 10 jQuery和js库
11 Django框架 12 git版本管理
13 redis数据库 14 天天生鲜Django项目
15 flask框架 16 微信公众号
17 爱家租房项目 18 通用爬虫模块使用
19 MongoDB数据库 20 爬虫scrapy框架及案例
21 数据分析 22 机器学习
23 深度学习 24 数据结构和算法
25 Python网络爬虫 26 机器学习入门篇
27 机器学习入门篇2 28 机器学习提升篇
29 数据挖掘篇 30 深度学习必备原理与实战
31 深度学习必备原理与实战2 32 深度学习必备原理与实战3
33 深度学习必备原理与实战4 Caffe 34 深度学习项目实战 Caffe实战
35 深度学习项目实战2 项目实战:机器人写唐诗 36 深度学习项目实战3 style transfer等
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传智播客黑马python+人工智能 15期 bt

面向对象 OOP Object-oriented Programming

Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes(Corey Schafer)
Object-oriented programming in Python(Sebastiaan Mathôt)
Object Oriented Programming Python | Python OOP | (Academic Lesson)
Python 面向对象编程 开发者学堂
Object Oriented Programming with Python freeCodeCamp
Object Oriented Programming with Python - Full Course for Beginners freeCodeCamp
Intro to Object Oriented Programming - Crash Course freeCodeCamp
Object Oriented Programming MIT OpenCourseWare
Data Scientist生产力进阶—Python OOP编程快速入门(第617期) Data Application Lab
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Method Types in Python OOP: @classmethod, @staticmethod, and Instance Methods Real Python
Python小技巧#9:实例方法,类方法,静态方法的区别? 麦叔编程
Object Oriented Analysis and Design simplefunde
OOP in Python | Object Oriented Programming Telusko

Python 教程

Python 教程 doc

Python 语言参考手册

Python 语言参考手册 doc

Python 标准库

Python 标准库 doc


数字和数学模块 doc
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PyMath Flammable Maths


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timeit(文档, )
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wagtail(s, ) scrapy(s, )
sqlalchemy(s, ) functools(doc, ) scapy(s, )
Pylint(v, )
pywin32 pypi git win32gui pypi s doc
win32ui win32con
Python for Windows (pywin32) Extensions s
Learn Dynamic Module Imports In 11 Minutes Web Dev Simplified
5 Python Libraries you need for Data Science CodeEmporium
How to Schedule Tasks with Python using Schedule JCharisTech
Wheel Files: Packaging Python Applications & Modules NeuralNine
Matplotlib 用户指南 (书栈, )
Matplotlib 入门教程 (书栈, )
亚斯特拉的索哥(u, )
麦子学院 Python数据可视化分析 matplotlib 开发者学堂
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Professional 3D Plotting in Matplotlib NeuralNine
Matplotlib Tips Kimberly Fessel doc
MATPLOTLIB 3D PLOTS including Scatter 3D and Surface Plots for Matplotlib Python || Matplotlib Tips Kimberly Fessel git
Python Data Science Tutorial #11 - 3D Plotting with Matplotlib NeuralNine
Matplotlib Tutorial (2021): For Physicists, Engineers, and Mathematicians Mr. P Solver
Plotting Graphs in Python (MatPlotLib and PyPlot) Max teaches Tech
python-pillow/Pillow s
pillow doc9.2.0,ch8.4.0 ch3.3.0 ch2.4
PIL.Image 源代码 8.4.0
Python Pillow Patrick B

Python Modules and Libraries Python Simplified

Image Processing with Pillow - a Python Code-Along

Python Tutorials Corey Schafer
Turn any image into ASCII art! (Easy Python PIL Tutorial) Kite
【Python】综合知识库 小马技术
Advanced Tutorials Code With Swastik
Python (Pillow): working with images | Hindi | Tech-Gram Academy
Python PIL Module Tutorials John Hammond
Image processing with python DigitalSreeni
Image Manipulation with Python and Pillow PyPros
Image manipulation with Python & Pillow (2021) Carberra Tutorials
Streams Carberra Tutorials
18 - Image processing using pillow in Python DigitalSreeni
sympy(s, doc, git, ) v v
SymPy - Tutorial for Beginners (Python) MCC Py Tutorials
SymPy (Symbolic Expressions on Python) in one video | Python # 5 艾哈迈德·巴齐(Ahmad Bazzi)
SymPy (Symbolic Expressions on Python) | The Linear Algebra Edition | Python # 16 艾哈迈德·巴齐(Ahmad Bazzi)
基礎sympy教學 張譽瀚 python教學
Python sympy Module Tutorials John Hammond

