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Fixably interview assignment


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Edit .env to have a code for token retrieval. API_CODE=


The ApiOrderService public methods are tested against the real API endpoint

  • bin/phpunit


The tasks were implemented as Symfony Console commands. Some parameters are supported, but all commands have defaults picked from the assignment.

List available commands:

bin/console list fixably
Available commands for the "fixably" namespace:
  fixably:order-status-counts  Show counts of orders with each status
  fixably:orders               Fetch all orders for a Brand with an assigned Technician
  fixably:submit-order         Submit a new Repair Order
  fixably:weekly-sales         Show sales report for a period

Help for a command

bin/console fixably:orders --help
  Fetch all orders for a Brand with an assigned Technician

  fixably:orders [<brand>]

  brand                 Brand to fetch [default: "iPhone"]


Task 1:

The token fetching is handled in the background, so no separate command for that

Task 2:

The description was slightly vague regarding what statistics to fetch... So I made a simple interpretation:

bin/console fixably:order-status-counts
| Status   | Count |
| Assigned | 1415  |
| Closed   | 855   |
| Open     | 537   |
| Unpaid   | 223   |

Task 3:

bin/console fixably:orders iPhone
| Id    | Created    | Status   | Technician | Device            |
| 9289  | 01.10.2020 | Assigned | Mira       | iPhone X          |
| 9363  | 06.10.2020 | Assigned | Seppo      | iPhone 8          |
| 9368  | 06.10.2020 | Assigned | Katri      | iPhone X          |
| 9395  | 06.10.2020 | Assigned | Iida       | iPhone 12 Pro Max |
| 9399  | 08.10.2020 | Assigned | Seppo      | iPhone 12 Pro Max |
| 9459  | 13.10.2020 | Assigned | Pekka      | iPhone 12 Pro Max |
| 9485  | 13.10.2020 | Assigned | Suvi       | iPhone 8          |
| 9496  | 13.10.2020 | Assigned | Pasi       | iPhone 8          |
| 9517  | 14.10.2020 | Assigned | Katri      | iPhone 12 Pro Max |

Task 4:

bin/console fixably:weekly-sales 2020-11-1 2020-12-1
| Week     | Invoices | Invoice Change % | Total amount | Change-% |
| 2020, 45 | 77       |                  | 18454.23     |          |
| 2020, 46 | 82       | 6.5              | 21604.18     | 17.1     |
| 2020, 47 | 75       | -8.5             | 15344.25     | -29      |
| 2020, 48 | 73       | -2.7             | 15544.27     | 1.3      |
| 2020, 49 | 32       | -56.2            | 7679.68      | -50.6    |

Task 5:

bin/console fixably:submit-order

The application will ask questions interactively:

Device Type [Laptop]:
[0] Laptop
[1] Phone
[2] Tablet

Manufacturer [Apple]:

Brand [MacBook Pro]:

Issue description [Broken screen]:

[OK] Order created with Id: 14574

| Id           | 14574            |
| Type         | Laptop           |
| Manufacturer | Apple            |
| Brand        | MacBook Pro      |
| Created      | 07.05.2022 09:16 |
| 07.05.2022 09:16 | Issue | Broken screen |


The implementation process went basically so that I created a command and added the necessary methods to the OrderService interface.

Then I wrote a test for the method against the ApiOrderService to verify I get back data in expected format.

As I had access to an API endpoint for testing data I decided not to mock any HTTP calls, though the HttpClient has quite good support for that and I typically have to do it as there is no test endpoints for use.

The token fetching is automated before each API call.

The error handling is very basic, but should handle typical API failures.

src/Command contains the Symfony Console Commands that handle the input/output. Instead of Commands one could very easily implement some Controllers for web page rendering or whatever.

The Commands use only an interface for fetching Domain formatted DTOs

src/Service contains the OrderService interface and one implementation. The interface is very top-level and does not expose any knowledge of the real API.

src/Dto contains the Domain models for communicating with the OrderService interface.


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