Solving Systems Of Equations Using Sympy And Numpy (Python)

Andrew Dotson

Sympy Basics Abdullah
SymPy is REVOLUTIONARY For Mathematical Tasks NeuralNine
Echarts和highcharts的使用 开发者学堂 ECharts数据可视化项目-大屏数据可视化展示-echarts 图表制作-pink老师直播课更新完毕) 黑马前端
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Python NumPy Tutorial for Beginners freeCodeCamp
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NumPy Explained - Full Course (3 Hrs) GormAnalysis
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Pandas 官方教程 (书栈, )
pandas 0.25.3 documentation (书栈, )
Pandas for Data Analysis | SciPy 2017 Tutorial | Daniel Chen Enthought
Solving real-world data analysis problems with Python Pandas! (Lego dataset analysis) Keith Galli
Complete Python Pandas Data Science Tutorial! (Reading CSV/Excel files, Sorting, Filtering, Groupby) Keith Galli
NumPy and Pandas Tutorial | Data Analysis With Python | Python Tutorial for Beginners | Simplilearn
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Julie Michelman - Pandas, Pipelines, and Custom Transformers PyData
Python程序设计系列之利用Pandas处理数据 Andrew 程序设计
Swifter Speeds Up Pandas DataFrames NeuralNine
25 Nooby Pandas Coding Mistakes You Should Avoid Medallion Data Science
Make Your Pandas Code Lightning Fast Rob Mulla
Solving real world data science tasks with Python Pandas! Keith Galli
Pandas Functions Data Independent
Pandas for Data Analysis by Example – Full Course for Beginners freeCodeCamp
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scikit-learn:Python中的机器学习 书栈
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Edward中文文档 (书栈, )
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requests_html爬虫模块 Xiaoqiang Club
Requests Library in Python - Beginner Crash Course NeuralNine
BeautifulSoup(doc, s, pypi, 文档, v, )
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django(s, git, ) django-cms(s, )
麦子学院-django基础 开发者学堂 Yang Liu
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paramiko基础 开发者学堂

Python Tutorial: Datetime Module - How to work with Dates, Times, Timedeltas, and Timezones Corey Schafer

日期与时区编程 Shuo Chen

muduo 网络库 Shuo Chen


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Qiusheng Wu u
Create Dashboard with Folium Map, Streamlit and Python - Full Course Zakaria Chowdhury
Python dashboard libraries: exploring interaction voila, dash, and streamlit Michael Chow
Image Classification with CNN and UI with Streamlit Thursday Content
Plotting Choropleth Maps using Python (Plotly) Indian Pythonista
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Creating Interactive Maps with Python Auth0
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7Days of Streamlit Apps JCharisTech
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Python Maps with ipyleaflet Ryan Noonan
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Modern Machine Learning Apps with Streamlit - No HTML, CSS, JS NeuralNine


An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Python GeoPandas GeoDelta Labs
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Learn Code By Gaming u
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How to convert image to text using python Kian Brose
How I make bots using python (educational) Kian Brose
Botting Kian Brose
Making a Simon Says Bot with Python
Automating With Python - Tutorial freeCodeCamp
pixeldev u Pyautogui
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All Top 40 Python Libraries EXPLAINED in 20 minutes


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tkinter 窗口可视化你的 python 程序 GUI 教学 学习教程 莫烦Python
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Mohammed El Amine Mokhtari

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GTK+3 参考手册 (书栈, )


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Code 2020(u, s, )
Visual Studio Code on Linux s
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「VS Code」Visual Studio Code 教程:从入门到精通

中文版 Awesome VS Code(git, )

极客时间 玩转VS Code

10个好用的VS Code插件(ch, en)

程序员必备开发工具 v

vscode 小插件 v

GitHub Student Developer Pack s

End to End App Development Using Visual Studio Code Microsoft Reactor v

Visual Studio Code 中的 GitHub 简介 s

VSCode Tutorial For Beginners - Getting Started With VSCode 22:56

VS Code Top-Ten Pro Tips

I Don't Need Postman Anymore!! I Use VS Code Instead...

Top 10 Best VS Code Extensions (2020)
The 5 Best VSCode Extensions Tech With Tim
VSCode Tutorial For Beginners - Getting Started With VSCode
Visual Studio Code (Windows) - Setting up a Python Development Environment and Complete Overview
How to Code a VSCode Extension Ben Awad
Don't Use the Sidebar in VS Code!! James Q Quick
Visual Studio Code James Q Quick
VSCode Web Dev Simplified
Visual Studio Code Crash Course 1:32:34 freeCodeCamp
25 VS Code Productivity Tips and Speed Hacks Fireship
Bye Bye VSCode! What i use now is INSANE! Code with Ania Kubów
Microsoft Visual Studio u
VSCode源码分析 (书栈, )


AceJump git JetBrains/intellij-community git
down JetBrainsTV u
DataSpell: A Brand New IDE for Data Scientists Using Python and R JetBrainsTV
微软vscode强劲对手JetBrains Fleet 后盾人
IntelliJ IDEA 13试用手记 blog
IntelliJ IDEA | Full Course | 2020 Amigoscode
JetBrains 下一代编辑器 Fleet 初探 小刘不是程序员


PyCharm Version Control w/ Git & GitHub | Basics in 12 Minutes | Updated 2022 Max teaches Tech
PyCharm Tutorials Max teaches Tech
PyCharm Tutorial World of Python
配置pycharm+wsl的开发环境 藕丝空间


Lapce - Powerful New Code Editor Gamefromscratch





Cython(s, v, git, doc, 文档(s, git, ), 书栈, ) PyPy(s, 书栈, )
pybind11(doc, ) eigen(s, doc, intro, )
eigency(pypi, git, ) Python高性能.第2版.pdf
深入理解并行编程.pdf 《Python Cookbook》第三版 s git bdy pdf
高性能计算 抖音号:80021144

ARCHER High Performance Computing Service u

High-Performance Computing with Python: Numba and GPUs 25:27
Christoph Deil - Understanding Numba - the Python and Numpy compiler 30:28
How to Accelerate an Existing Codebase with Numba | SciPy 2019 30:30
Fun Python Albert's Code Lab
Learn CPython by Breaking It Coding Tech


Dask u
Dask 是一个开源库,旨在为现有Python 堆栈提供并行性。 Dask 与Python 库(如NumPy 数组、Pandas DataFrame 和scikit-learn)集成,无需学习新的库或语言,即可跨多个核心、处理器和计算机实现并行执行。
什么是 DASK?为何 DASK 在应用 GPU 后表现更出色 思腾合力


CuPy(s, s2, doc, v, pypi, git, 知乎, Guide, API, examples, )
CuPy A NumPy compatible Library for the GPU - Sean Farley
CuPy: A NumPy Compatible Library for High Performance Computing with GPU | SciPy 2019 |
CuPy: A Numpy-compatible Library for HPC with GPU | Masayuki Takagi | SciPy Japan 2020
Valentin Haenel: Create CUDA kernels from Python using Numba and CuPy | PyData Amsterdam 2019
William Horton - CUDA in your Python: Effective Parallel Programming on the GPU - PyCon 2019

线程 进程

Parallel Programming in Python Indian Pythonista
Python并行编程 中文版
【2021最新版】Python 并发编程实战,用多线程、多进程、多协程加速程序运行(B, git, aqy, )
[Python Concurrent programming ] Python 并发编程实战 蚂蚁学Python
Python高级编程和异步IO并发编程 优质VIP电影、视频 搬运工〈订阅更新〉
Locking & Synchronizing Threads in Python NeuralNine
Multiprocessing in Python NeuralNine
Why is Python So Slow & Does it Matter? NeuralNine
Threading Tutorial #1 - Concurrency, Threading and Parallelism Explained(Tech With Tim)
Threading Tutorial #2 - Implementing Threading in Python 3 (Examples)(Tech With Tim)
Python Multithreading Tutorial #1 - What is a Thread? Tech With Tim
Let's Learn Python #22 - Multithreading Trevor Payne
Python multithreading Bro Code
Python Threading Tutorial: Run Code Concurrently Using the Threading Module Corey Schafer
Python Multiprocessing Tutorial: Run Code in Parallel Using the Multiprocessing Module Corey Schafer
浅析Python多线程与多进程的使用 汪尊 Leonardo Zhou
Python多线程实战! 麦叔编程
【操作系统】进程和线程的区别 从0开始数
花花酱 线程与进程 并行计算1 - CS大讲堂 EP1 Hua Hua
为什么我们需要使用多线程? - 花花酱 CS大讲堂 EP2 Hua Hua
Unlocking your CPU cores in Python (multiprocessing) mCoding
60天Python零基础入门(32-1/60):subprocess模块 学点编程吧
60天Python零基础入门(32-2/60):subprocess模块 学点编程吧
3 12 subprocess模块 千锋教育
Python Tutorial: Calling External Commands Using the Subprocess Module Corey Schafer


Speed Up Your Code With Cython NeuralNine

cpython, pypy, jython, rustpython这些都是什么鬼 码农高天


Python Asynchronous Programming - AsyncIO & Async/Await(Tech With Tim)
Asyncio - Asynchronous programming with coroutines(sentdex)
Python tricks: Demystifying async, await, and asyncio(Sebastiaan Mathôt)
Asyncio: Understanding Async / Await in Python Coding Tech
#4.2 加速爬虫: 异步加载 Asyncio (爬虫 scraping 基础 Python) 莫烦Python
Async Await try-catch hell Fireship
为什么要使用 async/await ?技术小哥
High Performance Computing /Parallel Computing 5 Minutes Engineering
Cmu parallel computing Ren Li
Stanford CME 213: Introduction to Parallel Computing using MPI, openMP, and CUDA Winter 2020 Eric Darve
PyCon 2015 - Python's Infamous GIL by Larry Hastings
How Fast is Python's Sort? Performance Test.(mCoding)
22 并行计算(网课慕课)
高并发系统设计40问 极客时间
Python Multiprocessing Tutorial: Run Code in Parallel Using the Multiprocessing Module Corey Schafer
Python Threading Tutorial: Run Code Concurrently Using the Threading Module Corey Schafer
Computer Science - Parallel Computing nptelhrd

{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/[].Python高性能编程.pdf" %} Python高性能编程 {% endfile %}


kivy(s, )
Kivy Tutorial(uList, ) Kivy Intro(u, blog, )
Kivy Course - Create Python Games and Mobile Apps freeCodeCamp
Kivy - Mobile and Desktop App Dev w/ Python sentdex
Python App development(uList, )
Kivy自学笔记 Xiaoqiang Club
Kivy Tutorial for Beginners ProgrammingKnowledge

Web app

Skolo Online u
Python for Web Development – Crash Course [API, SQL Databases, Virtual Environment, Flask, Django] freeCodeCamp
Python Django 7 Hour Course Traversy Media
Flask PythonProgrammi
Python Microservices Web App (with React, Django, Flask) - Full Course
Django / Tailwind Tutorial - Code a Netflix Clone freeCodeCamp
【Flask Web 教程】Yufan Zheng
Learn Flask for Python - Full Tutorial freeCodeCamp
RESTFul API With Flask ProgrammingKnowledge
Python REST API Tutorial - Building a Flask REST API Tech With Tim
REST API Crash Course - Introduction + Full Python API Tutorial Caleb Curry
NestJs Course for Beginners - Create a REST API freeCodeCamp
Build a Django REST API with the Django Rest Framework. Complete Tutorial. CodingEntrepreneurs
Flask Course - Python Web Application Development freeCodeCamp
90分钟用Python和Flask开发博客系统 麦叔编程
Why Microservices Fail Coding Tech
python Tornado 开发者学堂
Machine Learning Web App JCharisTech
Python Website Full Tutorial - Flask, Authentication, Databases & More Tech With Tim
Python API Development - Comprehensive Course for Beginners freeCodeCamp
Streamlit部署YOLOv5目标检测 迷途小书童的Note
I built the same app 3 times | Which Python Framework is best? Django vs Flask vs FastAPI Python Engineer
Python使用Flask开发Web服务 蚂蚁学Python
Flask Blueprints Make Your Apps Modular & Professional NeuralNine
Django For Beginners - Full Tutorial Tech With Tim
Microservices with FastAPI – Full Course freeCodeCamp
Flask & FastAPI Sure
Django Authentication & User Management - Full Tutorial Tech With Tim
Python+Django网站开发系列 Andrew 程序设计
Python In The Browser! PyScript First Look Traversy Media
PyScript is Python in Your Browser NeuralNine
Build a Social Media App with Django – Python Web Framework Tutorial freeCodeCamp
Django REST Framework Course – Build Web APIs with Python freeCodeCamp
Web Development with Python Tutorial – Flask & Dynamic Database-Driven Web Apps freeCodeCamp

视频编辑, 视频剪辑, Video Image Editing

Video Image Editing(PyB TV)
Automatic YouTube Video Generator (Python Script) Aaren Stade
Automated Video Editing With Python NeuralNine moviepy
Split Screen Videos with MoviePy NeuralNine
Create Your Own Custom MoviePy Animations NeuralNine
调整srt字幕时间,Python实现 s
Linux 上最好的 9 个免费视频编辑软件(2018) Linux中国


小熊猫 u 何老师Python u
Python 6小时网络爬虫入门课程完整版(2020年)程序员小飞
Python爬虫 程序员小飞
不扯淡Python爬虫学习路线 (2021) 麦叔编程
崔庆才_Python3爬虫入门到精通课程视频 34课 true while
爬虫基础教学 (Python Scraping 教程) 莫烦Python
Python网络爬虫实战 开发者学堂
21堂信息掘金课,零基础小白也能用数据开挂 Yang Liu
scrapy框架爬虫教学与实例 BT
【Scrapy 爬虫教程】Yufan Zheng
Scrapy Course – Python Web Scraping for Beginners freeCodeCamp
【python】selenium 网页自动化、网路爬虫 GrandmaCan -我阿嬤都會
Python 网络爬虫:从入门到实践 git
Web Scraping with Python - Beautiful Soup Crash Course freeCodeCamp
【Python的網頁爬蟲與資料分析】 人工智慧與數位教育中心 NCCU AIEC
崔庆才Python爬虫系列课程(全) BiteOfPython
互联网开发教程 u
Python3.8入门 & 进阶 & 原生爬虫实战完全解读 Jomy King
sczhengyabin/Image-Downloader 谷歌、百度、必应图片下载
csuldw/AntSpider 1000万豆瓣电影/评论/名人/评分数据采集源码
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Python 网络爬虫从入门到实战 蚂蚁学Python
Beautiful Soup 4 Tutorial Tech With Tim
Weather API Tutorial in Python NeuralNine
豆瓣爬虫项目,从0到1爬虫教程【Python爬虫实战项目】 图灵星球Turing Planet
Python爬虫—国庆档电影爬取与分析【千锋】 千锋教育 drive
2019千锋Python爬虫超详细教程(精华版) 千锋教育 drive
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網路爬蟲實戰教學 大數軟體有限公司
XPath Crash Course For Python Web Scraping NeuralNine
就想写个爬虫,我到底要学多少东西啊?崔庆才 机器学习初学者
网络爬虫实战 DayDayUP
Python爬虫编程基础5天速成 Python入门+数据分析 网课知识大全
Python数据爬虫实战 Python学习指南
ChatGPT教我Python爬虫 1小时搞定数千家公司信息 TheDataQ
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Network Programming with Python Course (build a port scanner, mailing client, chat room, DDOS) freeCodeCamp

Python Socket Programming Tutorial Tech With Tim

Python Sockets Simply Explained NeuralNine

File Transfer via Sockets in Python NeuralNine

Using IPv6 Sockets in Python NeuralNine

TCP vs UDP Sockets in Python NeuralNine

Android Chat App in Python NeuralNine

Python For Networking NeuralNine

Python 3 Basics Tutorial Series sentdex

Python网络编程 Shadowalker git

[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Node with SocketIO Build A Full Web Chat App From Scratch

[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Socket.IO (with websockets) - the details. (socket io v2)

WebSockets Beginners Tutorial with Socket.IO freeCodeCamp


Python-Excel(PyB TV)
Automate Excel With Python - Python Excel Tutorial (OpenPyXL)(Tech With Tim)
【python】自动化操作excel(openpyxl)GrandmaCan -我阿嬤都會
Python and Excel Programming With OpenPyXL
Python处理Excel,实战办公自动化 蚂蚁学Python

Manage Folders and Files

Manage Folders and Files(PyB TV)
Python Tutorial: Automate Parsing and Renaming of Multiple Files Corey Schafer



How to Convert HTML to PDF using Python buckmasterinstitute
JazzCore/python-pdfkit HTML to PDF wrapper
wmjordan/PDFPatcher PDF补丁丁 s
Merge PDF Files in Python NeuralNine
Extract PDF Content with Python NeuralNine
Splitting PDF Files with Python NeuralNine


Python Tutorial: CSV Module - How to Read, Parse, and Write CSV Files Corey Schafer


Python Tutorial: Working with JSON Data using the json Module Corey Schafer
Learn JSON in 10 Minutes Web Dev Simplified
What is JSON ? Telusko
JsonCrack v
普通話 | Python JSON處理 CHANNEL 536

Auto Download of Videos & Images

Auto Download of Videos & Images (PyB TV)



Reproducible Data Analysis in Jupyter Jake Vanderplas



git wiki

Dockerizing Jupyter Projects towardsdatascience

Reproducible Data Analysis in Jupyter Jake Vanderplas

bqplot Seamless Interactive Visualizations and Dashboards in the Jupyter Notebook | SciPy 2018

Building Interactive Applications and Dashboards in the Jupyter Notebook O'Reilly

Dashboarding with Jupyter Notebooks, Voila and Widgets | SciPy 2019 | M. Breddels and M. Renou Enthought

Jupyter widgets- Maarten Breddels (Maarten Breddels), Sylvain Corlay (QuantStack) O'Reilly

Jakub Czakon: 10 things you should know about Jupyter Notebooks | PyData Warsaw 2017

The Jupyter Interactive Widget Ecosystem | SciPy 2018 Tutorial | Matt Craig

Jupyter Tips and Tricks Google Cloud Tech

Geographical Data Visualization in Jupyter Notebook (ipyleaflet Tutorial Starts from 11'45") Data Science Show

Getting Started with Plotly and Jupyter! Mark Jay

Learn Jupyter Notebooks Mark Jay

3D interactive Graph Animation in Jupyter Notebook mechanical coder engineerknow

Jupyter Widgets doc examples git

搭建 ipython/jupyter notebook 服务器 Ming's Blog

Introduction to Jupyter notebook and Python Serena Bonaretti

Step-by-step tutorials for transparent research Serena Bonaretti

Jupyter Notebook (Tips, Tricks and Hacks) Indian Pythonista

Jupyter notebooks are more powerful than you think CodeEmporium

IPython s Documentation

nbviewer A simple way to share Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebook Viewer nbviewer

Turn Jupyter Notebooks to Web Apps in Python NeuralNineLangGraph



JupyterLab: A Next-Generation Notebook Interface doc git

JupyterLab: The Next Generation Jupyter Web Interface InfoQ

STOP Using Jupyter Notebook! Here's the Better Tool Thu Vu data analytics JupyterLab

pandas Installation JupyterLab s

The Best Jupyterlab Extension That You Didn't Know Existed! Thu Vu data analytics

在 JupyterLab 中绘制流程图 Chenglu



Binder Documentation

How to share a Jupyter notebook with Binder? Serena Bonaretti

BinderHub search

Binder 2.0: Next Gen of Reproducible Scientific Environments w/ repo2docker & BinderH | SciPy 2018 Enthought



Plotly Python s

Getting Started with Plotly and Jupyter! Mark Jay git

LEARN PLOTLY Art of Visualization

Using Plotly and iPython for Scientific Graphing #MP41 Montreal-Python

Python Hacks : Data Visualization using Plotly - Introduction Fluidic Colours

Plotly For Web Based Data Visualization - Basic Charts Using Plotly, Pandas & Matplotlib In Python TheEngineeringWorld

Introduction to Dash Plotly - Data Visualization in Python Charming Data



Geospatial Analysis with Python Rogue Hogue

Introduction to Geospatial Data Analysis with Python | SciPy 2018 Tutorial | Serge Rey

EuroSciPy 2017: GeoPandas - geospatial data in Python made easy

Python: OpenStreetMap API - add Longitudes and Latitudes by using Geopy module Data Science Garage






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一篇文章搞懂Python装饰器所有用法【建议收藏】 麦叔编程
Python 函数装饰器 runoob
Reuven M. Lerner - Practical decorators - PyCon 2019
Spinning ASCII Donut in Python 🍩 Make Things
Donut-shaped C code that generates a 3D spinning donut Lex Fridman
PySpark Tutorial freeCodeCamp
pygame 3小时制作一个游戏 GrandmaCan -我阿嬤都會
Stardew Valley Game Clone with Python and Pygame – Full Course freeCodeCamp
Creating a Stardew Valley inspired game in Python Clear Code
Drum Machine with Python and Pygame – Full Project Course freeCodeCamp
Pygame Tutorial for Beginners - Python Game Development Course freeCodeCamp
2D Game Development | Pygame Pyathlon
Pygame Programming Tutorials Tech With Tim
Pygame in 90 Minutes - For Beginners Tech With Tim
Pygame Tutorial - Creating Space Invaders Tech With Tim
Pygame Car Racing Tutorial Tech With Tim
Python 游戏开发(中国国家精品课程)华人开放式课程MOOC
Python Project: Snake and Apple Game In Pygame codebasics

PyGame Tutorial World of Python

Python game building World of Python

Zelda in Python Clear Code
Convert Python to Android with WINDOWS & LINUX + Fix Common Bugs Python Simplified
3D Animation in Python Tutorial Mandaw
PYTHON:How to access mobile camera to PC monitor Cyber Monster
Python's staticmethod and classmethod, what are they for? mCoding
Jupyter Notebook Tutorial codebasics
jupyter 数据应用课程直播 Min Yuan
porth I don't use Python anymore... Tsoding Daily
发布一个Python包,你需要做哪些事? 小旭学长
Compiling & Decompiling Python Scripts NeuralNine 反编译
用Python实现自动发送邮件 朱卫军
Create email and text message SMS alerts with Python! ClarityCoders
How to Send Emails Using Python - Plain Text, Adding Attachments, HTML Emails, and More Corey Schafer
How to Automate Emails with Python [New Method 2022] Frank Andrade
Send Emails using Python | HTML Formatting | HTML Tables | Emails with Attachments | HTML Templates BI Insights Inc
How to send HTML Emails using Python || smtplib Fun With Code
Send sms with python - hacking using sms Hybrid technology
How to Send an Email with Python Tech With Tim
[程序员小飞]Python如何定时发送邮件|Python定时器|SMTP POP3 程序员小飞
Whatsapp Automation - Send Attachments - using Python Get Set Python
Bandwidth Monitor in Python NeuralNine 带宽监视器 psutil
Password Manager in Python NeuralNine cryptography
一节课教你用Python打造一个简单的信息管理系统 Python学习者
Physics Simulations With Python and PyMunk Tech With Tim
Why Random Numbers Aren't Random Tech With Tim
Generating ACTUALLY Random Numbers in Python NeuralNine
Pseudo-Random Number Generator From Scratch in Python NeuralNine
Counters in Python Simply Explained NeuralNine
Python之禅Python 中《import this》背后的故事 刘志军
有趣的Python之import this 大蟒蛇
Why bpython is Awesome DevDungeon
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Manage Multiple Python Versions with PyEnv NeuralNine
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Memory Allocation and Management in Python - simplified tutorial for beginners simplefunde

Memory Management in Python - The Basics North Bay Python

Python Memory Management | Garbage Collector in python | Reference Counting Algorithm | Part 1 Part 2 Code Framer

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Google Python 风格指南 书栈
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Python的代码风格 PEP8 麦兜搞IT
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commitizen不要在瞎提交git啦! Pegasus Wang


Learning Python? You Must take a look at this book! Not Just for Scientists.(Python Programmer)
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Python note-zw

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